Find support materials about ILLiad.
- OCLC Community Center: Resource Sharing
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Resource Sharing product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- After upgrade for the ILLiad Client, the Billing Manager, the WebPlatform or Database Manager are getting a version mismatch
- After August 30, 2022, I can no longer access the Copyright Clearance Center from ILLiad
- After connecting to the ILLiad Server via SFTP, how do I test edited Web pages?
- After DOCLINE updated to 6.2.50, I get a javascript error when importing requests in ILLiad.
- After updating ILLiad to 9.2.3 or 9.1.6, we are unable to print
- After I upgrade my Microsoft Windows to the latest version, when I process items from Article Exchange I need the files to go to the directory I was using before the upgrade
- After upgrading our ILLiad server, our patrons are getting the error message, “Internal Error: An unhandled exception was raised.”
- After upgrading to 9.2 and above, nothing happens when opening the ILLiad client
- After upgrading to 9.2, Docline is not working correctly
- After upgrading to 9.2, my ILLiad Client addons or LUA scripts do not work.
- After upgrading to 9.2, some of my ILLiad services are missing
- After upgrading to ILLiad 9.0, my barcode font is not printing
- After upgrading to ILLiad 9.x how do I issue an IFM refund?
- Am I able to delete the files in my Microsoft SQL Setup Bootstrap Update Cache on my ILLiad SQL Server?
- An ILLiad request is stuck in Awaiting Lending Scanning
- Are cancelling invoices permanent? Are you able to bill again after a cancelled invoice on the same item?
- Are there any changes that ILLiad needs to make when DOCLINE updates their Address on 8/12/2019
- Are there any issues with ILLiad and EFTS move to MLA?
- Are there any password history requirements when setting new passwords in ILLiad?
- Are there any plans of using IFM with Reprints Desk with ILLiad?
- Are there individual memberships to ILLiad, or do I have to be a library?
- Are there WebReports that pull information from both Document Delivery and Borrowing requests?
- Article Exchange Addon no longer supported
- As a Lender, can I update requests that have a Special Message?
- As of 9.2 the Odyssey logs are no longer in the Client.
- A borrowing site is sending books and emails to the wrong contact at our site, how do we fix this?
- A patron is getting an error message that says, "Error sending password reset email" when they click the forgot password link, how can I fix this?
- A patron is getting an error that says blocked due to invalid patron type, how can they regain access?
- A queue has disappeared in my Borrowing, Lending, or Document Delivery tabs. How can I see it again?
- A staff member who was a contact for ILLiad and WorldShare is retiring, where do we need to update our contact information to reflect this?
- A user is noticing the OCLC number on a request changes after the request is sent, why is this?
- Because I am purging old authorizations from my system, how do I know which ILL authorization I am using for ILLiad?
- Borrowing conditionals status not updating properly
- Buttons are missing from ILLiad
- Why do I get an OpenDataSource error when printing in ILLiad?
- Can a hidden field be added to our Include Menu web page to specify a Document Delivery process type?
- Can a patron have both ILLiad Authentication and Remote Authentication at the same time?
- Can a patron track the history of their requests?
- Can a user account have multiple email addresses in ILLiad
- Can borrowers be blocked temporarily?
- Can ILLiad notification emails have a Reply To address that is different than the From address?
- Can ILLiad run under MacBooks?
- Can ILLiad send a confirmation email to patrons after they make a request?
- Can ILLiad use a SIP2 username with a barcode as the Username?
- Can ILLiad Web Circ or Web Reports be made to accept EZproxy Remote Authentication Credentials instead of ILLiad credentials?
- Can ILLiad Web Reports be Exported
- Can I add a Status tag to the logon.html Web page?
- Can I customize statistics from ILLiad database information?
- Can I edit a borrowing note after I've already sent it?
- Can I edit the borrowing notes of a request
- Can I submit a request for a User with Alma without having an ILLiad Username already created?
- Can I turn off the Web login unblocked key for an ILLiad user?
- Can I use the ILLiad 9.1 Web Pages on the 9.0 Web Server?
- Can I use the TestWeb site while using Remote Authentication in ILLiad?
- Can our librarians work from home when we are an ILLiad OCLC Hosted site?
- Can shipping and Return labels pull from anywhere besides Constant Data?
- Can the ILLiad Client print or export the Borrowing Copyright Report?
- Can the ILLiad WebCirculation be set up so it can check items in that are not at the status of "Checked out to Customer?"
- Can the Odyssey notifications sent to patrons on electronic delivery be configured to use different templates for different patron categories?
- Can we bypass 9.1 and go straight from 9.0.4 to 9.2?
- Can we change the footer of our ILLiad Web Pages?
- Can we run the ILLiad Addons from a different directory than within the ILLiad folder?
- Can we set up our ILLiad Print Templates to be on a shared drive?
- Can we switch to remote authentication around the time we upgrade?
- Can we use HTML in our Email Notifications in ILLiad?
- Can you explain the Borrowing Turnaround Time reports and how it works?
- Can you have two instances of the client on the same machine pointing to a different server?
- Certain requests in ILLiad will not load and give a generic error instead
- Change Password does not display the correct message in 9.1
- Changing Required Fields in 9.2
- Converting old ILLiad print templates from .doc to .docx
- Custom SQL Requests for Hosted ILLiad sites
- Custom SQL Work
- DefaultAccounts Table in the Customization Manager
- Determine if an ILLiad request is in our WorldCat Knowledge Base collection
- Does anyone use the accounts named Atlas or OCLC in Staff Manager, or can we delete them?
- Does ILLiad have a limitation where you cannot have a password with blanks before or after the password?
- Does ILLiad keep track of when user accounts are created?
- Does ILLiad require Adobe Acrobat to open PDF files?
- Does ILLiad Support ISO ILL?
- Does ILLiad Support ISSN searching in Primo/Alma?
- Does ILLiad support Linux SQL Servers?
- ILLiad mailhost emails aren't arriving. Does OCLC support DMARC using DKIM for notifications?
- Does ILLiad Support Windows Server 2019?
- Does ILLiad User C++ for any of its components?
- Does our library need to provide you with updated federation metadata for our hosted ILLiad install?
- Does the ILLiad Database Manager have a log?
- Do I need to check an item in when it is sent through Odyssey?
- Do I need to keep anything lower than Framework v. 4.0 on my Web Server anymore?
- Do I need to set up separate directories for the Odyssey Send and Receive folders when I am on an ILLiad Shared Server?
- Do I need to stop the web service and back up ILLiad for an Odyssey update
- Do SharePoint paths work in Customization Manager?
- Do the 9.1 Web pages support RSS feeds?
- Do we need a server restart after editing custom holdings
- Do we need to save our print templates before a hosted upgrade?
- Editing Lending Web Pages
- Error connecting after IP change of ILLiad database
- Everyone of our staff now see the default layout in ILLiad when we all had it customized previously
- Featured ILLiad Troubleshooting articles
- Finding and replacing the new Docline 6.0 scripts
- FTP Timeout for hosted ILLiad site
- How are upgrades handled for hosted ILLiad sites?
- How can I automatically update Docline Scripts in ILLiad?
- How can I change my logo in the ILLiad web interface?
- How can I check which version of ILLiad I am running?
- How can I clear items that appear to be "stuck" in Awaiting Electronic Delivery?
- How can I clear requests stuck in Awaiting OCLC Sending?
- How can I connect to WorldCat Discovery catalog with Z39.50 in ILLiad
- How can I delete a user through ILLiad?
- How can I do a Custom Request search in ILLiad?
- How can I find out how a patron was created?
- How can I fix a problem in ILLiad where I have one computer unable to connect to Docline?
- How can I get a list of all my patrons in ILLiad?
- How can I get a report of my ILL Fees for Borrowing for ILLiad?
- How can I go directly to an Electronic Document that is at the Transaction Status of "Delivered to Web?"
- How can I move invoices from the print queue?
- How can I see an error log in ILLiad?
- How can I see in ILLiad the items that show up in WorldShare ILL as In Transit?
- How can I set up an ILLiad billing default for institutions for varying amounts?
- How can I set up a DLL log for the Web Pages so I can troubleshoot the Web interface issues?
- How can I set up a Group of ILLiad lenders that lend for free?
- How can I set up Microsoft SQL Management Studio to do Database queries on a Hosted ILLiad site?
- How can I shut down my library so no one can Borrow or Lend from us in ILLiad?
- How can I test changes I made in the TestWeb folder when I am using EZproxy with ILLiad?
- How can our library make the Lending Web pages secure from libraries that are not yet approved?
- How can our patrons cancel requests that have already been processed?
- How can patrons Clone a request on the Web?
- How can someone register with ILLiad Authentication when we are using RemoteAuth Authentication?
- How can we change our contact information for ILLiad upgrades?
- How does Article Exchange work in ILLiad?
- How does AutoClearPreRegisteredUsers work with new patrons authenticated through any other way than ILLiad Authentication?
- How does automatic user creation work in ILLiad?
- How does Delivery Method Per Item work in ILLiad for Loans?
- How does Email Routing work in ILLiad?
- How does ILLiad Copyright Clearance Work?
- How does ILLiad Exclusive work with the password when it is used to Validate users?
- How does ILLiad know where to look for documents I've scanned, and can I change the location?
- How does ILLiad know which field to use in an OpenURLMapping table when there can be redundancies in the different fields coming across
- How does PatronAPI work with ILLiad?
- How Does Real Time Availability work with ILLiad?
- How does the ATLAS Authentication Portal work with ILLiad?
- How does the DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup work?
- How does The Electronic Delivery Backup Folder work?
- How does the "Logon As User" button work in ILLiad?
- How does the Patron Load work with ILLiad?
- How does the UserValidation table work in ILLiad?
- I get an error when trying to register an ILLiad account, but I can't see the cause.
- How does Z39.50 work in ILLiad?
- How do Authorized Users work with ILLiad?
- How do I access the WebReports from within the ILLiad Client?
- How do I add and remove Delivery Locations in ILLiad?
- How do I add an ILLiad site/affiliation?
- How do I add a Default Account in the ILLiad DefaultAccounts table in the Customization Manager?
- How do I add a Field to Confirm Patron's Shipping Address when Using Mail to Home Service?
- How do I add a group in the Group Maintenance for ILLiad?
- How do I add a key for the AddonLocations?
- How do I add a request manually for a patron in the ILLiad Client?
- How do I add lender addresses to Rapid requests?
- How do I add New Users Manually into ILLiad?
- How do I add or edit information in the WorkformMapping table in Customization Manager?
- How do I add or modify a Lender address in ILLiad?
- How do I add or remove a flag in ILLiad?
- How do I add or remove Custom Holdings Groups in ILLiad?
- How do I add tags to my Email Import?
- How do I add the Default Note to my cancellation notices in ILLiad?
- How do I add the system URL to emails and print templates?
- How do I apply a different Constant Data record to a borrowing request in ILLiad so that the correct information is applied to the request?
- How do I break out the date so the Photo Journal Date shows Year and Month separately in an ILLiad incoming request from a patron?
- How do I break the link for one patron account that has transactions and delete it in ILLiad
- How do I build an OpenURL link from PubMed into ILLiad?
- How do I cancel a notification that failed?
- How do I change an ILLiad Lending Library Password that is coming through the Lending Web Pages?
- How do I change a User Password in ILLiad when I am using ILLiad Authentication?
- How do I change the Logout URL that ILLiad goes to when a patron logs out of the system?
- How do I change the Web Session timeout in ILLiad?
- How do I clear the 1061 error that says Connection Manager cannot be restarted?
- How do I completely uninstall the ILLiad Client so it can be reinstalled?
- How do I configure a Borrowing Renewal to be allowed after the Due Date?
- How do I connect to Docline if I am a Government Agency that uses a federal government ID card login method (PIV/CAC)?
- How do I construct a search for patrons in Database Manager?
- How do I create a field on the Registration form and I want to see the field in ILLiad for Preferred Name
- How do I create a ILLiad Customization Manager shortcut on the desktop?
- How do I create a list of blocked institutions in ILLiad?
- How do I Create a New Borrowing User Manually in ILLiad
- How do I create a new Username to replace an old Username for RemoteAuth Authentication in ILLiad
- How do I create a Web Alert for my patrons?
- How do I create or remove ILLiad Addons?
- How do I customize my email settings if the settings in the ILLiad Customization Manager are not enough to work with my Email?
- How do I customize the Copyright query so it uses six years instead of five?
- How do I delete Transactions before a set date from my ILLiad Database?
- How do I delete one patron with transactions?
- How do I delete users from my ILLiad Database?
- How do I deliver articles electronically in ILLiad?
- How do I disable all billing in ILLiad so we do not bill anyone for Borrowing Doc Del or Lending?
- How do I disable Direct Request in ILLiad?
- How do I disable TLS 1.1 on my ILLiad Web Server?
- How do I do a batch update for the Users, Transactions, or Lenders in ILLiad
- How do I edit an ILLiad print template?
- How do I edit an ILLiad Word Template?
- How do I edit my ILLiad Notifications?
- How do I edit OpenURL so the month will show up in an ILLiad request?
- How do I edit the Borrowing, Doc Del, and Lending Cancellation reasons that show up in ILLiad?
- How do I edit the phone number or email on outgoing ILLiad Email Templates?
- How do I enable Debug logging in the ILLiad Client?
- How do I enable Direct Request for ILLiad?
- How do I find out what version of the ILLiad Client I am using?
- How do I fix an error when printing in ILLiad mentions setting up a table?
- How do I fix an error message in ILLiad, "Request is in use by another user. Refreshing list?"
- How do I fix an issue where I migrated the ILLiad Database but the services will not start?
- How do I fix a problem when I am trying to sign into my ILLiad Web Site and I am getting an error message saying "Internal Server Error 500?"
- How do I fix Connection Manager errors?
- How do I fix ILLiad DOI Resolver DSP addon issues?
- How can I unlock an ILLiad patron's account if they get a login limit message?
- How do I fix it if I have one patron contacting us about a problem with OpenURL to ILLiad from FirstSearch?
- How do I fix it on the ChangeUserInformation Web Page in ILLiad, I am seeing a drop-down option for Hold for Pickup twice?
- How do I fix it so I can process ILLiad Electronic Delivery because the Process Files is grayed out
- How do I fix it so my OCLC tab is showing again in ILLiad?
- How do I fix it so that when my patrons register, they have all their Notifications boxes checked?
- How do I fix it so the due date does not change when sending a renewal request?
- How do I fix it when I am getting an Odyssey Alert that says Notification Failed?
- How do I fix it when I am getting a File in Use error message when I trying to print in ILLiad?
- How do I fix it when I am getting a message in ILLiad that says 401: Unauthorized?
- How do I fix it when I am not seeing all the fields in the Notes or History section of a request in ILLiad?
- How do I fix it when I am part of a consortium and a lender billed me when they are not supposed to bill for reciprocal sites
- How do I fix it when I am trying to deliver articles in ILLiad, I am getting a WebPlatform error message?
- How do I fix it when I have a file that I edited and saved the PDF, but I am getting PDF Conversion failed error message in ILLiad?
- How do I fix it when I shipped and item in ILLiad, but the Borrowing site says they do not see it as shipped?
- How do I fix it when printing in ILLiad, my mail merge is pointing to a wrong data source even though when I went to the Document outside of ILLiad and set up the data source correctly?
- How do I fix it when the ILLiad Client is unresponsive?
- How do I fix it when we updated items as shipped in ILLiad, but they are showing the OCLC Status of Considering?
- How do I fix the ILLiad Copyright WebReport when it shows items that have copyright payment required when they should not be in the report?
- How do I fix the OCLC status when I have a book that was billed because it was damaged and the request is finished, but the OCLC Status says "Received - Overdue?"
- How do I get a custom report within ILLiad?
- How do I get a great amount of detail for the Connection Manager logs?
- How do I get a list of all transactions for one patron and put it in Excel?
- How do I get a Mail merge document to work properly so I can work within the mail merge in ILLiad?
- How do I get ILLiad to stop sending overdue notices when the request is closed in WorldShare ILL
- How do I get it so when I print in ILLiad, it goes directly to the printer?
- How do I get logs from the Hosted ILLiad server?
- How do I get my ILLiad logon page to show a Password reset link when we use ILLiad Authentication
- How do I get my institution added to or removed from a GAC group in the Policies Directory?
- How do I get the ILLiad Billing Manager to go Live for other sites on a shared server?
- How do I get the ILLiad Hosted Server Build?
- How do I get the Lending Fill Rate Statistics for ILLiad and not the groups I have listed?
- How do I get to the ILLiad Lending Web Pages for my site?
- How do I get accurate Borrowing Fill Rate Statistics in ILLiad?
- How do I include all journals for the Most Requested Journal Report in ILLiad?
- How do I increase the field length of the mobile phone field from 15 to 25 character in the Users table?
- How do I increase the number of lines in the ILLiad View Notifications table that patrons view in the Web interface?
- How do I install an ILLiad Client Addon?
- How do I install an ILLiad Server?
- How do I install a new ILLiad Server, but it is not the latest version?
- How do I install ISO ILL for the first time if I am using ILLiad 9.1 or higher?
- How do I install or disable an ILLiad Server Addon?
- How do I install the latest version of the ILLiad Client?
- How do I integrate ILLiad with Aeon?
- How do I know which form do I need to update the Registration information
- How do I limit what a patron sees in the Outstanding Requests in ILLiad?
- How do I make changes to an existing OCLC Request in ILLiad?
- How do I Manually add a Lender Address?
- How do I manually create a new request in the ILLiad Client?
- How do I manually update a request in ILLiad?
- How do I merge ILLiad Lender Addresses?
- How do I merge users in ILLiad?
- How do I prevent the Title under Loan Info being overwritten by Z39.50 information?
- How do I print receives in ILLiad?
- How do I process all my Docline or RAPID requests that are delivered by Odyssey that are showing up in Electronic Delivery under the No ILL Number Match?
- How do I process an ILLiad Unfilled Request properly to resubmit the request?
- How do I process a Borrowing Renewal request as the Borrower?
- How do I process Doc Del Article Requests to scan later?
- How do I process Doc Del Loan Requests?
- How do I process items that I am going to receive as electronic articles?
- How do I resend an overdue notice in ILLiad?
- How do I resend a cancelled request in ILLiad?
- How do I respond to a Borrowing request for a Renewal?
- How do I rollback an ILLiad Client update?
- How do I route the queue "In DD Stacks Searching" into a Borrowing Transaction Status?
- How do I say yes or no as a Borrower in ILLiad to a Lending Conditional?
- How do I schedule an upgrade for a hosted ILLiad Server?
- How do I search in ILLiad for the OCLC item?
- How do I setup an SFTP connection to the Hosted ILLiad Server using WinSCP?
- How do I set a patron account to not be billed?
- How do I set it up in ILLiad so the Web pages pull the NVTGC options from the CustomDropDown table for my Registration page?
- How do I set up Odyssey Documents for Automatic Delivery?
- How do I set it up so that all articles coming in either through Odyssey or Article Exchange are sent to the patron automatically?
- How do I set it up so that Odyssey Requests are no longer sent automatically to the patron?
- How do I set it up so that the Docline Scripts Auto Update when I open up the ILLiad Client?
- How do I set Request Limits for patrons in ILLiad?
- How do I set up an SFTP connection with Filezilla to connect to my ILLiad Server?
- How do I set up a connection through SFTP that goes directly to a folder on the ILLiad server?
- How do I set up a custom query to find out all the patrons who email address does not match my institution?
- How do I set up a Custom Queue?
- How do I set up a custom search in ILLiad for Transactions with multiple User statuses?
- How do I set up a Microsoft Access Link for the OCLC ILLiad Hosted Site?
- How do I set up a print exception for the courier service?
- How do I set up a Z39.50 connection to Alma from ILLiad?
- How do I set up a Z39.50 connection to WMS from ILLiad?
- How do I set up ILLiad Item Availability to work with my Knowledge Base?
- How do I set up ILLiad when I have Multiple sites using the same OCLC symbol for downloading requests on a shared server?
- How do I set up Lending Returns to Automatically update?
- How do I set up Microsoft Access link if I am self-hosted?
- How do I set up my ILLiad Services for Debug Logging?
- How do I set up Office 365 email to work with ILLiad
- How do I set up OpenURL for Alma using ILLiad?
- How do I set up Rush Processing in ILLiad?
- How do I set up shared server web pages?
- How do I set up SymphonyAPI?
- How do I set up Text Messaging in ILLiad?
- How do I set up the ILLiad Groups Maintenance in the ILLiad Client?
- How do I set up Web pages for specific Patron statuses in ILLiad?
- How do I set up Z39.50 to auto search when I open a transaction in ILLiad?
- How do I stop the Borrowing Pickup Reminder Server Addon from sending out notices?
- How do I submit a copyright order in ILLiad?
- How do I submit ILLiad Feedback?
- How do I turn on IFM for ILLiad?
- How do I uninstall and install the ILLiad System Manager and the Rapid Manager services?
- How do I uninstall the ISO Manager and the ISO Service from my Self-Hosted ILLiad server
- How do I update a Lender Address so they are not billed for borrowing from us?
- How do I update ILLiad on my server to 9.1?
- How do I update ILLiad so that I can let the Lender know that I have Lost the book?
- How do I update ILLiad to the newest version on my Web Server?
- How do I update messages that are sent to the patron when they are using the ILLiad Web pages?
- How do I update my Article Coversheet in ILLiad?
- How do I update the Address that shows up on the ILLiad Workforms?
- How do I update the Docline URL that is being accessed by ILLiad to
- How do I update the Innopac API settings?
- How do I set the IP address of Odyssey in the Policies Directory?
- How do I update the new 9.1 Web Pages with my Generic Requests that are part of the include menu.html?
- How do I update the NVTGC of the DisplayStatus table where the NVTGC is ILL and I want it to be something else in ILLiad?
- How do I update the options in the Shipping Options drop-down in the ILLiad Client?
- How do I use the ATLAS Integrated SAML on my ILLiad server?
- How do I use the Electronic Delivery Utility to send requests when I have scanned the articles already?
- How do I verify a network path that ILLiad will use?
- How do I work with sorting and filtering print documents?
- How do routing rules work in ILLiad?
- How do the Status Tags work in ILLiad?
- How do we automatically contact the patron before the request status is "In Transit to Pickup Location"?
- How do we change the patron password when we are using ILLiad Authentication?
- How do we contact RAPID for ILLiad questions?
- How do we find out the size of our SQL Database when we are hosted by OCLC?
- How do we fix the 9.1 Web pages notes field that is showing an incorrect time?
- How do we fix the issue in ILLiad when we are not receiving any new requests on the Lending side?
- How do we migrate our ILLiad Server to a new server if we are self-hosted?
- How do we remove ILLiad outgoing Notifications that failed and there is no From address?
- How do we specify which statuses that patrons see?
- How do we set up different ILLiad pickup options for Loans?
- How do I use a non-standard SQL port in ILLiad?
- How do we temporarily disable Overdue Notices?
- How do we update the Max Cost in ILLiad so we can respond Yes to a conditional?
- How do you update the Drop Down Menus in the ILLiad Client in the Patron record?
- How long are ILLiad Transactions kept on the OCLC hosted site?
- How long do electronically delivered articles live on the ILLiad server?
- How many characters are allowed in the ILLiad Outgoing Email Notifications Subject field?
- How many ILLiad Licenses can you have?
- How many licenses does a hosted ILLiad site have
- How often are the ILLiad Hosted servers backed up?
- How often are the ILLiad Hosted sites backed up?
- How to adjust timeout for Web Circ
- How to avoid any 9.2 client issues after your server update to 9.2
- How can I delete an ILLiad user account?
- How to determine what version of ILLiad Database Manager to install
- How to expand the footer in the new ILLiad web pages
- How to I find out the symbols for the ILLiad Borrowing Web Report "Borrowing-Who We Borrow From" that show a percentage, but no symbol?
- How to I update the ILLiad printout information so it has my new contact information like phone number, name, or email address?
- How to remove incorrect records in ILLiad copyright submissions
- How to setup RemotePDFStorage for your PDF files on the server
- How to Update Due Dates in ILLiad
- How to Update SSO Certificates for use with the ILLiad SAML Module
- How to update the SQL Alias Manager for Shared Server install?
- How to update your supplier status from within the ILLiad Client
- I'm getting an error message in a Print document that says "the merge field is not in the data source", how can I fix it?
- I am getting an IFM token error with CCCGetItNow addon
- If a patron changed their password recently and I change the password complexity requirement, will the patron have to change their password again?
- If I accidentally mark an item as shipped with IFM charge and I cannot do Undo Shipped in ILLiad, how do I fix this issue?
- If I am getting framework error messages in ILLiad with Windows 10, how do I fix this?
- If I do not want to be charged for Borrowing, how do I set that up?
- If I have a Lender Address with no Requests in it, can I delete it from the ILLiad Client?
- If I have multiple users who sign into ILLiad on one computer and I set up DEBUG logging, will I need to do it for each user on the computer?
- If I need someone to help customize our ILLiad Web pages, who do I contact?
- If I need to create a field on the patron request form in ILLiad that uses ItemInfo1 field, how do I do that?
- If I need to edit an ILLiad Word Document Field, what is the best way to do this?
- If I submit a request through API in ILLiad, will it count towards a patron's request limits?
- If I update a Lending request from article to book in the ILLiad Client, does it change what the next library sees for the document type if I cancel the request?
- If I update my WebPlatform API key in the ILLiad Customization Manager, do any services need to be restarted?
- If I use the ILLiad Database Migration Assistant, does it delete the old Database?
- If I use the notes field in ILLiad, will the Borrower see the note?
- If I want all incoming ILLiad Lending requests to have the Default Shipping method to be US Mail, how do I set this up?
- If I want the base URL for OpenURL for ILLiad, what do I use?
- If I want the Due Date that shows up in a Transaction to be a few days before the lender wants the item, how do I do that?
- If I want to Limit the Doc Del or Borrowing Turnaround Time Report for only requests sent through Automated Request Manager, how would I do that?
- If I want to save an article to a shared drive before sending it as a Lending request in ILLiad, how do I do that?
- If we are an ILLiad site, and we do not see any requests in Awaiting Odyssey Processing, do we still need to process electronic delivery?
- If we have to have an Odyssey Document delivered again, do we have to delete the old PDF file?
- If we have to have a disaster preparedness plan for ILLiad, what should we consider?
- If we update our URL, do we need to make any customization changes in ILLiad?
- If we want to run SAML on a hosted ILLiad server, can our other sites on that server keep their authentication setup?
- ILLiad: Does upgrading the ILLiad Client break our ODBC links for MSSQL?
- ILLiad 9.1 is no longer supported
- ILLiad addons are still using Internet Explorer even after upgrading to 9.2
- Awaiting Customer Contact not sending out notifications
- ILLiad cannot download Items from Clio
- ILLiad Client crashes trying to deliver a PDF via Odyssey
- Custom Reports
- Delete Patrons request
- ILLiad emails are going out from outdated email addresses
- ILLiad error says version mismatch, but the version numbers look correct in the Customization Manager
- Everyone is being sent to the Logout page when coming from EZproxy to ILLiad
- ILLiad Fill Rate statistics gives a higher total if you look at each month and total it for the year rather than just looking at the year
- ILLiad won't open and gets a Fatal Exception error in the logs
- ILLiad gives a pre-login handshake, semaphore timeout error
- How do I change when Overdue Notices go out with ILLiad?
- How do I mark an invoice paid in ILLiad?
- How to disable the Billing Manager in ILLiad
- Installed a new ILLiad Client on a computer and it is saying it is missing a SQL Logon?
- Should ILLiad Services be running on a self-hosted ILLiad test web server?
- ILLiad is freezing when displaying Lending requests
- ILLiad is getting a Microsoft Edge error
- ILLiad is getting a slow response and is sluggish especially when sending electronic articles
- I am retiring and I have questions for appointing new contact for ILLiad
- I forgot the information I need to put in the SQL Alias Manager
- ILLiad not getting any lending requests lately, is ILLiad working correctly
- No longer able to search records using the Transaction number in ILLiad
- OpenURL is not filling in the ISSN field
- ILLiad Patron Expiration Date
- ILLiad printing Barcode is showing the Transaction Number and not the ILL Number
- Printing is not working and I am getting an error message about a table in ILLiad
- An ILLiad request keep changing back to Unfilled
- ILLiad says I do not have a WSKey required for Policies Directory information retrieval.
- ILLiad shared site receiving item and then switching sites for patron causes "Record not found" message for the OCLC Status
- TLS 1.0 no longer being supported
- ILLiad WebPlatform log is not showing any changes for a few days
- ILLiad Web Circulation URL address is not working
- ILLiad web pages cannot be accessed and result in a 503 server error
- ILLiad Web site is being spammed
- We have sent the logon.dbc to a computer that installed ILLiad, but we need the Password for it to work properly
- What do I do when I receive an incorrect item?
- Incoming Request from WorldShare ILL do not have a Document Type.
- In, I am starting to see a new message in the Copyright for "Licensing Available," what does that mean?
- In ILLiad 9.1, there is a message on the ILLiad Main Menu that says "Choose an option from the choices below.," how can I edit that?
- In ILLiad 9.1, I am no longer able to update my OCLC Resource Sharing settings in the ILLiad Client
- In ILLiad 9, where do we add a formstate tag to the documents that it talks about in the Release Notes?
- In ILLiad, as of January 1, 2020, DOCLINE is changing their URL and this is what you need to do to fix your DOCLINE
- In ILLiad, can we upload the Users into the Users table?
- In ILLiad Docline, can I bill through IFM or Invoice or do I need to use EFTS?
- In ILLiad, how do I add a Lender who is not in the list of OCLC Potential Lenders?
- In ILLiad, how do I change my Lender Address table so the Lender strings are all Uppercase?
- How to resolve an ILLiad long title error in Outgoing Notifications
- In ILLiad, how do I make a field not required on any of my Web Forms?
- In ILLiad, How do I print a Lending invoice for a lost book in the Billing Manager?
- In ILLiad, how do I request a WSKey?
- In ILLiad, how do I set up a routing rule so that Rapid Requests do not go to Awaiting Copyright Clearance?
- In ILLiad, is there a way to add in additional queues that we can mark items "In Transit" and "Check Out" in WebCirc?
- In ILLiad, is there a way to delete a patron's request history while keeping stats and collection data?
- In ILLiad I am seeing my emails sitting in pending and they are not going out, how do I fix this?
- In ILLiad, I am trying to Renew a Borrowing request and nothing is happening
- In ILLiad, I first sent out a request with Rapid and then sent it out to OCLC, but I cannot update the OCLC request to received
- In ILLiad, my patrons are not getting notifications
- In ILLiad, my screen display looks wrong
- In ILLiad, what does Awaiting Odyssey Sending queue mean?
- How can I see requests in the Transaction Queues?
- In ILLiad when I try to send an electronic article, it gives me an error and I cannot send the file
- In ILLiad, when trying to search in OCLC, we receive an error message about the underlying connection was closed
- In ILLiad, when we try go to go the PDF file directly, we are getting an Authentication error message
- In ILLiad, Z39.50 isn't displaying the correct location information
- I do not see any EFTSs to generate a file in the Billing Manager
- In the ILLiad 9.1 Web pages in the ViewDefaultDetailed.html page it is correct, but the popup when you mouse over the status showing in the ILLiadMainMenu page, it shows a time that is different than what is in the Tracking table
- In the ILLiad Client, why do some requests occasionally show up with no loan information?
- In the ILLiad lending transaction queues, what is "Web Request Created?"
- In which table is the information from the Imported Request tab pulling from in the ILLiad SQL Server?
- Is ILLiad able to edit PDFs?
- Is ILLiad Compatible with TLS 1.3?
- Is ILLiad compatible with Windows 11?
- Is ILLiad Vulnerable to the Spring4Shell or Springshell?
- Is it okay if I set up a Custom queue for Items Recalled from Customer, or will this cause issues?
- Is it okay if we have two Web Servers pointing to the same Database?
- Is it possible to access my ILLiad Notification Templates outside the Customization Manager?
- Is it possible for a user who has been disavowed in ILLiad to still send requests?
- Is it possible to add a separate agreement to polices form before or after patrons get to the request stage online?
- Is it possible to configure our OCLC hosted ILLiad server to write debug logs to a sub-folder?
- Is it possible to export the Transactions table in Connection Manager?
- Is it possible to get ILLiad statistics by Department and User Status?
- Is it possible to get separate SFTP credentials for testweb?
- Is it possible to point the SQL Alias Manager to two separate ILLiad Databases
- Is it possible to use a SAML connection to authenticate users into their ILLiad accounts without the use of EZproxy?
- Is it possible to use multiple scanners and import PDFs directly into the lending queue?
- Is my IP address range covered for my ILLiad hosted site?
- Is there anything we need to do after adding an ILLiad Server Addon into the Customization Manager?
- Is there any online training for ILLiad?
- Is there any vulnerability to ILLiad with the Log4J or the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability?
- Is there an ILLiad client for Mac users?
- Is there a complete list of Customization Keys in Customization Manager?
- Is there a list of Default ILLiad Transaction Statuses that a patron sees on the Web?
- Is there a List of ILLiad Print templates and their Data Sources?
- Is there a place where I can make edits to the Web pages so I can see what they look like before they show up in production?
- Is there a site we can test receiving Odyssey Documents?
- Is there a way I can restrict access to ILLiad WebCirc or WebReports by IP address?
- Is there a way that I can send out only the Borrowing and Lending First Overdue Notice and not any others?
- Is there a way that I can set it up so that when patrons register that information from our system can be loaded on the Registration form?
- Is there a way to block expired users from submitting requests?
- Is there a way to change the document type for loan requests?
- Is there a way to edit a request that is not in the status of Request Sent?
- Is there a way to edit the template that is generated from the ILLiad Billing Manager when running the Overdue Letter reports?
- Is there a way to fix a request when I accidentally processed an ILLiad Borrowing request as Doc Del?
- Is there a way to get a copy of an email that is being sent in ILLiad to a patron so we know that the email was sent?
- Is there a way to limit borrowing requests to Library Use Only?
- Is there a way to limit the number of Lenders that show up in the ILLiad Workform to be less than 15?
- Is there a way to make sure my electronic articles deliver?
- Is there a way to prevent article and loan information from accidentally populating for each other?
- Is there a way to process renewals automatically while remote working in ILLiad?
- Is there a way to reroute the article sent to the library's email, so you can process it through the ILLiad Client?
- Is there a way to set location for scanning process type?
- Is there a way to stop ILLiad from requesting if we want to update ILLiad when a new patch comes out?
- Is there a way to stop users from requesting items until they are cleared?
- Is there a way we can access the Copyright Clearance Center other than through ILLiad?
- Is the Patron information sent over to Lenders?
- It has been six months since I upgraded ILLiad and when I sign into ILLiad, I am being asked to change my password
- It is the end of the calendar year and I am trying to say yes to a renewal request and the Connection Manager is giving me an error message
- I accidentally copied the OCLC number over the ILL number in a request, how can I track it?
- I accidentally downloaded the latest version of ILLiad but then uninstalled it. After installing the correct version, the client does not open
- I accidentally overcharged for ILLiad IFM billing and I need to lower the amount I am billing so it matches their Max cost
- I added a Delivery location and now when I get to the Workform, I get an error message
- I added some email templates in the Customization Manager, but they are not showing up in the ILLiad Client
- I am adding a new location in ILLiad, how do I update this information to Lenders?
- I am an ILLiad site and my Lenders say my email address is missing when I send out requests
- I am an single server ILLiad site and when I route items to Awaiting Rapid Local Sending it does not do anything
- I am getting an error about the Images path and I cannot open up the ILLiad Customization Manager
- I am getting an error in TestWeb trying to view a PDF, what's causing this?
- I am getting an error message about being unable to open file or assembly when I try to open up the ILLiad Database Manager
- I am getting an error message in ILLiad that "The file specified in the CopyrightFile key could not be found"
- I am getting an error message on my TestWeb site: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable
- I am getting an error message when I click on an item in the NO ILL Number Match field and I need to fix it
- I am getting an error message when trying to upgrade, "ILLiad Client 9.1 Error Error 1325.D3DCompiler 47.dll is not a valid short file name."
- I am getting an error message with the ILLiad Fill Rate Statistics
- I am getting an error message, "your single sign in username could not be used to create a new ILLiad account."
- I am getting an error retrieving status when looking at a Borrowing Request in ILLiad
- I am getting an error when I run the ILLiad WebReport for Borrowing Requests by Department and User Status
- I am getting an SQL "Named Pipes Provider" error when trying to open ILLiad programs
- I am getting an uninstallation error message when trying to upgrade from to
- I am getting a "(404) not Found" error when I try to upgrade my client
- I am getting a Data Transport Connection error message in ILLiad when trying to deliver through Odyssey, what does this mean and how do we fix it?
- I am getting a error when clicking on the Lending Overdues
- I am getting a Fatal Error 1603 when trying to upgrade the ILLiad Client
- I am getting a message asking for a Code when I am trying to install a new Web Server that is not the latest Web Server Version.
- I am getting a missing logon file message when I try to open up ILLiad
- I am getting a Pooled Connections error on my Web Sever, how do I resolve this issue?
- I am getting a red stop sign in the Connection Manager alert, what do I do about that message?
- I am getting a runtime error when I go to the ILLiad WebReports or WebCirc sign in page
- I am getting a script error in ILLiad showing when connecting to Docline
- I am getting a version mismatch message where it says my version of ILLiad is greater than what is on the server
- I am getting PDF Conversion failed and the files sent to me were .tif files
- I am getting the error message, "A severe error has occurred which has caused ILLiad to close unexpectedly" after installing the ILLiad Client
- I am getting the message "Invalid Session ID" when I try to sign into ILLiad through the Web
- I am going to have OCLC Host my Email Server for ILLiad, what Customization Manager changes do I need to make?
- I am having an issue with the Article Exchange requests in ILLiad showing up as Odyssey Document Received
- I am having a long lag when printing with ILLiad and Microsoft Word
- I am having issues printing Odyssey Requests, and the log shows I.E. Browser Handler errors
- I am having troubles updating my Direct Request Profile through ILLiad
- I am in ILLiad 9.1 and when I try to deliver an article in Borrowing, it gives me an error message
- How do I find the path for ILLiad Billing Manager invoice templates?
- I am in a Word document to print a Billing Manager Invoice, but when I go to Mailings ribbon, I do not have a choice to Finish and Merge
- I am logged into the ILLiad Web pages and getting the error, "You may only view transactions that belong to you" when requesting a loan.
- I am missing one of the Default Notification Templates for ILLiad, how can I get it back?
- I am no longer seeing the listing of my different print files under the Printer Setup screen in ILLiad
- I am on a brand new install for ILLiad and when I click on Mark Found Scan now, the request information shows on the left, but no information shows on the right and Send via Odyssey or Article exchange are grayed out
- I am on a ILLiad Hosted site and I am getting an SSL certificate error
- I am on a shared server and we cannot find a username who submitted a request on any of our sites
- I am on a shared server in ILLiad and I am trying to update my LocalInfo table for my site, but I get an error message when I try to save the change
- I am opening my Lending Request for the first time in the status of In Stacks Searching in ILLiad, but the Due Date is not showing
- I am printing in ILLiad and there is information showing up on the page and I do not see a merge field in that area of the unmerged document
- I am printing my Lending Shipping Labels and the system locks up and gives me an error message
- I am searching in the ILLiad Client and I am getting no results
- I am seeing a new status in ILLiad in the OCLC status field that says supplied
- I am seeing a special message and I am not sure what it means?
- I am sending out a notification for a patron and their email is not showing up in the notification
- I am sending out emails and getting a security certificate error
- I am trying to access the WebReports, but I am getting a "Permission Denied" message
- I am trying to complete a request, but it will not allow me to do this because the OCLC status is Received - Overdue
- I am trying to customize my layout in the ILLiad Client, but I do not see the field I want when I go to the Hidden Items tab
- I am trying to get into my OCLC Resource Sharing Settings in ILLiad, and I am getting an error message
- I am trying to get into Web Circulation and I am getting an error message
- I am trying to print a document in ILLiad and I am getting a message that the file cannot be found
- I am trying to print in ILLiad, but the information never updates to the current data
- I am trying to print in the ILLiad Billing Manager service, but the data file is not changing, so I see old data
- I am trying to process Odyssey Requests and I get a message about Entity too large
- I am trying to put files on the ILLiad Hosted server, but it will not allow me to overwrite the files
- I am trying to run the Server Installation file, but I am getting an error message about the IIS Root folder
- I am trying to send a lending request, but it is not updating from considering
- I am trying to upgraded the ILLiad Client, but there are older versions that I cannot uninstall in my Programs and Features
- I am unable in ILLiad to send an article through Article Exchange
- I am unable to change delivery pickup locations on my web pages, how can I change this?
- I am unable to connect to Docline within ILLiad, how can this be resolved?
- I am unable to download any Lending Requests and I am getting an error message in the Connection Manager log
- I am unable to process a file and send it to the Web Server either through Borrowing Scanning or Doc Del Scanning
- I am unable to see all the Transaction Statuses in ILLiad under Borrowing, Doc Del, or Lending
- I am unable to see any shared drives while using ILLiad, but other computers can
- I am unable to send out through Article Exchange and when I look at the ILLiad WebPlatform Log it says access denied for the c:\Windows\Temp\ILLiad and some subfolder
- I am updating my GAC table in the Customization Manager and I am getting a message about it updating all the sites on my shared site, is that okay?
- I am updating my Registration page and removing some Departments from the list, will this cause a problem with the users that have those departments in their user record?
- I am using Alma, NCIP and I need help in how to use the ItemInfo3 field
- I am using ATLAS Authentication Portal, and I need to know what URLs to use for my Webreports and WebCirc
- I am using a BookScan Scanner with ILLiad and I need the Username and Password it is requesting
- I am using a database that sends an OpenURL link to ILLiad, but the wrong form is opening
- I am using ILLiad 9.1 and my patrons are changing to Not Cleared every day and I do not know why
- I am using ILLiad 9.1 or higher and I need to set the ISO log for Debug, how do I do that?
- I am using ILLiad on a Windows 10 machine and I am getting LUA script errors showing up in the ILLiad Client when I try to Process DOCLINE requests
- I am using ILLiad RemoteAuth Authentication and a user is getting an error message that "An account is already configured with that username but is configured."
- I am using the 9.2 Web pages and I want to set it up so no patrons can submit requests manually when they are logged in
- I am using the ILLiad 9.1 Web pages and when I use the Forgot Password on the logon page, I do not get a confirmation message
- I am working from home and today ILLiad is slow responding
- I am working remotely with ILLiad and I am able to connect, but I am getting a slow response time
- I billed an institution for IFM and it is not showing up on our IFM Monthly report
- I can't delete one or more ILLiad users using the Database Manager
- I canceled my request in ILLiad, but it is not showing as canceled on OCLC
- I cannot find an invoice in the Billing Manager for my patron who I billed
- I cannot see any entries in the Events Log in the ILLiad Client
- I cannot see the Transaction Number when I click on a queue, how do I find it?
- I can get into the ILLiad Client, but I cannot get into any of the other services such as the Customization Manager
- I changed our borrowing/lending renewal dates, but the new date is not applying?
- I changed the password for my patron in the patron record in ILLiad, but the password does not work
- I checked an item in from the Lending Library, and when I print receives nothing prints
- I closed a request in ILLiad, but the OCLC Status still shows supplied
- I created a scheduled closure in ILL Policies, but my request keep on disappearing when I come back
- I do not see the Reason why my Direct Request (Automated Request Manager) failed to go out because there is nothing showing in my notes field
- I forgot my SA Password for ILLiad, how can I update the password so I know what the password is?
- I forgot to bill for a Lending request and it did not show up in the Billing Manager, how do I fix this?
- I forgot to submit copyright information for the past six months. How can I add copyright information?
- I get an error when trying to submit a lending request in ILLiad that says LenderNotSupplier
- I have an item I want to deliver electronically in ILLiad, but it is showing in the print box
- I have an item stuck in the status of "In Electronic Delivery Processing"
- I have a bunch of items in Awaiting Post Receipt Processing in ILLiad and I only want to print some of them, how can I do that?
- I have a Custom Holdings group and I cannot add a symbol to it when in the ILLiad OCLC Resource Sharing settings
- I have a failed outgoing notification that cannot be deleted.
- I have a regular user of ILLiad, but I can only find one request
- I have a remote connection to my computer and I need to close down ILLiad Client that is stuck, but Control Alt Delete is not working
- I have a request that went out to Docline, but the SystemID shows OCLC
- I have a user in ILLiad who is not able to complete registration using Remote Authentication and the UserValidation table
- I have Borrowing requests stuck at Awaiting Direct Request Sending, how do I fix this?
- I have forgotten my password for the ILLiad client. How can I regain access?
- I have lost my refresh button in ILLiad
- I have lost Transaction queues like Awaiting Request Processing in the ILLiad Client. How do I get them back?
- I have Outgoing notifications showing in "Pending" status and they will not go out
- I have requests sitting in Awaiting Odyssey Processing in ILLiad and they are not moving out of that queue
- We set our OCLC Supplier Status to No but still get Rapid requests in ILLiad
- How do I merge two patron accounts in ILLiad?
- I just added a new Website for a Delivery Location, but I am getting Error messages about the DLL when I sign in
- I just installed ILLiad and I need to know what I put in the ATLAS SQL Alias Manager for the Server and Database Name?
- If I just installed ILLiad on a new computer, what settings or permissions should I have on my computer?
- I just installed the ILLiad client, but the ILLiad Customization Manager will not open
- I just moved my ILLiad server and now emails are not going out
- I just upgraded and when I try to sign into my Web Page, I am getting a message about the resource has moved or not available
- I just upgraded to a new version of ILLiad on my Web Server and now I am getting an Internal Server Error when trying to deliver through Article Exchange
- I moved my install directory from the c-drive to the e-drive and after I ran an update and some of my services are not starting
- I'm getting an error when I try to print in ILLiad, why is this?
- I need help with an ILLiad Addon
- I need help with ILLiad WebPlatform API
- I need to add the Country field in the ILLiad Registration and ChangeUserInformation pages, how do I do this?
- I need to change the Lending and Borrowing Due Dates for ILLiad, how do I do this?
- I need to have the patrons update all the patrons accounts to our email domain, what is the best way to do it?
- I need to install the ISO Manager because it is missing in my services
- I need to know the number of requests that a patron submitted by using the request form and enter the information manually and all other requests in ILLiad
- I need to know the process for using the Institutional login with Docline with ILLiad
- I need to manage Addons, but I am unable to see the icon in the ILLiad Client
- I need to update the Lending Renewal Due Date after I already put in a date
- How do I upgrade my ILLiad SQL Server to a newer version?
- I noticed a typo in a request that appeared in the Copyright Clearance queue in ILLiad. I'm worried it will affect reporting. Is there a way to correct it?
- I noticed several old files in Test Web aren't carried over when we upgrade, is it safe to delete the files 9.1 doesn't use?
- I noticed there is "IFM Charges" report in the ILLiad Reports, under Lending. Is there one under Borrowing?
- I only want users to use their campus domain emails. Is there a way I can block my patrons from using their personal emails?
- I received a canceled book request, and I need to return it without contacting the customer
- I received a document that I cannot process in Electronic Delivery for ILLiad
- I receive "Error 27506" or "Error -1603" while attempting to run the ILLiad server installer
- I said Yes to a Borrowing renewal, but they are not updating OCLC, what do I need to do?
- I see an ILLiad routing option called Route to Document Provider Processing. What does that mean?
- I see a request is showing the OCLC Status as supplied, but I never received the item
- I see a request where the Send Via Odyssey button is grayed out, why is that?
- I sent a request out through Rapid and now trying to send the request out through OCLC, but I cannot see any holdings
- I set up a validation string for my Registration formname for WebValidation, but my RemoteAuth Authentication is allowing everything through
- I tried to send a Lending Request through Article exchange and it failed, what do I do now to get the item to the Borrowing Library?
- I updated ILLiad to a newer version, but the Customization Manager is getting an error message when I try to open it
- I updated the ILLiad Client to 9.1.5, but now the Database Manager is giving me an error message about the log4net when I try to open the Database Manager
- I upgraded, but my ILLiad Connection Manager service will not start
- I upgraded my ILLiad server and now when I try to sign in to ILLiad, I get an error message saying that the file is missing
- I upgraded to 9.2.4, and I am getting an error message opening any request
- I used Microsoft Word to edit my routing rule and it is not working
- I used to see a pop-up window when printing asking me if I want to print or cancel, but I cannot see it anymore?
- I want a WebReport of the number of Borrowing requests that have been closed in ILLiad over a period of time?
- I want to add a hidden field on the ILLiad Registration form so that everyone has Electronic Delivery is "Yes." how do I do that?
- I want to delete patrons using the ILLiad Database Manager, but my query gets no results
- I want to Delink the Transactions from my users, how do I do this if I am a Hosted site?
- I want to display a message for patrons on the ILLiad web page.
- I want to imbed a link to ILLiad on a page, what URL do I use?
- I want to know how to copy your ILLiad Client Layout to all the other Librarian's clients
- I want to search several options like Publisher and Title in ILLiad OCLC searching, how do I do this?
- I want to set up a Custom Holdings Group for LVIS in ILLiad, but I can only get so many symbols over because there are too many symbols
- I want to set up a new group in ILLiad and I want to make it so none of the borrowing libraries are billed
- I want to set up a redirect on my ILLiad Logon.html page so that my patrons go to our EZproxy sign-in page and then forward to ILLiad
- I want to test my ILLiad Web Validation syntax, where is a good place to go to do this?
- I was asked to upgrade the ILLiad Client today and I am getting an error 1625 that stops the upgrade
- I would like to know the Cost and Benefits of being Hosted by ILLiad?
- I would like to know who I contact to get a demonstration for ILLiad?
- I would like to request that an IP range be opened up for ILLiad client access at one of our new sites?
- Lender and Borrower unable to update an OCLC request.
- The shows we are not lending or accepting returns how can we update our status on this page
- My Custom Holdings Loan Path is not showing all institution members
- My emails are getting an error message about Relay and not going out on my OCLC ILLiad Hosted site
- My ILLiad Column Headers are not displaying correctly
- My ILLiad Email template is not pulling information in for the Lending Department Email
- My ILLiad Lending request stayed in the "Conditional Request" queue even after I filled the request
- My ILLiad server IP address is changing and I want to know where I need to update my IP address for the Odyssey IP address
- My lending requests are not importing into ILLiad
- My password to log into the ILLiad Client is correct, but when I try to enter it, I get a message saying the password is incorrect. Why does this occur?
- My patrons are getting a message about being Locked out about too many login attempts, how can I fix this?
- My patron is getting an error message about PDF not found
- My patron is trying to view electronically delivered articles and they are seeing "File not found" where they usually see "View."
- I received an ILLiad email that an Electronic Article is ready, but it's not on the website
- My Rapid Manager service is not sending or receiving
- My UserValidation import to ILLiad says "Permission Denied."
- My Overdue notices are not going out
- New Procedure for updating ISO in ILLiad 9.1
- None of my emails are going out and I see in the email note that it says Connection Failed, how do I fix this?
- None of my Flags or Notes are showing up on my Lenders Page in my ILLiad Client
- None of our patrons are able to sign in with ILLiad Web pages with LDAP today
- Odyssey requests that are still held in pending even after restarting the ILLiad server services
- On July 31: All interlibrary loan requests initiated in WorldCat Discovery will use the new WorldShare ILL request form
- On our ILLiad Hosted site, why is the time stamp of requests coming from the ILLiad Web Pages showing for the Eastern Time zone United States rather than our time zone?
- Opening a Transaction in ILLiad and Nothing Happens
- OpenURL characters are not decoded properly
- Our email system requires SSL, how can we make our ILLiad emails secure?
- Our ILLiad Client keeps on crashing all day, can we have the ILLiad Server restarted?
- Our ILLiad library cannot connect to Copyright Clearance Center
- Our library has a standard system ID for all of our users, however users keep forgetting to use them or use them incorrectly. Can library staff change usernames in ILLiad to grant everyone access?
- Our RemoteAuthValidation table is correct after upgrading to ILLiad 9.1, but we still can't access our web pages
- Patrons are being kicked out of ILLiad when submitting requests after EZproxy Authentication
- Receiving an error that states "Default holdings not configured" when clicking on the Holdings button in the ILLiad Client ribbon
- Receiving a certificate chain error after installing the ILLiad Client
- Recent SAML vulnerabilities
- ReShare requests in ILLiad are getting getting an error in the notes about "the local ID could not be retrieved."
- Self Hosted sites and the version to update is greyed out when running Start ILLiad Server Updater
- Setting up Remote Authentication in ILLiad 9.2
- Some Docline requests are not imported into ILLiad
- Testing SAML Setup on Hosted ILLiad Servers
- There are items stuck in Awaiting Direct Request Sending
- There is a new button in the Google Scholar Search, but I do not see it
- The Atlas SQL Alias Manager won't open and says "a referral was returned from the server"
- The borrowing location does not have my correct address in their ILLiad Client for my Lender address
- The constant data in our workform is not adding an email address, how can I fix this?
- The ILLiad Client spends a long time loading after login.
- The ILLiad Lending Billing Window is Blank
- The ILLiad PDF Viewer Addon is not pointing to the PDF folder, how do I fix this issue?
- The import folder shows an error when trying to SFTP for a Patron Load
- The request window only opens in a minimized tab along the toolbar, why is this occurring?
- The Transaction Date format is incorrect in the ILLiad Client
- The verified field is missing in the ILLiad Request workform
- Troubleshooting connectivity issues for ILLiad OCLC Hosted sites
- Unable to login to Docline in ILLiad
- Unable to Open a PDF in the ILLiad Client
- Unable to send articles through the Bookeye Scanner
- Unable to use OpenURL after switching to SAML in ILLiad
- Web Alerts not working in 9.1 ILLiad Web pages
- We are an ILLiad Hosted site and OCLC hosts our email server and all our email notifications are going into our Junk Email folder
- We are an ILLiad Hosted site and we made a change in our Customization Manager for an email setting, do we need to contact OCLC to do anything?
- We are an ILLiad self-hosted site and our patrons are getting emails that we do not see on our server as going out
- We are an ILLiad Self-Hosted site and we would like to know about creating a backup server
- We are an ILLiad hosted site and we added or modified a Server Addon, what do we need to do now?
- We are a hosted ILLiad site and our IP address is changing for our Network, do we need to update OCLC with our new IP address range?
- We are a Hosted ILLiad site and we cannot FTP or SFTP with the server
- We are a hosted site. Do we need to manually download the ILLiad upgrade?
- As a hosted site, how do we switch from ILLiad Authentication to CAS Single sign on?
- We are a hosted site. Do we have to do the manual update for 9.1?
- We are a seeing duplicate requests in ILLiad, how can we fix this?
- We are a self-hosted ILLiad site and we need update to 9.1, how do we do that?
- We are a shared ILLiad site, why is one of our sites not receiving any Rapid requests?
- We are migrating our Database and want to know what kind of support we will get from OCLC?
- We are no longer a Hosted ILLiad site but we need access to the WebReports for last year reporting
- We are on an ILLiad shared server and received an error message in the Rapid log regarding the RapidPrimaryLendingDownload Customization key
- We are on an ILLiad Shared server and we are having troubles with one of our sites after we made edits to that directory on the Web Server
- We are trying to send a Borrowing request in ILLiad, but get a JDBC batch error
- We are updating our domain and we need to know what we need to do in ILLiad
- We are upgrading our server to the latest version, and we want to know what kind of support we will get?
- We are using Atlas Auth Portal and we just upgraded and having issues with patrons signing in
- We billed a site through EFTS and DOCLINE and need to remove the bill before the end of the month
- We cannot send or receive ILLiad Odyssey documents
- We can't connect to ILLiad or WorldShare ILL, is ILLiad down?
- We have an ILLiad Server and we are running the ILLiad Updater, but it is showing we have the latest updates when we do not have them
- We have a patron who says he is not receiving an email that we see in the ILLiad Email History that it shows the email successfully sent, what do we do next to troubleshoot the issue?
- We have not received any new lending requests in ILLiad today
- We migrated our server to an ILLiad Test server which is now production and when we go to the logon.html page, it is pointing back to the old server
- We need our ILLiad Services Disabled on the Hosted Server
- We need to disable ILLiad Odyssey, how do we do this?
- We need to edit our OCLC Hosted ILLiad web pages . How do we access them?
- We need to restart our server because we haven’t received new requests in a few hours and there are many new ones in WorldCat Resource Sharing that haven’t pulled in
- We received an ILLiad Book Chapter Article request as a book and loan, how do I fix it so the correct Word Document shows up?
- We upgraded to 9.1 and when a patron signs in for the first time, the patron sees a bunch of error messages on the registration form
- We use LDAP authentication and one user is unable to logon
- We want everyone to login to ILLiad with their LDAP passwords. How can we stop password reset notifications being sent to new users?
- We want to change the Required ID field associated with Registration so it requires nine or fourteen numbers
- We want to delete our Disavowed Users and also keep all their transaction information in ILLiad
- What basic troubleshooting can I do for ILLiad Server Addons?
- What are some general ILLiad Webplatform troubleshooting I can do?
- What are the Best Practices for Configuring the ILLiad PDF Folder on a Muti-Web Directory Server Setup for ILLiad?
- What are the Default ILLiad email templates for Notifications?
- What are the different ILLiad WebReports available to me?
- What are the Hardware and Software Requirements for ILLiad?
- What are the Possible OCLC Statuses that will show up in the OCLC Status box in ILLiad?
- What are the steps I need to take for ILLiad if I am updating my OpenURL to a new location to test, but then I need to go back to the old URL?
- What customization key in the Customization Manager allows for languages other than English on default request pages?
- What Data Sources are used for the different Word documents
- What does it mean when I see Awaiting Article Exchange Review?
- What does the re-release of 9.1.4 involve?
- What do I do if I borrowed an article in ILLiad, but the lender marked it as a loan, but sent me the electronic article?
- What do I do when an ILLiad lender no longer wants to receive requests via Odyssey?
- What do I need to do to Configure RAPID to work in ILLiad?
- What do I need to do to get my scanner to be compatible with ILLiad?
- What do I need to do to set up my ILLiad Server Configuration and Permissions?
- What do I need to know to start SAML with ILLiad?
- What do I need to update if I am going to change the IP address of my ILLiad Server?
- What do I use in ILLiad to create or modify a Staff Account?
- What do the different Theme Selectors look like in ILLiad?
- What do we do when a lender shipped an item and it is showing as Unfilled in ILLiad?
- What should we update if our Web Server IP is going to change?
- What happens after scheduling an upgrade for our ILLiad Hosted Server?
- What happens in ILLiad when an institution is on a lender string twice?
- What information is retained on the ILLiad servers from our Patrons?
- What IP addresses should I give to OCLC to add to their ILLiad Firewall?
- What is a good way to Troubleshoot the ILLiad Connection Manager?
- What is ILLiad ISO?
- What is my ILLiad Server or Odyssey IP address?
- What is the best way to set up a routing rule so that I want the action to be taken on any request that is not an OCLC request?
- What is the best way to test some new Webpages when I am on a shared server?
- What is the character limit for ILLiad Status Lines and can I use line breaks in the Key Value?
- What is the difference between OCLC Status: Submitting and OCLC Status: Considering?
- What is the difference between Odyssey, Borrowing, and Doc Del in ILLiad
- What is the difference between WorldShare ILL and ILLiad?
- What is the difference in ILLiad between Delivery Method and Loan Delivery Method?
- What is the difference in ILLiad between Request Finished and Delivered to Web and are they both considered filled?
- What is the DisplayStatuses table used for in ILLiad?
- What is the file named Debug in the ILLiad client directory?
- What is the ILLiad Directory structure on the Web Server?
- What is the ILLiad RemoteAuth Authentication process?
- What is the new Copyright Order Handling Changes taking place in 9.2?
- What is the order for the Borrowing Overdues to go out to patrons?
- What is the process for incorrectly sent items from a Lender in ILLiad?
- What is the process for printing an Odyssey document when I am in the ILLiad Electronic Delivery?
- What is the process for updating to the latest server in ILLiad
- What is the process our patrons use to Cancel a request in ILLiad?
- What is the proper procedure for decommissioning my ILLiad server when switching over to Tipasa?
- What is the purpose of the Ribbon Display Options icon that is on the top right side of ILLiad 9.2?
- What is the StaffProxyWebURL key used for in ILLiad?
- What key in Customization Manager toggles automatic renewals?
- What photo journals should appear in the Journal Title field of the Copyright tab in ILLiad Client?
- What ports are required for ILLiad?
- What should I do if a title is not in the Copyright Clearance Center, is listed as Special Order Required, or Contact Rights Holder Directly?
- What should I plan to do if I am planning on switching to RemoteAuth Authentication in ILLiad
- What should we add to our SPF record for emails coming from OCLC?
- What to Change When Updating DeliveryLocations Values in ILLiad
- What to do if you are seeing 401 Unauthorized error in the ILLiad Client?
- What to do when you notice your services are not running correctly on your hosted ILLiad server
- What to know before switching from ILLiad to LDAP or SAML authentication
- What URL should be used to access WebCirc when you are Hosted ILLiad
- What Webform opens up in ILLiad for Form=71?
- What Windows permissions or Word settings should I be concerned with when using ILLiad?
- What Windows Servers is ILLiad compatible?
- When a patron is trying to submit a request in the ILLiad Web Pages, they are getting a message about a required field that is not on the request form
- When a patron submits an "Other Request," where does the information shows up in the ILLiad Client?
- When can you use the Undo Shipped Feature in ILLiad?
- When checking in a returned book we get "Error updating the OCLC Item Request"
- When Clearing Users in ILLiad, how do I edit the email before it goes out?
- When did we start with ILLiad?
- When do I need to restart an ILLiad Service?
- When in Borrowing in ILLiad and I am searching the OCLC tab, how do I get the most results when limiting by type?
- When is IFM billed in Lending when you are the Lender?
- When is the End of life for ILLiad 9.0?
- When is the next month's scheduler released for hosted ILLiad updates?
- When I am cancelling borrowing requests, no emails are going out but others can are sending emails
- When I am exporting WebReports with more than one report, information is not showing up in the exported Excel document
- When I am in an ILLiad WebReport where there are titles, why is it that I see the same title multiple times?
- When I am in ILLiad and going to the Policies Directory, I see the sign-on screen and it does not take me into the Policies Directory
- When I am in ILLiad and trying to send a Notification, I am getting an error message that the Notification cannot be found
- When I am in the Borrowing Work Form tab in ILLiad, I am unable to see the Clear and Delete buttons
- When I am in the ChangeUserInformation page, the Drop-Down options such as NVTGC are in Alphabetic order, how do I fix this?
- When I am in the ILLiad Borrowing request, I do not see the Work Form tab
- When I am in WorldCat, I see many holdings, but when I go to the OCLC tab in ILLiad, I only see a couple holdings
- When I am on the Work Form to submit a request through ILLiad, the email address is not showing up
- When I am scanning an article for Electronic Delivery and I am in the Scanner settings, I only see a Horizontal split option and not a Vertical split option
- When I am searching OCLC for holdings in ILLiad, I am not getting many matches for results
- When I am searching OCLC holdings from ILLiad, I see a column header of L with different letters under it and I am not sure what they mean?
- When I am setting up the ILLiad Services, what Startup Type should we use?
- When I am trying to download the ILLiad Client or the Database Manager, I am asked for a Username and Password
- When I am using an OpenURL link into ILLiad, what Web page is presented to the patron?
- When I create a new User within the ILLiad, what notification preferences are automatically selected?
- When I deliver items through the ILLiad Electronic Delivery Utility, how do I fix it so I stop seeing a duplicate charge
- When I do a custom query for a Transaction Date, I do not get any results and I know I have items on that date
- When I get my Z39.50 holdings through Lending, how can I get the results that have at least one holding?
- When I go to my Email Notification drop-down in ILLiad and click on it, nothing is happening
- When I go to my ILLiad Testweb site I am redirected to my production site
- When I have tested my Web pages in the TestWeb folder and I want to move them over to production, what is the best process to do this?
- When I look at the ILLiad Update Scheduler, why does it have my Server Version as a higher version then my ILLiad Client?
- When I open the ILLiad Client, I am getting the message "An error occurred loading the main form.”
- When I open up a request in Borrowing, I do not see an ILL number in ILLiad
- When I open up a request in ILLiad, I am getting an error message with Framework
- When I print in ILLiad all the records show the same information over and over
- When I receive a document in ILLiad it shows up blank, but after delivery, the patron can see it fine
- When I send out the ILLiad Borrowing Password Reset email, the link is not showing up
- When I submit a request for "Other" request, where does the information show up in ILLiad?
- When I try to open ILLiad, I see a Corrupt User Setting error. Should I select Yes or No?
- When I try to update the ILLiad Server, I am not seeing any update options
- When I try to use my ILLiad Addon, I am getting an error message that Internet Explorer is not supported
- When I update my ILLiad to the latest version, do I also have to update my ATLAS SQL Alias Manager settings?
- When I update the Address field in the User record in ILLiad, the field truncates at forty characters
- When I update the Header information on the ILLiad logon page, what other pages do I need to update?
- When my patrons register and go to the Change User Information pages, I only want one state to show up for the option of state
- When opening the Billing Manager you are getting the error message that you are Unable to locate a logon settings file
- When opening up the ILLiad request Workform in Borrowing, it is showing up blank
- When printing in ILLiad, how do I know what fields are coming from the Local Info table so I can make updates to the Local info table to update the output?
- When processing Electronic Delivery in ILLiad, how do I deliver an item that shows up in the print box?
- When processing Lending Returns in ILLiad, the External Status box is blank
- When processing Odyssey Electronic Delivery, I get an error message on the screen
- When returning a book, the lender on the book is not showing up in the system as the lender
- When Searching in the ILLiad Customization manager for All Tables and Keys, does it search within Tables?
- When sending ILLiad articles through Lendng, is there a copy of what was sent kept on the server?
- When setting up OpenAthens for ILLiad, do we set it up as an LDAP or a RemoteAuth connection?
- When submitting the Format in the Multimedia request form, the format I chose is not showing up, but only Multimedia is showing in the ILLiad Client
- When using Google Analytics as part of the URL for ILLiad and EZproxy access, when I get to the ILLiad site, I get a message "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
- When using the Multimedia Request form, where does the format of an item show up in the ILLiad Client?
- When we finished with our upgrade, the SQL Alias Manager appeared, do we need to do anything with that?
- When we have an ILLiad Upgrade, are our Web pages automatically upgrade?
- Where are ILLiad Planned outages posted?
- Where are the System Manager log and other log files stored?
- Where can I download a list of Default Printer Templates for ILLiad?
- Where can I edit the CustomDropDown table in ILLiad?
- Where can I find information about ILLiad LDAP settings?
- Where can I find information on how to do a Custom Query in the ILLiad Client?
- Where can I find out when ATLAS will release a new ILLiad version?
- Where can I find the ILLiad Database tables so I can see what fields are in each table?
- Where can I find the ILLiad Workflow charts for Borrowing, Document Delivery and Lending?
- Where can I get a list of the different Email fields that can be inserted into Notification template
- Where can I get a list of the different possible Merge fields that can be used with an ILLiad Print Document?
- Where can I get information on Copyright Clearance Center Get It Now?
- Where can I get information on the ILLiad Decision Support Pipeline?
- Where can I get the latest download of the Web Pages?
- How do we find what we are billing for the different patron categories?
- Where do I create or Edit ILLiad Email Templates?
- Where do I find information on the data source for the Print Templates in ILLiad?
- Where do I find my Pickup Locations in the Customization Manager?
- Where do I find the ILLiad Documentation for the different User Guides?
- Where do I find the ILLiad Filter Editor?
- Where do I get an ILLiad Client Addon and how do I install it?
- Where do I go for the ILLiad Downloads of any of the software?
- Where do the fields that are showing up in the Notification templates point to?
- Where do the groups come from that show up on my Lender Address screen on the top right?
- Where do we go to request an enhancement for ILLiad?
- Where is there a Borrowing Workflow Chart for ILLiad?
- Where the user profile settings are stored on the local machine
- Where to find profiled Groups and edit them in ILLiad?
- Where to save scanned files for processing Electronic Delivery
- Which functions within ILLiad require admin privileges?
- While submitting Copyright Orders in ILLiad, an error says that the permission for that transaction has not been granted
- Why am I getting a queue called Awaiting Article Exchange Notification?
- Why am I getting a Transaction Status of Awaiting Duplicate Review?
- Why am I not seeing Journals that I have had more than six requests in the top right of processing copyright?
- Why am I unable to add a new record in the ILLiadWebPlatformConfig table in the Customization Manager?
- Why aren't my Lending Overdue Notices going out?
- Why are my Borrowing, DocDel, or Lending tabs are missing from ILLiad?
- Why are my Doc Del or Borrowing Turnaround Time report for Loans showing I do not have any of the time period I chose?
- Why are there requests in WS ILL for review when they have been fulfilled in ILLiad?
- Why are the LendingReasonsForCancellation records I created showing as "unspecified" when I try to use them?
- Why are the OCLC Usage Statistics showing as my reason for Cancellation as Unspecified when I used Publisher Embargo for ILLiad?
- Why doesn't my OpenURL data load in the ILLiad request form
- Why does a request I processed in ILLiad still showing up as Considering in WorldShare ILL?
- Why does my ILLiad request have an OCLC status of PROFILING?
- Why does my Z39.50 connection to FOLIO not show all information for serials?
- Why does nothing print in ILLiad after updating Microsoft Office?
- Why do I get the error "The page isn't redirecting properly" when logging into ILLiad?
- Why do I have a patron who is unable to submit requests in ILLiad?
- Why do I have to change my ILLiad Staff Password every so often and how can I make it so it does not have to be changed?
- Why do I see a number in the Barometer that doesn't match any numbers in my queues?
- Why do my ILLiad and WorldShare ILL dates look different?
- Why do my WorldShare ILL Statistics and my ILLiad Statistics not match up?
- Why do Rapid requests come into Electronic Delivery in ILLiad with No ILL Number Match?
- Why do requests show up in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance queue?
- Why do some ILLiad users lack user information from SAML (stub accounts)?
- Why do some of my patrons have a Cleared field showing "New?"
- Why do the two dropdown options on my web page for "Will you accept an alternate edition of this item?" both say "No?"
- Why isn't the ILLiad Customization Manager saving my changes?
- Why is it that every time I get a request for an institution the Lender Address window opens up?
- Why is it that the number of requests I have in ILLiad is different than what I have in WorldShare?
- Why is my ILLiad Default Holdings Option grayed out in Borrowing?
- Why is my ILLiad request at Awaiting Secondary Label Printing and OCLC status at CONSIDERING?
- Why is there a Borrowing queue called Awaiting Article Exchange Retrieval?
- Why do my WebReports change over time in ILLiad?
- Why would we need to connect to the ILLiad Hosted server?
- Will ILLiad work with the Z39.50 and WMS?
- Will I be able to change our domain name on OCLC's domain for our Hosted EZproxy server?
- Will OCLC edit our ILLiad Web Pages for us for a fee?
- With some institutions switching from ILLiad to Tipasa, how do I make sure that electronic articles can get to them?
- Workform is not appearing when I open the request.