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How do I set up Z39.50 to auto search when I open a transaction in ILLiad?

  • You want to set up Z39.50 tp auto search in ILLiad when opening up a transaction
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here are the steps for setting up or modifying auto search in ILLiad for Z39.50:

1.  Go to the Customization Manager and choose the Z39.50 tab.
2.  Click on the Select Search tab drop-down. 
3.  You select from the choices you have in the list.  
4.  You will see that you may have Auto-Search set for something already, or it says Not Specified.  You can click on the Drop-down and select an option like ISBN/ISSN or even Not Specified.  If you choose Not Specified, ILLiad will not automatically search for you.
5.   Click on Save to save your change. 
6.  You will need to restart any ILLiad Client that is currently open for the change to be applied.

If you have another Z39.50 option you want to set up for Select Search, then you will start the process again and in step 3, you will select a different entry other than the original one you selected and continue until you have made all the changes you need.

If you want to turn off AutoSearching, then in step 4, you need to make sure it says Not Specified.

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