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When processing Odyssey Electronic Delivery, I get an error message on the screen

  • When process electronic delivery, you see an error message saying "There was an error retrieving odyssey documents"
Applies to
  • ILLiad

In previous versions of ILLiad, ILLiad would not look past a certain point for any records that might have the value of Unmatched in the OdysseyReceived Table on the SQL Server.  The current version does.

If OCLC hosts you, contact OCLC Support.

If you are self-hosted, you should do the following:

1.  Choose Okay and process any requests you see.
2.  Have the SQL Administrator run the query: (Make sure you have processed all your requests first)

Update OdysseyReceived
Set Status='Received'
Where Status='Unmatched'

3. Next, you will want to open up the ILLiad Client and follow the documentation on Manually Clearing the Electronic Delivery Processing Form

After this, ILLiad will no longer try to match documents that do not exist.  You should be able to process requests without issue.

If running the query you do not find any unmatched documents then the next thing to do is check the odyssey received folder on the server.  You will be looking for the file that generated the error.  You want to check it to make sure it exist and that it is a valid file and not corrupt.  You can do this by checking the size and trying to open it in Adobe.  If it does not open you can delete the file and let the user know to move the request back to request sent and ask them to send it again.

If it does open you can move it to the pdf folder and then move the request to delivered to web.  Then send the email to the patron.

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