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I am getting a runtime error when I go to the ILLiad WebReports or WebCirc sign in page

  • When you are going to your ILLiad WebReports or WebCirc sign-in page, you are seeing a "Runtime" error message
Applies to
  • ILLiad

If you are hosted by OCLC, contact OCLC Support.

When you get a run runtime error when going to the sign-in page, you will need to reapply the latest updates or the install file. Something happened to the install or the update that caused the Web pages to update incorrectly.  When fixing either the WebReports or WebCirc, you should fix both, as they both use the same process for installation or updates.  Here are the steps for each component:

Update the WebReports

  1. Go to the c:\illiad\setup\WebreportsUpdates\ (go to the highest version folder you see, such as
  2. Copy the file and paste it into the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\WebReports folder.  If you are asked to overwrite the file, choose yes.
  3. Go to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\WebReports folder and right-click on the file and Extract all.
  4. You will want to extract the file to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\Webreports folder.  Overwrite all files.

Update WebCirc

  1. Go to the c:\illiad\setup\WebCircUpdates\ (go to the highest version folder you see, such as
  2. Copy the file and paste it into the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\WebCirc folder.  If you are asked to overwrite the file, choose yes.
  3. Go to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\WeCirc folder and right-click on the file and Extract all.
  4. You will want to extract the file to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\WebCirc folder.  Overwrite all files.

Repair the SharedComponentsUpdates

  1. Go to the c:\illiad\setup\SharedComponentsUpdates\ (go to the highest version folder you see, such as
  2. Right-click on the ILLiadSharedComponents.msi file and choose Repair.
  3. Once the repair is finished, you will want to restart IIS.

Now, your WebReports and WebCirc pages should work.

Additional Information

You can also check the Handler Mapping in the ISS on the ILLiad server to see if any processes are disabled. If they are, right-click on the process, select Edit Feature Permissions, and make sure Execute is checked. Then, restart the IIS.

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