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OCLC Support

How do I fix it when the ILLiad Client is unresponsive?

  • You are using the ILLiad Client and it takes a long time for all your processing to respond.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

There might be an issue with the Web Server itself. 

  1. If OCLC hosts you, you should contact OCLC Support and ask that we restart all the services.  After that, open up the ILLiad Client again and see if it is responding as expected.  If it is, you resolved your problem.  If it is not, you need to check with your Network people about your Ports 1433 or 1344 to make sure your bandwidth is not being limited.
  2. If you are self-hosted, you should contact your Web Server Administrator and ask them to restart all the services.  After that, open up the ILLiad Client again and see if it is responding as expected. If it is, you resolved your problem.  If it is not, then you need to check with your Network people about your Ports 1433 or 1344 to make sure your bandwidth is not being limited.
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