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I am getting an error retrieving status when looking at a Borrowing Request in ILLiad

  • ILLiad gives a  "Error Retrieving Status" message when looking at a Borrowing request or searching for the item in Search/Review Status. 
Applies to
  • ILLiad

The problem is that a lender has not brought the request to be processed.  You may see the request at the first lender in ILLiad, but the request may be further down the list of lenders.  Once one lender processes the request, you will see the status in ILLiad, but if no lender processes the request, then the request will change to Unfilled.

  1. Restart the ILLiad Connection Manager service on the Web Server.  If you are hosted by OCLC, contact OCLC Support.
  2. If you still see the same message, go to the main ILLiad and select System, then go to Search/Review Statuses.  Put in the ILL number and search.  If you get a message like: "Failed to Retrieve the item request searched for. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No mapping for WCRS values [WCRS:<IN_Process, Lender Retrieving>] to ND was found," then there is a problem with the status in WorldShare ILL.  Once the Lender processes the request, then the status will be able to be updated in ILLiad.
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