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How do I set up my ILLiad Services for Debug Logging?

  • You want ILLiad Services logs to show debug information
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Each service has a different file that needs to be opened and edited. Here are the files, their locations, and the changes you may need to make to enable debug logging.

  • Connection Manager - ConnectionManager.log4d.props is usually in C:\ILLiad\Connection Manager. The rootloger should be "log4d.rootLogger=DEBUG,ROOT"
  • Odyssey Manager - The OdysseyManager.log4d.props is usually in C:\ILLiad\Odyssey. The rootloger should be "log4d.rootLogger=DEBUG,ROOT"
  • Rapid Manager - The RapidManager.log.config file is usually in C:\ILLiad\Rapid Manager. The level value should be  <level value="DEBUG" />
  • System Manager - The ILLiadSystemManager.log.config file is usually in C:\ILLiad\System Manager. The level value should be  <level value="DEBUG" />
  • ILLiad WebPlatform - The ILLiadWebPlatform.log.config is usually in C:\ILLiad\WebPlatform\App_Data. The level value should be <level value="DEBUG" />
  • ISO Manager - Update the c:\ILLiad\ISO\log4j2.xml. Under Loggers, the value should be <Root level="DEBUG">.

After updating a log to DEBUG and saving the file, restart the associated ILLiad Service.

The Database Manager has a different process:

  • Database Manager - Ensure you have the DatabaseManager.log4d.props in the same directory as the DatabaseManager.exe.  It will save the log in the c:\illiad\logs by default.  There is not one that comes with the program, so attached is an example file you can use for Debug logging:


When you open the program it will start logging.

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