ILLiad WebPlatform log is not showing any changes for a few days
- ILLiad WebPlatform log is not showing any changes for a few days and you want to make sure it is adding to the log
Applies to
- ILLiad
By default, the logs are located in c:\illiad\Logs\ folder. If you do not see any new logs, do the following:
1. Delete all the old ILLiad WebPlatform Logs.
2. Go to the C:\illiad\WebPlatform\App_Data\ folder and edit the ILLIadWebPlatform.log.config. You can use notepad.
3. Change the level value='INFO" to level value = "DEBUG""
4. Save the change.
5. Restart IIS.
Your ILLiad WebPlatform should be logging as needed after that.