I received a document that I cannot process in Electronic Delivery for ILLiad
- The site is either a Borrower or a Lender and they have a file they are trying to send, or receive and when it tries to import into ILLiad, you get an error message that ILLiad wants to save feedback
Applies to
- ILLiad
If you are in Borrowing you do the following:
1. If you have access to your Web Server, you can put the file on the Web Server in the PDF folder.
A. Go to Check In from Lending Library and put in your ILL number or Transaction Number.
B. Once you have the information of the request, click on the Notify Electronic Delivery. This will change the status of the request to "Delivered to Web," and
Notify the patron.
2. If you do not have access to the Web Server, you print the files and then scan it. Sometimes the PDF file is in a format that cannot be understood by ILLiad
and you need to print the file and scan it to send the file.
If you are in Lending, you will need to print the file and scan it.