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I am unable to process a file and send it to the Web Server either through Borrowing Scanning or Doc Del Scanning

  • You have the file, but when you try to process the file, you get an error message trying to import it and send the file to the Web Server
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

If you cannot process the file through Borrowing or Doc Del Scanning, there might be an issue with ILLiad processing the file.  Here are the steps you need to follow to complete the processing of the file:

  1. You must put the file on the Web Server in the PDF folder.  If you are self-hosted, you will need to work with your people to complete this task.  If you are hosted, you must FTP to the Hosted site and put the file on the Web server in the PDF folder.  If you need help on this process and are hosted, you can contact OCLC Support.
  2. After you have the file on the Web Server, you must route the request to "Request Sent."
  3. Go to the Borrowing Ribbon and click Check In From Lending Library.
  4. Put your Transaction Number in the search box.  
  5. Once your request comes up, click Notify Electronic Delivery.

Once you click Notify Electronic Delivery, the patron is notified, and the Transaction changes to the Delivered to Web Transaction Status.

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