After connecting to the ILLiad Server via SFTP, how do I test edited Web pages?
- You want to know how to edit the Web pages after you have done an FTP to the Web Server
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here are the steps you take to editing the Web Pages after you have done an FTP to the Web Server. If you are on a single server:
- ILLiad has a production folder called ILLiad, and a Test folder called TestWeb.
- It is best to copy what is in the ILLiad folder that you want to edit to your computer.
- Make a copy of the file you are editing in another folder just in case your edits need to be undone.
- Make your edits and save the change.
- You can either put the edited Web pages into the ILLiad folder and overwrite what is there, or you can put the file in the TestWeb folder.
- If you put the file in the ILLiad folder, then you can test to see if it gets the results you want. If it does not do what you want, you can copy back the original file into the ILLiad folder.
- You can then make edits to the file you have been working on and replace the file in the ILLiad folder until you have the correct results.
- If you put the file in the TestWeb folder, you can test it out by going to your TestWeb site. Instead of going to https://your server/ILLiad/Logon.html, you will go to https://your server/ILLiad/TestWeb/Logon.html.
- You can then test if the page works. If it does not, you can make the edits that you need to fix the page on your local computer and then replace the file in the TestWeb folder. Then test again.
- When the file in the TestWeb folder is correct, then you copy the file from the TestWeb folder on the Web Server to the ILLiad folder and overwrite the file.
If you are on a Shared site, the main difference is that you will go to your site under the ILLiad folder. So if your Site code or NVTGC is ABC, then you go to the ILLiad\ABC folder. If you are going to the TestWeb folder, you go to the ILLiad\ABC\TestWeb folder.