If I need to create a field on the patron request form in ILLiad that uses ItemInfo1 field, how do I do that?
- You need to create a custom field on your request form so it shows up in ILLiad separately and you need to do that using the Iteminfo1 field
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here are the steps you need to follow to create a custom field for the ItemInfo1 field:
I. You want it to be Required and you want it to say that they accept the Copyright Policy and the options are yes or no and you want it to be using ItemInfo1 field. The coding would look like this:
<label for="ItemInfo1"> <span class="field"> <span class="req">*</span><span class="<#ERROR name="ERRORItemInfo1">"><b>Do you accept the Copyright Policy?</b></span><br /> </span> <select id="ItemInfo1" name="ItemInfo1" size="1" class="f-name"> <option selected>Yes</option> <option>No</option> <option>Yes</option> <br /> </label>
II. The ILLiad Transaction Table has many fields that are included, but not by default in the ILLiad Client Display. Here is how you get the ItemInfo1 field to show up in the ILLiad Client:
1. Go to your ILLiad Client and open up a request in Lending or Borrowing if it is a Borrowing field you want to add.
2. In the Detail tab, Right-Click in the open space and then click on "Customize Layout."
3. You will drag Item Info 1 to where you want it in the ILLiad Client and then when you are finished, you will close the Customize Window.
4. The Item Info 1 field will stay where you put it until you ever "Reset to Default View."
5. Now, you want to rename the Customized field so it is relevant to what you want your Librarians to see. You will right-click on the field and chose Customize Layout.
6. Now right-click the field again and choose Rename.
7. You now change the field name to something like "Accept Copyright Policy" and then close the Customization Window.
You will now see Accept Copyright Policy in that field. This is on the individual computer. You can either do all the steps on another computer or use the Staff Manager to copy Layout and Grid Settings to other Librarian accounts and they will see the customized field on their computers when they sign in the next time.
Additional Information
You can do a similar activity for the UserInfo1 for the Patron accounts by using the UserInfo1 field for a field you want to add on the Registration and the Change User Information pages.