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OCLC Support

How do I get my ILLiad logon page to show a Password reset link when we use ILLiad Authentication

  • The site has a logon page that shows the URL ending in ILLiad.dll.  It is missing the "Forgot Password" link
Applies to
  • ILLiad

When you are going to a logon page and the URL ends in ILLiad.dll, you are using the logon2.html web page.  So you need to update the logon2.html web page.

  1. If you are hosted by OCLC, you will need to SFTP to the server, copy the logon2.html file to your local computer and edit it.
  2. The coding you need to add to the page is:

<a href="illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=84">Forgot Password?</a><br />

 3.  If you are self-hosted, you will need to edit your Web pages as it is set up with your institution. 


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