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OCLC Support

How do I fix it if I have one patron contacting us about a problem with OpenURL to ILLiad from FirstSearch?

  • Patron is going from a record and getting a Unicode error message.  You are using ILLiad or higher and using a Proxy logon.
Applies to
  • ILLiad

When the problem is only happening with the patron, the quickest resolution is to follow these steps:

  1. Find out what the OCLC number is and open that same record and click on the link to your ILL logon.  Are you getting the same error?

     A.  If you are, then it might be the OCLC record itself and you need to report it to OCLC.

     B.  If you are not getting the same error message, then have the person clear the cache and see if that works.  If not, then try a different browser.

 2.  Try a different OCLC Record.  If you continue to get errors, you should report this to OCLC.  We might have to look at your OpenURL link to make sure it is working correctly or needs to be adjusted.

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