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OCLC Support

I see a request is showing the OCLC Status as supplied, but I never received the item

  • An item you requested is showing with the OCLC Status of Supplied, but you never received the item
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Supplied means the request was shipped and returned.  Here are some steps you can take to find out what happened:

  1. Contact the Lender and asked if they Recalled the item after shipping it.  It might be in their Closed requests if they are using WorldShare ILL or Tipasa.  In ILLiad, it will show up in their History
  2. You can contact OCLC Support and we can look it up on our system if the request was done on OCLC.
  3. At this point in ILLiad, you would need to cancel the request with the user and clone the request following the Cloning Borrowing Requests in the Client documentation.
  4. You will need to notify the patron of the new request.
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