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How to I update the ILLiad printout information so it has my new contact information like phone number, name, or email address?

  • Your contact information has updated and when you print out documents in ILLiad, you need the information updated
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Your contact information comes from the Customization Manager in the LocalInfo table.  Here are the steps you need to update this information:

  1. Open up the ILLiad Customization Manager and go to Contact Information, Contacts, Local Info table.
  2. If you are on a single server, open up your entry ILL in the Local Info table and update your contact information and save the change.  Go to Step 6.
  3. If you are on a Shared site, then you first need to click on the NVTGC drop-down on the top left and select your NVTGC. 
  4. Then go to your Contact Information, Contacts, Local Info table.  You will see your site in the Local Info table.  
  5. Update your site contact information and save the change.
  6. Make sure your print document is pointing to the Local Info Merge field and it is not hardcoded into the Word document.  Save the change if one is made.
  7. Restart the ILLiad Client.  

Now, when you print, the new contact information will show up on the printouts.

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