WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan provides functionality that speeds fulfillment of interlibrary loan requests to save time for your staff and users.
- OCLC Service Configuration - WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
- Administrative settings for WorldShare Interlibrary Loan are maintained in OCLC Service Configuration. In Service Configuration, you can set your interlibrary loan options, print settings, borrower and lender constant data, custom holdings groups, automations, and purchase options.
- Interlibrary Loan Options
- Borrower Data
- Lender Data
- Custom Holdings Groups
- Custom Holdings Paths
- Automated Request Manager
- Article Exchange Retention Settings
- Purchase Options
- Request Forms
- Print Settings
- Circulation Integration
- Advanced Workflows
- Patron Settings
- Address Book
- Notifications
- External System Settings
- WMS Acquisitions Integration
- Policies Directory guide
- The OCLC Policies Directory is the repository of lending and copying policies of libraries participating in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa.
- Smart fulfillment
- Find information about Smart fulfillment features, which increase the speed of delivery of materials based on policy data, lending history, licensing agreements, format preferences, and more.
- Article Exchange
- Article Exchange provides a single secure location where lending libraries can place requested articles for interlibrary loan. It allows users to upload files for pickup anywhere in the world. Only authorized users will be able to download the file.
- Document suppliers
- The documentation in this section explains how to receive articles from document suppliers such as the British Library, Get It Now, and MyBib.
- Interlibrary Loan Fee Management
- The Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM) feature lets libraries reconcile resource-sharing charges and payments through their monthly OCLC invoice. IFM helps libraries save money on fee-based transactions and simplify the transaction process.
- Purchasing Requests
- The Purchase option allows you to track items you may wish to purchase, instead of borrowing via interlibrary loan.
- Off-System Requesting
- Learn how to track all requests using off-system request workflows in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan.
- With WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, you can print individual requests, all requests in a queue, add requests to the print queue to print out later, and queue book straps and shipping and return labels to be printed.
- Reports
- Reports are available to WorldShare ILL users through OCLC Usage Statistics.
- WorldShare Circulation Integration
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and WorldShare Circulation integration provides you with a method to streamline the interlibrary loan-circulation process and workflow. Librarians and staff who process ILL loans will no longer have to update WorldShare Circulation manually to create temporary items and patron holds, charge patron ILL fees, checkout items that your library is lending, or checkin items at the end of the loan period.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Interlibrary Loan release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan training
- Find training on WorldShare Interlibrary Loan here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- After logging into WorldShare ILL, I do not see anything on the page
- Alma/Rapido WorldShare integration 400 error
- An article is listed as supplied from article exchange, but we have not received the article.
- An ILL book I loaned came back damaged. What are the rules on damaged or lost books?
- Article is stuck in transit from article exchange, why is this happening?
- A request has a status of “Submitted,” what does that mean?
- A request has this message: "This is an ISO-ILL request and cannot be processed in WorldShare ILL. Processing of this request must be completed in your local ISO-ILL management system." What does that mean?
- Can't see sign out or edit buttons in the Policies Directory
- Can an Unfilled request be removed from the Expired queue?
- Can I accept a renewal without specifying a new due date?
- Can I block a library from lending to me?
- Can I change my Shipping Address for ILL?
- Can I change the Currency and/or ILL fee after I have supplied the request?
- Can I get an overview of all libraries in a Resource Sharing Group?
- Can I get a list of all books that were requested via ILL this year?
- As a lender, can I put an open access link into the Article Exchange field?
- Can I request an item from OCLC for Interlibrary Loan?
- Can I reuse a request?
- Can I reuse IFLA vouchers or do they expire?
- Can I send and receive documents to and from ILLiad libraries?
- Can I set temporary ILL item to automatically check-in upon return in WorldShare?
- Can I undo accidentally marking an item In Transit?
- Can the Article Exchange notification be sent directly to the patron?
- Can the borrowing library view conditional notes from lending library after they are accepted?
- Can the lender string be updated after a request is submitted?
- Can the Reasons for No in CLIO be updated to match WorldShare?
- Can we have unfilled request notifications sent directly to patron emails?
- Can we retrieve a conditional message from a closed ILL request?
- Can the WorldShare ILL Direct Request process requests automatically without going through the New for Review queue?
- Deflect ILL lending requests using local holdings records
- Does a library have to be a supplier in order to process a request to them in WorldShare?
- Does having our symbol in a lender string multiple times affect our Days to Respond?
- Does OCLC provide data on the number of libraries that charge their patrons for ILL?
- Does the status 'Considering' influence the Days to Respond?
- Does the WorldShare ILL Request Form pull in patron data?
- Do any OCLC reports include IFM refund transactions?
- Do ILL requests ever time out?
- Do I always ship InterLibrary Loan items back in their bags?
- Do I have to be a Lending Library in order to borrow?
- Do I need a deposit account for IFM in case I turn out to be a net borrower?
- Do I need to act on the requests that appear under "Borrowing" and "Lending" in Quick Links to make them disappear?
- When answering a request, is it more helpful to say no or let the request expire?
- Do the ILL reports pull from the request date or the received date?
- Do we have to pay for a renewal?
- Error in ILL Some information is incorrect, please review and try again. Please clear copyright by selecting a previously borrowed title...
- Error sending message Could not connect to SMTP host error
- Failed to find item or no records found error when searching in WorldShare ILL
- Featured WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Troubleshooting articles
- For ILL Requests that come in during the end of year, which month are they listed under in Usage Statistics?
- How can I access my article after marking it received?
- How can I find Interlibrary loan contact information for another library
- How can I keep fines from accumulating on my WMS Interlibrary loan transactions?
- How can I match the IFM debits on my invoice to an ILL request number?
- How can I print a label for a request I've already set to returned?
- How can I see a report of my ILL Purchasing Requests activity?
- How can I set a default language for WorldShare ILL or Tipasa?
- How can I set up an automation to route ILL requests to the Review for Purchase queue?
- How can I update the copyright compliance to CONTU Guidelines (CCG) or Compliance Copyright Law (CCL)?
- How can we define our Article Exchange in Policies Directory
- When searching in Interlibrary Loan, where does the holdings column information come from? Can I add a custom note?
- How do I add a new ILL group to my library's group affiliations on the OCLC Policies Directory?
- How do I become a Lender in Interlibrary Loan?
- How do I change a lending request status to lost?
- How do I change the currency in my request?
- How do I change the IFM amount for one item?
- How do I contact a library about an interlibrary loan request?
- How do I create an electronic delivery method in the ILL Policies Directory?
- How do I create an overview of all my closed requests?
- How do I find and delete barcodes created for temporary items?
- How do I get an IFM fee if the request was originally sent in another currency?
- How do I produce a report itemizing the cost of each request that was processed in my local currency?
- How do I get IFLA vouchers?
- How do I get information about OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing?
- How do I obtain OCLC ILL authorization credentials?
- How do I prevent a request from being sent to additional lenders in lender string after one lender accepts?
- How do I print a return label?
- How do I remove lenders from a Custom Holdings Group such as LVIS?
- How do I remove my library from a Resource Sharing Group?
- How do I request a Book Chapter?
- How do I sell back IFLA vouchers to OCLC?
- How do I set up a Custom Holding Group and Path for the Express Digital Delivery Program?
- How do I set up ILL to only loan electronic material, and not physical books that must be shipped and returned?
- How do I set up Usage Statistic Reports to be emailed to me?
- How do I stop my library from getting International Requests?
- How do I turn off email notifications?
- How do I turn on ILL lending requests?
- How do I turn on notifications?
- How do I undo a renewal rejection?
- How do I update the default borrowing library information?
- How do I update the default lending library information?
- How do I update the email address and contact name for WorldShare ILL?
- How do we let a lending library know we want to use IFLA vouchers?
- How do we update our ILL groups?
- How do you deflect items with a Material Age of less than a year?
- How is the shipped date determined?
- How long does a request remain in the Unfilled or Expired queue?
- How long does it take for a request to show up in a lender's queue after it is submitted?
- How to close ILL requests with PROFILED status
- How to configure IFM for replacement cost billing for lost items
- How do I create an eBook ILL request?
- How to create a report of titles most requested by patrons via interlibrary loan
- How to disable ILL borrowing requests when the library is closed
- How to edit Request Methods and Delivery Methods in the Policies Directory?
- How to figure out the percentage from how many borrowing requests were actually filled.
- How to search for large print items
- If I choose to Recall Item when I receive a renewal request, does this action also deny the renewal?
- If I try to create a new automation with the "Age of Material" match to be "0 but no older than 0" years I get an error message and I can't successfully save the new automation.
- If the Need Before date passes on a request, what happens if there are remaining suppliers in the lender string?
- If we become a non-supplier in Policy Directory, can we still borrow items?
- ILL Error: "An error occurred processing the request. Unauthorized exception"
- I'm an ILL referral member user, why can't I access Service Configuration?
- I'm having trouble downloading a file from the Article Exchange server
- In OCLC Usage Statistics, can I see ILL requests by library section, such as Adult or Juvenile?
- In the Discovery Request form, can patrons change the format of the item they are requesting?
- ISO ILL requests getting a 406 error message
- Is it possible for the lender to edit the borrower's shipping address on a submitted request?
- Is it possible for the lender to edit the Due Date field without a request from the borrower?
- Is it possible to block ILL requests by shelving location?
- Is it possible to create a deflection policy to only loan to others in my region or state?
- Is it possible to borrow or lend eBooks and eAudiobooks through WorldShare ILL?
- Is it possible to reopen a Closed request to add IFM?
- Is there an OpenURL request form that would allow our patrons to place WorldShare ILL requests from our local system?
- Is there a fee to use IFM?
- Is there a maximum amount for Interlibrary Fee Management transactions?
- Is there a retention recommendation for printed ILL requests?
- Is there a way in WorldShare to refund an institution for a closed request?
- Is there a way I can tell how many libraries are borrowing and lending through ILL?
- Is there a way to reply to a conditional request note from a potential lending library?
- Is there is a way to add money to our IFM account so we can pay invoices from that money instead of using a purchase order?
- Is today included in the due date adjustment in lender constant data?
- I accidentally charged a borrowing library too much, how do I partially refund them?
- I accidentally clicked "received" on an Article Exchange request before I retrieved the URL and password. How can I find the request again?
- I accidentally clicked "Returned" instead of "Renew" on a request. How can I fix this?
- I accidentally hit "Yes" on an article request before I dropped the Article Exchange Article
- I accidentally hit the wrong reason for "No" when answering “can you supply.” Can I go back and change it?
- I accidentally marked a Book request as a Copy and the Borrower received it as closed and complete
- I accidentally marked a request as 'Returned'
- Is it possible to unrecall an ILL request?
- I accidentally said "no" to a lending request that I am actually able to supply
- I accidentally sent an Article Exchange email to the wrong patron. How can I get it to the correct patron?
- I accidentally sent a conditional for a request I cannot fulfill. How can I let the borrowing library know it is not available?
- We accidentally accepted a lending request that we cannot supply
- I accidentally told the system that I did not fill a request. How do I correct this?
- I accidentally told the system that I received an item. How do I correct this?
- I accidentally told the system that I returned an item. How do I correct this?
- I am getting a message that says "Constant data persistence has been disabled for this request"
- I am trying to add a library closure in the Policies Directory, but my changes will not save
- When logging into WorldShare, I am unable to get past the branch screen because the OK button is grayed out
- I appear as a Supplier on a title when my Policies Directory Supplier setting is turned off
- I can't access my OCLC site?
- I cannot complete an OCLC request that is showing as Overdue
- I can't print from WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
- I cannot see the lender string text box
- I can't sign in to the Policies Directory even with correct credentials
- I deflected a record on item-level for ILL, but my library still appears on the list of suppliers
- I didn't check the box for IFM billing. Will I get an invoice?
- I don't see the renewal button anywhere on my request
- I found an item in, but I cannot find it in WorldShare ILL
- I got a request for an item that I own but the OCLC number doesn't match my holding
- I've updated my loan period in the Policies Directory. Why is the updated loan period not showing in lending requests?
- I only see half the calendar when updating loan policies, why?
- I overcharged a library for a request and I need to adjust the amount
- I received the wrong article from the lending library, what should I do?
- I receive an error when I upload a logo for book straps
- I receive the error, "Your institution is not authorized to request from ISO 18626 Implementation Group member(s)" when submitting a request in WorldShare ILL
- I see only a blank screen when I login to WorldShare.
- I want to block all incoming copy requests
- I want to block all incoming loan requests.
- I want to change usernames on a WorldShare account, but the username field is grayed out.
- Lender not seeing the renew button
- Lender String contains the following invalid symbols error
- My active ILL requests aren't appearing in WorldShare
- My borrowing request is marked as Closed/Supplied, but I never received the item. What do I do?
- My copy request was answered as Conditional - Lacks copyright. What does this mean?
- My deflection policy based on e-license terms is letting through requests for items we want to deflect.
- My ILS is not on the list of systems that interoperate with WorldShare Interlibrary loan
- My LHRs are correctly set up to deflect lending requests, but requests for the items still get through.
- My request comes into WorldShare as a copy/loan request even though I mark it as a loan/copy request
- Not all the items on the WorldShare ILL Purchase Request Report have a Date Received filled in.
- Our pickup locations are not displaying on requests, how do we set that up?
- Our Profile supplier status was set to 'Yes' unexpectedly after additional weather/emergency related closures.
- Patron did not return book, but lending library decided not to charge, what do I do?
- Article Exchange Error: "Failed to load PDF document"
- Why is there no button to clear a completed borrowing request?
- Some information is incorrect error appears when sending an ILL request
- The 'From' email address is not automatically filled in the email form
- The Lending library changed the IFM charge. Do we have to pay the additional cost?
- How do we change our library homepage URL listed in our Policies Directory?
- The "Route Request to Review" line keeps reappearing on my borrowing automation after I delete it and save the automation.
- The sidebar is missing in WorldShare ILL
- "This message could not be sent" error when attempting to send out Article Exchange emails on a new machine
- We are finding some ILL requests with a status of Closed (Cancelled), but we don’t remember cancelling them
- We cancelled our WorldShare ILL subscription, but we forgot to close a request. Can the request be closed?
- We've changed our contact / address information. How can we fix it on new requests that we add?
- What are all the reasons for no in the "Resource Sharing Lender Reasons for No Report"?
- What are the IP addresses associated with OCLC ILL?
- What barcode format do book strap labels use?
- What does “aged to unfilled” means in the Request History tab under Supplier History?
- What does it mean when I get a message in WorldShare that my request is Expired?
- What does referral date mean when processing ILL requests?
- What do I do if a lending library sent the wrong item?
- What do I do if I returned an item but the lending library hasn't checked it in?
- What do I do In WorldShare ILL if I marked an item as shipped accidentally?
- What do I do when I accidentally closed a request when the Borrowing library still has the book?
- I completed the request before sending the document to the patron
- What do the different types of 'reasons for no' in the request history mean?
- What do the holdings statements in the holdings column mean?
- What field is used to define Material age in ILL requests?
- What happens if I click "Yes" on a lending request where the IFM max cost is lower than what we charge?
- What information is shared between Alma and OCLC for ILL requests using the ILL request transfer service?
- What is OCLC's lost in transit payment policy for ILL?
- What is the difference between a copy and a loan?
- What is the difference between include and exclude in my library's deflection policies?
- What is the difference between Recall Item and Deny Renewal?
- What is the difference between the ILL Borrower Transaction Detail report and the Borrower Overview report
- What is the In-Group Detail Report?
- What is the needed information to safe list OCLC ILL emails?
- What is the policy for interlibrary loan overdue fines?
- What kinds of general statistics are publicly available for WorldShare ILL?
- How do I restart my subscription to WorldShare ILL
- What Supplier status should I use when scheduling a Closure?
- When did OCLC first roll out the IFM program?
- When I try to create a new Custom Holdings Path, I receive an error: "We are unable to process your request at this moment" / "HTTP Status 500."
- When I try to print from ILL, the screen is blank. How do I fix this?
- Where are the ILL statistics for last month?
- Where can I change the max cost for items that we would like to borrow?
- Where can I find and change my IFM invoice address?
- Where can I find an overview of all IFM transactions?
- Where can I find a list of libraries currently supplying physical materials and accepting returns of physical materials?
- Where can I find the list of libraries participating in the OCLC Express Program?
- Where can I find the request history?
- Where can I find the roadmaps for WorldShare Management Services?
- Where do I schedule library closures for ILL?
- Which OCLC usage statistics report should I use if I am trying to get the number of in state and out of state requests we get for Borrowing requests?
- Which parts of the Policies Directory have actual system impact?
- Who entered the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan request into the system?
- Who should I contact with questions about my IFM charges and credits?
- Why am I getting an error message about invalid symbols when I try to submit a request?
- Why am I getting an error message stating the address is incorrect when processing ILL borrowing requests?
- Why am I getting a "Request Status contains invalid data for the request" error in WorldShare ILL?
- Why am I getting the 'Field 'Lender String' cannot be empty' error message?
- Why am I getting the error message, "An error has occurred loading the Custom Holdings Paths. Please try again later."?
- Why am I getting the error message "The Constant Data Record Name can only contain letters and numbers" when I try to update Borrower Data for WorldShare ILL?
- Why am I not seeing data for a given month in my WorldShare ILL reports?
- Why am I receiving a 'Need Before' contains invalid data for request error in my Purchase Request?
- Why am I receiving requests for articles outside of our coverage dates?
- Why am I receiving a 'Lending Charges' contains invalid data for request error in my Purchase Request?
- Why am I seeing Open Access View Now links within an ILL record?
- Why am I seeing the error message "The server response could not be understood" in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan?
- Why am I unable to transfer ILL requests to WorldShare ILL?
- Why are all my requests going to the New for Review queue when I have ARM set up?
- Why are ILL requests being autodeflected when we have holdings?
- Why are duplicates appearing on my ILL reports?
- Why are ILL requests coming through without an OCN?
- Why are ILL Request numbers not incremental?
- Why are multiple notification emails being delivered for every Article Exchange delivery?
- Why are my off-system requests going to Unfilled so quickly?
- Why are patrons not receiving their Article Exchange emails?
- Why are some IFM requests not showing up on the ILL Fee Management Program Borrower Report?
- Why are we getting a "Try again. Errors occurred submitting form." error when using the WorldShare ILL OpenURL?
- "IFM is disabled for your institution" error
- Why can't I make edits to our scheduled closures in the OCLC Policies Directory?
- Why can't I select certain libraries as supplier for my request?
- Why did my borrowing request come back as unfilled?
- Why did my lending request disappear?
- Why did we get an invoice from the Lending Library?
- Why does my Custom Holdings Path for copies not auto-populate the lender string?
- Why does my lending request only show the recall item button?
- Why does my supplier status change to no overnight?
- Why do I not see the Discover Items tab in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan?
- Why do I receive an error when creating a new automation?
- Why do my ILL requests keep defaulting to the service type of Loan
- Why do our ILL labels continue to show our old address?
- Why do so many of my automated requests end up in "New for Review"?
- Why is constant data automatically applied to requests?
- Why is my Overdue Request not in the Quick Links section?
- Why is the ILL Shipped Date one day behind the Received or Requested Date?
- Why is the line for the Borrower Activity Overview Report missing in my ILL statistics?
- Why is the Time to Respond column showing less time than our Days to Repond policy?
- Why was an ILL request not deflected when we have the LHR field 008 set to not lend?
- Will I get an error message if I try to fill an ILL request for a borrowing library without IFM?
- Can my ILS integrate with WorldShare ILL or Tipasa?
- Will off-system requests show on my IFM reports in Usage Statistics?
- Will setting a maximum renewal count block libraries from requesting renewals or will they still be able to ask?
- WorldShare ILL does not select the expected OCN for a request I started in my group catalogue
- OCLC Community Center
- Find more information the Community Center.