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Borrowing Request fields

Find details about the fields which appear in borrowing requests in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan.

To view borrowing request fields, click on the request ID of an existing borrowing request or create a new request using a blank workform. You can also configure your Borrower Constant Data and apply this information to a new request, editing the fields as necessary.

 Note:  Visible fields will change depending on the Status and Type of borrowing request.


The Request tab offers information specific to the request, delivery options and billing, patron information and request history.

Multiple Requests 

The Multiple Requests accordion allows the institution to submit multiple requests for the same item simultaneously to different Lender Strings. This functionality is helpful for Book Club requests where multiple copies of a single item are needed. The Request Quantity allows for 20 different requests.

screenshot of the multiple requests accordion

Request Details

The Request Details accordion includes important bibliographic information about the request.

Field descriptions:

 Note: The format of dates and times displays in the interface based on the information about your institution contained in the WorldCat Registry. Dates and times will display to library staff in your institution's time zone and preferred format.

Field Description
Patron Summary Hover to see a brief summary of the Patron information appearing at the bottom of the request.
Source The system from which the request was generated.
Status The status of the request.
Local ID Any local identifier number (for example, a call number or barcode number).
Title/Journal Title of the item [e.g., book or journal (if it is an article request)].
Uniform Title Preferred title.
Author Author of the item.


Publisher name, City of publication, and Publication date.
ISBN International Standard Book Number (ten or thirteen-digit number).
ISSN International Standard Serial Number (eight-digit number).
OCLC OCLC Number, a unique identifier assigned to WorldCat Records.
DOI Digital object identifier.
PMID PubMed identifier.
Dissertation Title of Dissertation.
Series Title of Series.

Indicates the type of request (Copy or Loan).

Format Format of the item.
Language Language of the item.
Edition Edition of the item.
Preferred edition Preferred edition of the item (Most recent edition, This edition, or Any edition).
Article Title Title of the requested article.
Article Author Author of the article.
Volume Volume of the item.
Issue/No Issue of the article.
Issue Date Date of the issue.
Pages Page numbers of the article or chapter.
Requested On/Received Date The date the request was placed and the date the requested item was received.
Renewal Requested Appears for requests in the Renewal Requested queue. The requested renewal date appears when specified.
Renewal GRANTED/DENIED Indicates if a renewal request was granted or denied.
Renewals The number of renewal requests.
Need Before

Date by which you want to receive the item. 

Note: To assign a period of up to 99 days, type +DD for the system to calculate a date that is 1-99 calendar days from today's date.

Return Date Date the item was returned.
Due Date Due date of the request.
New Due Date The new due date after a renewal request is approved.
Verification Source of bibliographic information.

Lending Information

Under the Lending Libraries accordion, you can enter your preferred lending institutions. Up to 15 institution symbols(s) can be entered into the Lender String field.

Screenshot of the Lending Libraries accordion

Holding information is displayed about the item with the following information when available:

Field Description
Lender The lender's institution symbol, institution name, and location.
Days To Respond The lender's Days to Respond setting as configured in the lender's Policies Directory. Please see Days to Respond for more information.
Cost The lending institution's fees for Copies or Loans as configured in the Policies Directory.


When the lender has replied& Yes to the request, their lender-supplied information will appear under the Lending Information accordion.

Field Description
Use ILL Fee Management (IFM) The lender's use of  ILL Fee Management (IFM) is indicated here.
Lending Notes Notes from the lending library regarding the terms of the loan.
Return Via The lending library's preferred method for returning loaned materials.
Return To and address fields The return mailing information for the lending library.

Borrowing Library

The borrowing library information is where the borrowing library enters their information regarding the Electronic Delivery setting, Shipping information, and Billing Information.

Screenshot of the Barrowing Library accordion

Copyright Clearance

Libraries in the Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and the United Kingdom can track patron acceptance of local copyright terms. To add copyright compliance and acceptance information to your request form, please see Add copyright compliance and acceptance for non-US Libraries.

Copyright Signature indicates whether or not the patron has acknowledged the copyright terms. Options include:

  • Not applicable
  • Signature Required
  • Signature Obtained

Indicate your compliance for copy requests by selecting one of your country's valid codes.

Regio Copyright Compliance
Verenigde Staten
  • CCG Conforms to CONTU Guidelines
  • CCL Conforms to U.S. Copyright law
  • Australian Copyright Cleared
  • Australian License
  • S183 - Commonwealth
  • S183 - State
  • S200AB - Special case
  • S43 - Judicial Proceedings
  • S50 - for S49 client
  • S50(7) - for collection, previously supplied
  • S50(7A) - for collection, more than a reasonable portion
  • S50(7B) - for collection electronic
  • S50 - for collection
  • S50 - for parliamentarian
  • Fair Dealing
  • Canadian Copyright Act 2012
New Zealand
  • NZ Copyright Requirements
  • According to Spanish Copyright Law
  • License Aquired
  • None
United Kingdom
  • UK Copyright Cleared
  • UK Fair Dealing

Electronic Delivery

Choose your method of electronic delivery. You can set your Preferred method of delivery as well as an Alternate method. This information is configurable as constant data as well.

Field Definition
Article Exchange Delivery via OCLC Article Exchange.
Electronic Delivery via email
ILLiad/Odyssey Delivery via ILLiad Odyssey software.

 Note: Electronic Delivery is defined in the Contacts tab of the OCLC Policies Directory. Log in to the Policies Directory to make changes.


Borrowing libraries can set the preferred shipping information. This information is configurable as constant data as well.

Field Description Configurable as Constant Data? 
Shipping Information Complete mailing address and contact information: Ja
Ship Via Preferred method of shipment. Ja

Group Affiliations

Enter the symbols, names, or acronyms of your reciprocal, local, or OCLC's Profiled Groups to display to lenders.  


Borrowing Notes Additional information needed to clarify the request. Ja


Borrowing libraries can set the preferred billing information. This information is configurable as constant data as well.

Field Description Configurable as Constant Data? 
Bill Information Complete the billing address and contact fields. Click Copy From Shipping Info to use the same information from the Shipping and Contact Info fields. Otherwise, provide new information. Ja
Billing Notes Additional billing information, if needed. Ja
Use ILL Fee Management (IFM) for payment Select the ILL Fee Management (IFM) check box to enable IFM. For more information on IFM, see Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM). Ja
Maximum Cost

Maximum amount that you will pay for the item. Type the amount you will pay, and check the IFM check box to apply IFM.

Note: This reflects the total cost, not the cost per page

If you will not pay, leave the check box empty and type =0.00 in the box.

Note: If you do not provide a value, you are responsible for whatever the Lender charges. If both the IFM and Maximum Cost boxes are empty, the Lender is able to specify a Maximum Cost amount when the request is returned to you. You automatically agree to pay the specified amount when you update the request.



Field Description

The patron's name.

  • For best results, use the format: last name, first name, middle name or initial.
  • If necessary, add descriptive text to differentiate patrons with similar names
  • Do not enter patron identification numbers in this field. Use ID instead.


  • Butterworth, Ada Esther
  • Smith, Bob, CompSCi Dept.
ID A number used for patron identification
Status Patron's status (within the library, company, school, etc.), selected from a list of customized statuses.

For information on how to customize the list, see 11. Field Values.

Department The Department associated with the patron. For more information on adding Department, see 11. Field Values. Be consistent in the use of department names.
Patron Contact information Enter the patron's address, phone number, or fax number.
E-mail Patron's Email address.
Pickup Location Name The patron's selected preferred pickup location name as defined in the ILS locations setting within the CIrculation Integration module of the OCLC Service Configuration. See ILS locations for more information.
Pickup Location Code The patron's selected preferred pickup location code as defined in the ILS locations setting within the CIrculation Integration module of the OCLC Service Configuration. See ILS locations for more information.

Any relevant information about the request or the patron. This field cannot be reused.

Information about the patron can also be added as constant data or edited on the form directly.

Request History

The Request History accordion provides details about the history of the borrowing request.

 Note: The format of dates and times displays in the interface based on the information about your institution contained in the WorldCat Registry. Dates and times will display to library staff in your institution's time zone and preferred format.

Field Description
Copied From If the current request was created from an existing request, a link to the original request ID appears.
Automation History Lists status resulting from Automated Request Manager activity, patron validation, and copyright management.
Supplier History Lists the OCLC symbol of each lending library who engaged with the request, including their response and the date of the response.
ILL Fee Management (IFM) History Log of all Interlibrary Loan Fee Management related history, if IFM has been used for the request.
Notification Log Log of all email and SMS notifications sent related to the request.
Circulation History

For WorldShare Management System libraries with Circulation Integration enabled. This section confirms if a temporary item is created, provides barcode information, and tracks the history of the request.

Please see WorldShare Circulation Integration for more information about enabling this functionality.


Contains information on ISO transactions with external ILL systems using the ISO 18626 protocol. The ISO 18626 protocol allows non-OCLC libraries to request from WS-ILL libraries and vice versa. 

The ISO log gives details about the ISO transactions including the date and time of the transaction, the status, the OCLC symbol of the external library, and the request ID in the non-OCLC system.

The log also includes the cause of any errors that may have occurred. 

Automation History messages

Messages that appear in Automation History
Message Definition
Request moved to Review The request matched an automation and moved to Review. 

No best matching automation

An error was found in the request or no automations exist. 
Request contains improperly formatted patron max cost The request had an incorrect patron max cost and no automation matched to the request. 
Age of bibliographic item is indeterminate The item's age could not be ascertained and no automation matched to the request. 
No matching automation. Reason: No automations exist An error was found in the request or no automations exist. 

No patron linked to request

  • For libraries using Tipasa and RS4G
No patron was linked to the request when the automation had an action of Send Request to Lenders with Patron management turned on. 

Unapproved patron linked to request

  • For libraries using Tipasa and RS4G

An unapproved patron was linked to the request when the automation had an action of Send Request to Lenders with Patron management turned on. 

No matching bib The request did not match a bibliographic record.
No lenders or not enough lenders     The automation matched with an action to send to lenders or build a lender string, but the specified minimum number of lenders was not met. 

Matched with previously requested title, cleared as Fair Use (CCG)

  • Tipasa only
For institutions using US copyright management, the requested title matched with a previously requested title that has fewer than 5 uses in the past year and was published within the past 5 or 6 years, depending on configuration. 

Issue date could not be determined    

  • Tipasa only
For institutions using US copyright management, there is no date in the Issue date field. 

Title more than 5 years old, no copyright evaluation needed.    

  • Tipasa only
For institutions using US copyright management, the requested article was published more than 5 years ago. 

Matched with previously requested title, but copyright use count limit reached

  • Tipasa only
For institutions using US copyright management, the requested article matches a previously requested title with 5 or more uses. The request is stopped for copyright review before sending to lenders. 

No single copyright match found    

  • Tipasa only

For institutions using US copyright management, the journal title containing the requested article does not exist within the institution’s list of copyright titles. The request is stopped for copyright review.

Direct request processing failed. Automation could not process the request. The request is sent to Review. 

Held by your library, so producing as Document Delivery

  • Tipasa only
The automation sent the item held by the institution to Document Delivery. 
Held by your library     The item was held by the institution and automation sent the item to Review.  No lender string is built.
No OCLC number found in request     The OCLC number was not included in the request and was not used for bibliographic matching to the item in the request. 
No lenders or not enough lenders     The automation built a lender string, but the minimum number of lenders specified in the Custom Holdings Path was not reached. The request moves to Review. 
Produce option off     The automation has the action of Build Lender String.  The request moves to Review after building the lender string. 
Holdings path not found The automation specifies a Custom Holdings Path to build the lender string, but the Custom Holdings Path no longer exists. 
Holdings path has no institutions     The automation included a Custom Holdings Path which does not contain any members. 


Use the purchase tab to review item prices and see links to vendor sites such as Get It Now (if you subscribe to the service).

Field Description
Request Summary Find a summary of the bibliographic details of the requested item, including Need Before date, Title/Journal, Author, Publisher, and ISBN/ISSN number.
Patron Summary Find a summary of the patron details of the request, including Name, ID, Status, Department, Address and Notes.
Purchase Options Find links to vendor websites and pricing information for the item.

Staff Notes

The Staff Notes tab allows you to keep notes that are viewable and searchable only by your library staff. Staff Notes can be added to active and closed requests. The number on the tab indicates how many Staff Notes currently exist for a particular request.

Edit and add Staff Notes

All staff users within an institution can add, edit and delete notes. Any staff member may edit any existing notes. The original author displays in the left column with the most recently-edited-by user name appearing just below the note.

 Note: Only staff with the WorldShare ILL Admin role will be able to see the name of the author of the staff notes.  Staff with the WorldShare ILL User role will see a date and time stamp for when the note was created/updated along with the name of the library.  

The most recently added note will display at the top of the Staff Notes tab. Edited notes display based on the updated date and time.

Add a Staff Note

 Note: There can be up to 500 notes per request.

  1. From the request, select Note from the Actions panel.
  2. Add the text of your note to the Add Staff Note text box.
    • There is a 500 character limit for each note.
  3. Click Add.
    • To remove any text added to the Add Staff Note box, click Cancel.

Edit a Staff Note

  1. From the request, click on the Staff Notes tab.
  2. Next to the desired Staff Note, click on the button.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Make the desired edits in the text box.
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

A message appears confirming the note successfully saved.

Delete a Staff Note

 Caution: Deleted notes are not retrievable.

  1. From the request, click on the Staff Notes tab.
  2. Next to the desired Staff Note, click on the drop-down.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. A message appears asking you to confirm deletion of the Staff Note.
  5. Click Delete.

A message appears confirming the Staff Note has been deleted.