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OCLC Support

Where can I find an overview of all IFM transactions?

Applies to
  • WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
  • Tipasa

In the OCLC Usage Statistics, you can find several reports regarding your IFM transactions. There are reports for borrowing as well as lending transactions.

 Note: If your institution doesn't have any IFM transactions in a month, you will not see any reports.

To access these reports:

  1. Once logged in to WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, click the link from the Interlibrary Loan Home screen to go to OCLC Usage Statistics.
  2. Use your institution's nine-digit ILL authorization number and password to log in to the Usage Statistics portal. Contact OCLC Support if you need a reminder of the authorization number or the password.
  3. In the left navigation, select OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan.
  4. From the Period drop-down list, select the month and year to be reported on.
  5. In the Months field, enter 1 to return data for a single month.
  6. Click the Update button.
  7. Select one or more reports:
    1. ILL Fee Management Program Borrower Report - For all Borrower IFM transactions in USD
    2. ILL Fee Management Program Local Currency Borrower Report - for all Borrower IFM transactions using your local currency (if different from USD)
    3. ILL Fee Management Program Lender Report - For all Lender IFM transactions in USD
    4. ILL Fee Management Program Local Currency Lender Report - for all Lender IFM transactions using your local currency (if different from USD)
  8. A summary of requests shipped by each responding library will be displayed in each Report.
  9. Click Show all requests to display each individual request and any associated IFM costs.
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