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OCLC Support

Can I get an overview of all libraries in a Resource Sharing Group?

Applies to
  • WorldShare ILL
  • Tipasa

To create an overview of all the libraries that are in a specific Resource Sharing Group, you look up the Group Symbol:

Navigate to

Log in using your Authorization Code

On the left side of the page, under Search by: select "Group Symbol".

Type the Group Symbol you are looking for, for example BCOV, in the Search area and click Search on the bottom of the menu.

The Policies Directory will now show you a list of all the libraries in the group.

Additional information

If you wish to create a Custom Holdings Group based on all the symbols in the selected Resource Sharing Group, click on Display Symbols that is shown in the top-right corner of the list. This will show a pop-up with all the OCLC Symbols of all the libraries in the selection. You can now copy-paste these to your Custom Holdings Group field in the Service Configuration.

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