WorldShare Admin
When you subscribe to a WorldShare service, you can manage your user accounts and alert messages using the Admin module. You must have one of the Administrative roles assigned to your account in order to access the Admin module.
See how to Add services and manage staff accounts.
- Get started
- Get started with the WorldShare Admin tab.
- Account Info
- The Account Info section contains information related to your WMS or third-party authentication method. Account Info is updated every time you ingest user data.
- Additional Info
- The Additional Info section contains information about the user that was entered in the additionalInfo attribute of the XML file that was created as part of the data ingest process.
- Alerts Management
- Alerts are messages that can be sent to users within the WorldShare interface. If you use WorldShare Circulation or WorldShare License Manager, you can configure predefined alerts to be sent to users when a specific action occurs within the system.
- Basic User Data
- In the Basic User Data section, you can enter personal, contact, and circulation information about your users.
- Custom Data
- The Custom Data section contains four fields that can be used to store additional institution-specific information about the user. If you use WorldShare Circulation, the Custom Data fields will also appear in the patron's account in the Custom Data section of the Profile tab.
- Diagnostics
- The Diagnostics section contains old barcodes and information about the staff member who created the user account and the staff member who last modified the user account.
- Roles
- Find descriptions of available roles. Roles determine what actions users can perform in the system. The roles that you see in your Admin module may vary according to your own roles or the products your library subscribes to.
- OCLC Meridian roles
- OCLC Service Configuration roles
- Acquisitions roles
- Alert roles
- Record Manager roles
- Circulation roles
- Collection Evaluation roles
- Collection Manager roles
- Course Reserves roles
- WorldCat Discovery roles
- Everyone role
- Interlibrary Loan roles
- License Manager roles
- Platform Management roles
- Reports and Report Designer roles
- User Management roles
- Web Service Keys Admin role
- User Management
- Use the Admin module to manage user accounts. Users may consist of staff, patrons, or both. If you use WorldShare Circulation, you will see both patron and staff accounts in the Admin module. Any patron accounts that you create in the Circulation module can also be accessed in the Admin module.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ), instructions on how to complete specific tasks (How-to), and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Accessing the OCLC Service Configuration when you cannot assign the necessary roles
- Are WorldShare usernames or email addresses case sensitive?
- Authentication error Status Code: 999 at login
- A staff member has left. How do I delete their account and will their work be lost?
- Can a user with the User Admin role assign all roles in WorldShare?
- Special characters/Diacritics are displaying as question marks in my patron records
- Every time I sign into WorldShare, the "Select branch for current location" box appears.
- Featured WorldShare Admin Troubleshooting articles
- How can I add a custom message to our login screen?
- How can I change my account details?
- How can I view or export a list of users and their WorldShare roles/permissions?
- How can I get a list of all user accounts inside the Admin tab?
- How can I notify users to renew their accounts before their Expiration Dates?
- How can I remove a nickname from a WorldShare user profile?
- How can I see a list of all WorldShare users at my library/institution?
- How do I change my OCLC Community Center email address?
- How do I determine what authentication method my library is using?
- How do I search for users with an apostrophe in their name?
- How do we add the BIBCO role to our accounts?
- How to resolve a DUPLICATE_BARCODE_ERROR in patron load report
- I'm an Admin for WorldShare, but I don't see the Admin tab when I log in
- 'Invalid request' error when attempting to sign in to WorldShare or Discovery
- Is there any restriction on the length of the patron's barcode when we create their account?
- Is there a limit to the number of active users that can be logged into WorldShare at the same time?
- Is there a limit to the number of staff accounts I can create in WorldShare?
- Is there a way to search by User ID at Source
- I am getting an "email address invalid" error message when trying to log into WorldShare
- I am getting an error message mentioning my email address when logging into WorldShare
- I am getting a "User ID is invalid" error message when trying to change my WorldShare password
- I am trying to create a WorldShare account, but the username field is grayed out.
- I am trying to edit the Cataloging Full role for a user, but the check box is appearing as greyed out.
- I am using third party authentication and I accidentally assigned the incorrect User ID at Source to an account. How do I remove this?
- I can't log in to WMS. The error message is "One or more signatures could not be validated on the SAML response from the identity provider"
- I cannot log on to WorldShare. I am getting a message that says: "You are not authorized to access WorldShare Management Application."
- I forgot my WorldShare URL.
- I forgot my WorldShare username
- I have taken over OCLC accounts, how do I get Admin access for WorldShare?
- My library is using dual authentication. How do I change the text of our sign-in buttons?
- User is getting a login error, but there is no password reset link to change it
- Nothing Here. We're sorry. What you are looking for is not here error when logging into WorldShare
- Odd WorldShare screen after role change
- Why are patron photos not showing up anymore in Circulation patron accounts?
- The Identity Management section is missing in WorldShare Admin. Where did it go?
- The system is unable to send the user an email. Please contact a librarian within your institution.
- This site can't be reached error when bringing up your WorldShare instance
- Unable to process request error
- Users are getting the authentication error "Reach out to the institution admin and provide the following information"
- User gets "Invalid credentials, try again." when signing in to WorldShare
- We are a WMS library. Why can't I add a phone number for SMS delivery notifications to an account?
- What is the Cataloging Evaluation role in WorldShare Admin?
- What role does my WorldShare account need in order to assign course reserve roles to other accounts?
- When I log in to WMS, it prompts me to "select a service to sign into." How do I know which button to click?
- When I try to login into WorldShare, I get an error that the page is not working
- When logging in to WorldShare I get an error message that says "We're sorry. We are unable to process your request at this moment. Please try again later."
- When signing in to WorldShare, I get an error message: "You are not authorized to view WorldShare ILL."
- Where can I find availability statistics for my WMS?
- Where can I find our production principal_idns?
- Where can I see the date and time a user account was last edited?
- Which characters are not permitted in a WorldShare username?
- Which fields are required for a patron load file?
- Why am I getting an "Username or password is invalid. Authentication failed." error when logging in?
- Why am I getting a "There is a problem with the email address in your user account" error when logging into WorldShare?
- Why am I locked out of my WorldShare account for too many attempts?
- Why am I not receiving a password reset email?
- Why am I receiving an error when trying to reset my WorldShare password?
- Why am I receiving a "there is a problem with your email address" error when logging into the Community Center?
- Why are the Delivery Notification checkboxes greyed out in a user account?
- Why can't I create new user accounts in WorldShare?
- Why can't I log in to the Developer network to get my WSKey?
- Why does clicking the Password Reset Link sent in an email lead to a blank page?
- Why does the error "User record not found" appear when attempting to sign in to WMS?
- Why don't I see the set/reset password option in WorldShare?
- Why is my WorldShare account expired?
- Why is the ID Verified box not automatically checked when I create a new account?
- Why is WorldShare automatically logging me out after a period of time?