Add services and manage staff accounts
OCLC accounts
In order for you to be able to add a service to your account, your institution first must be provisioned for that service by OCLC Order services. Each institution has an institution-specific WorldShare URL. For example:
Provisioning usually happens with these steps:
- Your library orders a service, completes an order form, or completes a request form. However, your institution might not need to fill out a request form if you are part of a migration or in another special situation.
- Order Services provisions your institution so that individuals can acquire access to the service.
- Provisioning makes it so an individual with your institution's authorizations and/or credentials can create or add a service to their account by using the OCLC Services account page.
Accounts for additional staff members
User accounts are added and managed by your system admin in the WorldShare Admin module. Anyone with an administrative role for a service can edit roles and manage staff accounts for that service in the Admin module in the WorldShare interface. For additional information, see WorldShare Admin, User Management.
administrative roles will be assigned to any staff member that uses the OCLC Services account page. You can edit roles in the Admin module of the WorldShare interface.
By default,WorldShare Admin module
Anyone with an administrative role for a service can edit roles and manage staff accounts for that service in the Admin module in the WorldShare interface.
For additional information, see WorldShare Admin, User Management.