Find information about CapiraMobile, CapiraCurbside, MuseumKey, and LendingKey.
- CapiraMobile
- Find out how to use the CapiraMobile Staff Dashboard to configure and customize your library's CapiraMobile application.
- CapiraMobile configuration for WorldShare Circulation
- Find information for configuring CapiraMobile for WorldShare Circulation.
- CapiraCurbside
- Find information about using and configuring Capira Curbside.
- MuseumKey and LendingKey
- Find information about configuring and using MuseumKey and LendingKey.
- Capira release notes and known issues
- Find Capira release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Capira training
- Find training on Capira here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- App crashing when trying to open the library card from "My Account" page.
- At what time do museum passes roll over or become available again in MuseumKey?
- A patron cannot see their card barcode in the app
- Can a Pass Be Associated with a Specific Time Instead of a Full Day?
- Can we add our app to the Kindle/Amazon App Store?
- Can we disable the PIN requirement for patrons making reservations in MuseumKey/LendingKey?
- Can we generate a check-in receipt if we check in an item through MuseumKey/LendingKey?
- Can we remove or change the graphic on the Search Catalog screen?
- Can we use special characters in our patron account PINs?
- Does MuseumKey have the capability to handle one time use discount codes?
- Featured Capira Troubleshooting articles
- How can I change the promo code on a printable pass?
- How can I stop patrons from overriding our limits and reserving more passes?
- How can we add or remove a new icon or screen in Capira?
- How can we change copies of our physical passes to printable passes?
- How can we update patron expiration date in the Capira app?
- How does ILS circulation integration work in MuseumKey or LendingKey?
- How do I add or change an image in LendingKey?
- How do I block certain patrons from making reservations in MuseumKey/LendingKey?
- How do we add/delete a pickup location in CapiraMobile or CapiraReady?
- How do we update our hours in CapiraMobile?
- How do we update URLs in CapiraMobile?
- How many library cards can be added in My Account?
- How often is the events calendar feed refreshed in my library's app
- In Capira, what should our URL be for Events if we use LibraryMarket?
- Is it possible to resend an email confirmation/pass to a patron after they've reserved it in MuseumKey?
- Is there a way for staff to bypass the Starting Date Buffer in order to make a reservation for an earlier date
- Is there a way to see the last person to check out a specific item, or when that item went out and came back?
- Patrons getting an error message when they try to add their account to the app
- Patron Alerts are not working.
- Should I send OCLC support my Crashlytics report?
- We cannot scan barcodes from the app screen
- We have both LendingKey and MuseumKey. Can only one have a public interface?
- What does the error message "Error XCirc error: No requestable items are available" mean?
- What information and when does Capira need to know if my library is changing our ILS?
- What IP ranges are used by the Capira products?
- What should I do if a museum pass or thing is returned late in MuseumKey or LendingKey?
- When does Key Central open up the next day for making reservations
- When trying to delete a Museum Pass I get the error, "This item ID already exists or this item is checked out. Only the item status can be updated."
- Why am I not receiving MuseumKey and LendingKey confirmation emails?
- Why am I not receiving push notification on my Android app?
- Why are library patrons are able to make reservations on a museum on dates that are marked closed (RED)?
- Why are the dates before a reservation blocked in MuseumKey or LendingKey?
- Why can't patrons cancel printable MuseumKey reservations?
- Why can a patron not check out an item using Self Check in Capira?
- Why can a patron not renew checkouts or place holds in Capira?
- Why can a patron reserve a Museum pass even if the museum is closed for that day?
- Why can our patron not see their checkouts or holds in the Capira app?
- Why did we receive an “app not compliant” message from the Google Play store?
- Why does our app not work when we are on the library's network?
- Why am I receiving an error when trying to use mobile checkout?
- Why is a catalog search not returning expected results in Capira?
- Why is a museum showing as available when the calendar for the museum shows it as closed?
- Why is a patron unable to log into Capira and receiving an Invalid Information error?
- Why is my newly added image not available to assign to an existing Thing?
- Why is my phone screen flickering and unusable when I try to open CapiraMobile?
- Why is our Capira app crashing?
- Why is the video player in LendingKey showing an error when viewing a thing?
- OCLC Community Center: Capira community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Capira product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.