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OCLC Support

Known issues

This page lists known issues in the Capira application. Availability dates are subject to change.

Please see the OCLC System Status Dashboard for active issues.

Updated: March 8, 2024

Current Issues

Issue Detail
iOS-Rate Our App: When asked to rate the app, if the user selects 'No', the user's email application is opened. Targeted Resolution: TBD
Edits to Search Filters: Edits on this screen within the Dashboard cannot be saved. 

Targeted Resolution: TBD

Work around: Filters can be deleted and re-added and will save properly.

Item specific holds: Records with multiple volumes or issues do not allow for item specific holds for libraries on the older version of CapiraMobile

Targeted Resolution: Migration to the newest version of CapiraMobile with Dashboard access

Work around: Linking out the Hold/Request Item button to the item record in the library OPAC, where the user will be able to log in and place holds.

Fixed issues

Fixed issues - Table
Issue Fixed date
iOS-Sort by Open filter: The Sort by Open filter on the Library Information screen does not sort by open libraries  
Wise hold expiration: Instead of showing the expiration date of holds, 'some expiration' is shown.   
Sirsi Symphony search filters: Symphony search filters correctly display in the app, but do not filter the user's search correctly.  Resolution: December 2024
LibCal filters: LibCal event filters display in the app, but do not filter events.  
Carousels have blank spaces: When the cover art service being used does not return a cover image for an item, a blank space appears in the carousel. Resolution: March 2024
iOS - reading history displays number of renewals left on the item: Although renewal actions cannot be taken on the reading history page, the number of renewals is being displayed. Resolution - March 11, 2024
Polaris ILS searches with B: For members on the newest version of CapiraMobile who are integrated with Polaris, searches starting with the capital letter B return zero results

Resolution: November 3, 3023