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About FirstSearch
Uniquely valued by member libraries, FirstSearch provides the precision searching preferred by many library staff and experienced searchers. A FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription provides access to the FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery interfaces.
To receive ongoing updates about FirstSearch enhancements, register for Discovery and Reference email updates
- Get started
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- Get started with FirstSearch.
- Authentication
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- Find information about authenticating FirstSearch.
- WorldCat Admin
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- Learn how to use the WorldCat Admin module to customize your FirstSearch service.
- About WorldCat Admin
- Administer staff ILL settings
- Administrative module direct links
- Create deep links to your library catalog in the WorldCat Services administrative module
- Customize databases and full text
- Customize Interlibrary Loan for patrons
- Customize passwords and timeouts
- Customize searching and library holdings
- Customize the Patron ILL Request Form
- Description of the administrative module
- Information needed to set up IP address recognition access to FirstSearch
- Link your library, FirstSearch, and other web resources
- Navigate the administrative module
- OCLC FirstSearch/Automated Request Manager link quick reference
- Send patron comments to your library
- Set up or change IP address recognition access to FirstSearch
- Use the WorldCat Services Admin module
- Zoeken
- No image available
- Find information about searching FirstSearch.
- FirstSearch databases
- No image available
- Find detailed information about databases available from FirstSearch and the OCLC Z39.50 server.
- ArticleFirst
- Clase and Periódica (ClasePeriodica)
- Electronic Books (Ebooks)
- Electronic Collections Online (ECO)
- GPO Monthly Catalog (GPO)
- OAIster
- Open Access Content
- PapersFirst
- ProceedingsFirst (Proceedings)
- Values for the dbname or db component
- WorldCat
- WorldCat Dissertations and Theses (WorldCatDissertations)
- Z39.50 access
- No image available
- Find information about Z39.50 access in FirstSearch.
- FirstSearch training
- No image available
- Find training on FirstSearch here.
- Reference
- No image available
- Additional resources for FirstSearch.
- Troubleshooting
- No image available
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Asked to authenticate when using FirstSearch "Cite this Item" feature
- Authorization number is invalid or expired error when updating IP addresses in FirstSearch Admin
- Can FirstSearch perform user authentication?
- Can I add my OpenURL server to FirstSearch?
- Can I choose a default search mode for FirstSearch?
- Can I link from my website to individual FirstSearch databases?
- Can I suppress links from MARC 856 fields in FirstSearch?
- Can users reuse previous searches during a FirstSearch session?
- Featured FirstSearch Troubleshooting articles
- FirstSearch is prompting for authorization and password from on campus
- How can I request a quote for FirstSearch?
- How do I add a pickup location for ILL in FirstSearch?
- How do I change the sort order of the dept or branch in the Patron ILL Request Form?
- How do I configure FirstSearch so off campus students don't need to log in?
- How do I get my Administrative module or service password for FirstSearch
- How do I remove the OCLC FirstSearch link from WorldCat Local?
- How do I set up authentication from our library website to FirstSearch?
- How is holdings information determined?
- Where can I find my FirstSearch authorization and password?
- Invalid Autho/password error when trying to connect to FirstSearch via Z39.50 in Endnote
- I am getting an error when adding a new OpenURL server to the FirstSearch Admin Module
- I am looking for COUNTER 5 reports in OCLC Usage Statistics but I get the message "Unable to display report"
- I receive the error, "Your access to FirstSearch has expired" when logging in to FirstSearch
- I would like to make changes to the ECO database. Is this possible?
- My local holdings aren't displaying as expected
- On the site, FirstSearch COUNTER reports are showing zero activity.
- We are unable to access WorldCat through our authentication. We get this message: "System Failure Page: Unable to successfully complete transaction."
- The link to another library's catalog is not resolving correctly in FirstSearch
- Why is it when I press Cite This Item in FirstSearch I am redirected to
- Which MARC fields display in FirstSearch?
- Why am I encountering the error: "System Failure Page: Unable to successfully complete transaction" while searching ECO database in FirstSearch?
- Why isn't FirstSearch displaying my ILL link image?
- Why is our OpenURL linking incorrectly from FirstSearch to Clio?