Link your library, FirstSearch, and other web resources
The following features in the administrative module let you link your library, FirstSearch, and other web resources useful to libraries and library users:
- Your library's logo: This feature lets you add your library's logo to the FirstSearch service.
- Links to your library's catalog: This feature lets you add a link to your library's catalog from FirstSearch. The feature has the following aspects:
- Catalog Entry Screen URL
- ISBN Search Results URL
- ISSN Search Results URL
- e-Serial ISSN Search Results URL
- OCLC Number Search Results URL
- Library Catalog Link Text
- Online Booksellers and Information Partners: The Information Partner Links features let you create links between the WorldCat database and information partners' services.
- Online Bookseller Links from WorldCat
- OpenURL Links: The OpenURL Links feature provides the following fields to let you add links in FirstSearch that lead to your library's OpenURL server:
- Add OpenURL Server
- Select OpenURL Server
- Add OpenURL Icon File
- Add OpenURL Link Text
- Choose Databases
- Select Translation Service: This feature lets you increase the usefulness of the HTML full text in FirstSearch by letting your users request translation of it.
- Outbound Linking: This feature lets you increase the amount of full text available to your users in FirstSearch. It lets you provide links that lead from FirstSearch detailed records describing items to the full text of those items in other services that your library uses.
- Infotrieve Outbound Linking
- CISTI Outbound Linking
- JSTOR Outbound Linking
- Your library's custom web links: This feature lets you provide 1, 2 or 3 links that lead from FirstSearch to web pages that you choose. For example, the links might lead to your library's home page, Ask a Librarian page, or preferred search engine page.
Your library's logo
The Your library's logo feature is described in the following table.
purpose | You can add your library's logo to the FirstSearch service by typing the URL of the logo's image file in the administrative module. If you do, the logo appears throughout each FirstSearch session at either the upper left or upper right of each FirstSearch screen, depending on where you designated it to appear. The URL of the logo image must begin with http, and must be no longer than 255 characters. The logo itself must be no higher than 40 pixels. You can also add accompanying text to your logo. For upper left logo text, the default is no text and the maximum allowable number of characters is 40. For upper right logo text, the default is your library name as defined on the Library Holdings screen of the administrative module and the maximum allowable number of characters is 60. Input text can be case sensitive. Edited text will not affect the library name set on the Library Holdings screen. If you have multiple FirstSearch accounts, add your library's logo in the administrative module for each account in which you want the logo to appear. If you want to specify the logo through automatic logon (IP address recognition) rather than the administrative module, leave the administrative module feature blank. |
location | Click Your Library Settings in the Interface Display section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Upper Left Logo and Upper Right Logo. |
default setting | The FirstSearch logo is displayed in the upper left of the FirstSearch service screen. |
Available values
The values that you can set for the Your library's logo feature are described in the following table.
Logo | The complete URL of the your library logo's image file, beginning with https://, located where it can be accessed by users of your FirstSearch account, and no longer than 255 characters. Example: type in the Logo field and click the Test button to see a sample library logo. |
Hyperlink (upper left logo only) | If you want your logo to be a hypertext link, type the URL for the link in the Hypertext field, following the same conventions described above. |
Alt Text (upper left logo only) | If you want text to appear when a cursor hovers over your logo, type the text in the Alt Text field. |
Text | If you want text to appear next to your logo, type your text in the Text field under Upper Left Logo or Upper Right Logo, depending on where you want your logo to appear. |
Notes about logo images
The following table contains information about logo images used in FirstSearch.
characteristic | note |
Background color | When you choose to place your library logo on the upper left, the library logo will appear in the following default background color options:
Text font | Tahoma Bold is the font of the text in the FirstSearch menu in which library logos appear. |
Image size | 40 pixels is the recommended image size. |
Image scaling | If the image is not 40 pixels high, FirstSearch scales its height to 40 pixels and scales its width proportionally. |
Size of image file | A large file can slow access to FirstSearch while the image is first saved in the browser. If your users access FirstSearch via a modem, an image file of less than 3,000 bytes is recommended. |
Location of image file | The URL for the image file must begin with https:// and include the complete address of the file. The file must be located where it can be accessed by users of your FirstSearch account. |
Image file formats | GIF or JPEG is recommended. |
GIF format | GIF format is better for logos, type, and similar flat color images. It supports transparency. For example, type in the administrative module box for the URL and click the Test button. |
JPEG format | JPEG format is better for photographs and other images with subtle color changes. It does not support transparency. For example, type in the administrative module box for the URL and click the Test button. |
Links to your library's catalog
The Links to your library's catalog feature is described in the following table.
purpose |
Use the Links to your library's catalog feature to add a link to your library's catalog from the FirstSearch service by typing URLs for your catalog in the administrative module. If you do, the link appears in FirstSearch records in WorldCat and other selected databases so users can click on the link to use your catalog and determine an item's availability and location. If you use this feature, the link appears whether or not FirstSearch indicates that your library owns the item, that is, whether or not your library's OCLC symbol is attached to the record. When a user clicks the link, FirstSearch adds a heading and a Return button above the screen for your catalog so the user can easily return to FirstSearch. To use this option, you must supply at least one of the following URLs:
You can also supply the Library Catalog Link Text. You can experiment with this feature using the administrative module and FirstSearch to see how it works with your library's catalog. |
location | Click Web Library Catalogs in the Linking section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Links to your library's catalog. |
default setting | The default setting for each aspect of Links to your library's catalog is described below. |
Catalog entry screen URL
The Catalog Entry Screen URL takes users to a search screen in your catalog or to a menu for selecting a search screen.
FirstSearch uses this URL in the link to your catalog if you supply it and one of the following is true:
- The FirstSearch record contains no appropriate ISBN or ISSN.
- The FirstSearch record contains an appropriate ISBN but you supplied no URL for an ISBN search.
- The FirstSearch record contains an appropriate ISSN but you supplied no URL for an ISSN search.
- Users who click the link for this URL go to your catalog screen that has the URL. FirstSearch does not perform a search for the user.
Available values
The values that you can set for Catalog Entry Screen URL are described in the following table.
Blank | Default setting. No Catalog Entry Screen URL. |
Catalog Search Entry URL | A URL that takes users to a screen in your catalog for entering a search or to a menu for selecting a search screen. This URL must not change from one catalog session to another. For example, if the URL for the catalog screen you want to use is, type in the administrative module box for the Catalog Search Entry URL. |
ISBN search results URL
The ISBN Search Results URL takes users to your catalog's results screen for an ISBN search.
FirstSearch uses this URL in the link to your catalog if you supply it and the FirstSearch record contains an appropriate ISBN.
FirstSearch adds the ISBN from the FirstSearch record to the URL you supply. Users who click the link see the results of the search for that ISBN in your catalog. The search may or may not find a record in your catalog.
You can supply this URL if your catalog has a URL to which an ISBN can be added to obtain search results.
Available values
The values that you can set for ISBN Search Results URL are described in the following table.
Blank | Default setting. No ISBN Search Results URL. |
ISBN Search Results URL | A URL that takes users to your catalog's results screen for an ISBN search. This URL must not change from one catalog session to another, except for the ISBN part of the URL. For example, if the URL for the results of a search of your catalog for ISBN 0060150424 is, type in the administrative module box for the URL. |
ISSN search results URL
The ISSN Search Results URL takes users to your catalog's results screen for an ISSN search.
FirstSearch uses this URL in the link to your catalog if you supply it and the FirstSearch record contains an appropriate ISSN.
FirstSearch adds the ISSN (including the hyphen) from the FirstSearch record to the URL you supply. Users who click the link see the results of the search for that ISSN in your catalog. The search may or may not find a record in your catalog.
You can supply this URL if your catalog has a URL to which an ISSN (including the hyphen) can be added to obtain search results.
Available values
The values that you can set for ISSN Search Results URL are described in the following table.
Blank | Default setting. No ISSN Search Results URL. |
ISSN Search Results URL | A URL that takes users to your catalog's results screen for an ISSN search. This URL must not change from one catalog session to another, except for the ISSN part of the URL. For example, if the URL for the results of a search of your catalog for ISSN 0010-7174 is, type in the administrative module box for the URL. |
e-Serial ISSN search results URL
The e-Serial ISSN Search Results URL takes users to the results of an ISSN search for electronic serials in your library. FirstSearch uses this URL if you supply it on the Web Library Catalogs screen and the FirstSearch record contains an appropriate e-Serial ISSN.
FirstSearch adds the e-Serial ISSN (including the hyphen) from the FirstSearch record to the URL you supply. Users who click the link see the results of the search for that e-serial ISSN. The search may or may not find a record.
How it works
- Enter an e-Serial URL: FirstSearch displays the link to the e-Serial URL.
Note: For eSerials, the eISSN link takes precedence over the OCLC number.
Supply the base URL for your library, followed by search parameters required by your system.
For example, you may type something like: or in the e-Serial ISSN Search Results URL text box.
Note: Example is for illustrative purposes only. Your search parameters may vary. - Select the checkbox: Click the Yes checkbox to display a link for your library's print ISSN catalog if the e-Serials ISSN field is blank. FirstSearch displays the link to the text ISSN link (default)
- No selections: FirstSearch displays the library catalog's opening page or initial search screen.
OCLC number search results URL
The OCLC Number Search Results URL takes users to your catalog's results screen for an OCLC number search.
FirstSearch uses this URL in the link to your catalog if you supply it and the FirstSearch record contains an appropriate OCLC number.
FirstSearch adds the OCLC number from the FirstSearch record to the URL you supply. Users who click the link see the results of the search for that OCLC number in your catalog. The search may or may not find a record in your catalog.
You can supply this URL if your catalog has a URL to which an OCLC number can be added to obtain search results.
Available values
The values that you can set for OCLC Number Search Results URL are described in the following table.
Blank | Default setting. No OCLC Number Search Results URL. |
OCLC Number Search Results URL | A URL that takes users to your catalog's results screen for an OCLC number search. This URL must not change from one catalog session to another, except for the OCLC number part of the URL. For example, if the URL for the results of a search of your catalog for OCLC number 52725228 is, type in the administrative module box for the URL. |
Library catalog link text
You can use the Catalog Entry Screen Link Text and Catalog Search Results Link Text fields on the Web Library Catalogs screen to customize the text for the link(s) to your catalog to be included in FirstSearch. FirstSearch provides the following default text in links to your library's catalog:
For the url for your library catalog's... | the default link text is... |
Entry screen | Connect to the catalog at your library |
ISBN search results screen | Search the catalog at your library |
ISSN search results screen | Search the catalog at your library |
OCLC Number search results screen | Search the catalog at your library |
Online booksellers
The Online Booksellers features in the administrative module lets you create links between the WorldCat database and online booksellers. These links let you do the following:
- Offer additional fulfillment options to your library's users from WorldCat
- Integrate WorldCat and other online services to which your library subscribes
Online Booksellers
Participating booksellers are working with libraries to link their services and users with libraries' services and users through WorldCat and the World Wide Web.
The following feature is available:
The current participating booksellers are listed in the Bookseller column on the Online Booksellers screen. More will be added later. For information about a bookseller's services and programs, click its name in the Bookseller column to go to a web site about the bookseller. To go to the Online Booksellers screen, click Online Booksellers in the Linking section of the main menu.
Register your FirstSearch authorization with a participating bookseller
Some booksellers allow libraries that have both a FirstSearch account and an account with the bookseller to register their FirstSearch authorization with the bookseller to receive enhanced linking to WorldCat records and holdings information. By registering your FirstSearch authorization with a participating bookseller, your library lets its users find books in WorldCat related to their searches at the bookseller's service and identify libraries that hold items they want. When your users access your library's account with the bookseller, they see links to WorldCat. Those links lead to the same holdings information that your users see when they are using FirstSearch.
Online bookseller links from WorldCat
The Online Bookseller Links from WorldCat feature is described in the following table.
purpose | Add links in WorldCat records that lead to booksellers' services. A check box is provided for each bookseller to which the feature applies so you can enable each link your library wants to add. These booksellers, and others to be added later, provide additional fulfillment options for your users, helping them find items they need. When a user clicks the link in a WorldCat record that leads to a bookseller's service, FirstSearch submits a search to the service for the item described in the record. The service's results screen is displayed with a FirstSearch heading and Return button so the user can easily return to FirstSearch after visiting the bookseller's service. |
location | Click Online Booksellers in the Linking section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Online Bookseller Links from WorldCat. For information about a bookseller's services and programs, click its name in the Bookseller column on the screen to go to a web site about the bookseller. |
default setting | Off for each bookseller. |
Available values
The values that you can set for each bookseller are described in the following table.
On (checked) | If the box is checked, the link to the bookseller's service is available to your users. |
Off (not checked) | If the box is not checked, the link to the bookseller's service is not available to your users. |
OpenURL Links
The following OpenURL Links fields let you add, rename, or delete links in FirstSearch databases that lead to your library's OpenURL server(s):
- Add OpenURL Server
- Select OpenURL Server
- Add OpenURL Icon File
- Add OpenURL Link Text
- Choose Databases
Note: When you make changes to your OpenURL server(s), the changes are automatically updated in the WorldCat Registry.
If you add links, they appear in detailed records in FirstSearch databases. When a user clicks a link, FirstSearch submits information from the record to your library's OpenURL server(s). The resulting server screen is displayed with a FirstSearch heading and Return button so the user can easily return to FirstSearch.
To add the links, you must:
- Specify the URL of each OpenURL server.
- Specify the URL of an icon for each server and/or the text to be displayed as links.
- Make the icon(s) and/or link text available in one or more FirstSearch databases.
OpenURL servers
Some libraries use OpenURL servers to help connect their users to available online resources. For example, a user retrieves a record in an online database that contains a description of a document. The user wants to view the document. The record contains a link that leads to an OpenURL server. The user clicks the link. The link sends information about the document to the server. The server displays a screen to the user that contains links likely to lead to the document or more information about it.
NISO has an OpenURL standardization initiative. Information about it, including reports, presentations, and a bibliography on OpenURL issues, is available here.
Add OpenURL Server
The Add OpenURL Serve field is described in the following table.
purpose | Specify the URL for a new OpenURL server for your library. You can use the ISBN provided or type another one. |
location | Click OpenURL Links in the Resource Sharing section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Add OpenURL Server. |
default setting | Blank. |
You can also click a Test button to send an ISBN to the URL and view the results.
Available values
The values that you can set for the Add OpenURL Serverfield are described in the following table.
Blank | No new OpenURL Server URL. |
OpenURL Server URL | A URL for a new OpenURL server for your library. |
Select OpenURL Server
The Select OpenURL Serve field is described in the following table.
purpose | Rename or delete a URL for an existing OpenURL server for your library. You can use the ISBN provided or type another one. |
location | Click OpenURL Links in the Resource Sharing section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Select OpenURL Server. |
default setting | Blank, if no existing OpenURL servers, or one or more URLs for existing OpenURL servers. |
You can also click a Test button to send an ISBN to the URL and view the results.
Available values
The values that you can set for the Select OpenURL Server field are described in the following table.
Blank | After deleting all existing OpenURL servers. |
OpenURL Server URLs | Filled in automatically with URLs of existing OpenURL servers. |
Add OpenURL Icon File
The Add OpenURL Icon File field is described in the following table.
purpose | Specify the URL for an icon that FirstSearch will display. If you do not specify an icon file URL, you must specify link text. You can also click a Test button to view a sample page containing the icon and/or link text. (The sample link does not lead to the OpenURL server.) Note: The recommended image size of the icon is 16 pixels high and up to 64 pixels wide. If the image is more than 16 pixels high, FirstSearch scales its height to 16 pixels and scales its width proportionally. |
location | Click OpenURL Links in the Resource Sharing section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Add OpenURL Icon File. |
default setting | Blank. |
Available values
The values that you can set for the Add OpenURL Icon File field are described in the following table.
Blank | No Icon File URL. No icon is displayed as a link leading to the designated OpenURL server. |
Icon File URL | An icon is displayed as a link leading to the designated OpenURL server. |
Add OpenURL Link Text
The Add OpenURL Link Text field is described in the following table.
purpose | Specify the text that FirstSearch will display as a link leading to the designated OpenURL server. You can specify both an icon file URL and link text. If you do not specify any link text, you must specify an icon file URL. You can also click a Test button to view a sample link containing the icon and/or text. (The sample link does not lead to the OpenURL server.) |
location | Click OpenURL Links in the Resource Sharing section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Add OpenURL Link Text. |
default setting | Blank. |
Available values
The values that you can set for the Add OpenURL Link Text field are described in the following table.
Blank | No text is displayed as a link leading to the designated OpenURL server. |
Link Text | Text is displayed as a link leading to the designated OpenURL server. |
Choose Databases
The Choose Databases field is described in the following table.
purpose | Make the links available in one or more FirstSearch databases. By default, the links are available in all of the databases included in your FirstSearch account. If you do not want the links to appear in some databases, remove the databases from the Databases Included list. |
location | Click OpenURL Links in the Resource Sharing section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Choose Databases. |
default setting | Available in each database in your FirstSearch account. |
Available values
The values that you can set for each database for the Choose Databases field are described in the following table.
Included | Links in FirstSearch lead to the designated OpenURL server from records in the database. |
Removed | No links in FirstSearch lead to the designated OpenURL server from records in the database. |
Select translation service
The Select Translation Service feature is described in the following table.
purpose |
Increase the usefulness of the HTML full text in FirstSearch by letting your users request translation of it. (Translation of PDF full text is not available.) |
location | Click General in the Authentication/Access section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains the Select Translation Service feature. |
default setting | Off for the STS link. Blank for the STS account number. |
Available values
The values that you can set for the Select Translation Service feature are described in the following tables.
On (checked) | If the box is checked, the button for the translation service is available to your users. In order to check the box, you must also enter an STS account number. |
Off (not checked) | If the box is not checked, the button for the translation service is not available to your users. |
STS account number | |
Blank | No translation service account number. You cannot make the translation service available to your users. |
STS account number | The translation service account number is required to make the translation service available to your users. |
Outbound linking
The following Outbound Linking features are available:
What is outbound linking?
FirstSearch outbound linking lets you increase the amount of full text available to your users in FirstSearch. It lets you provide links that lead from FirstSearch detailed records describing items to the full text of those items in other services that your library uses. You can also customize the text that appears for the link for the Infotrieve, CISTI, and JSTOR services (if you do not customize the link text, the system uses the link text displayed in the field).
When OCLC establishes outbound linking to a particular service, it adds a new feature in the WorldCat Services Administrative Module to let you turn on the links to that service. If you do, your users will see links to the service when viewing detailed records in FirstSearch. When a user clicks one of the links, FirstSearch accesses the other service. It adds a heading and a Return button above the other service's screens so the user can easily return to FirstSearch.
Infotrieve outbound linking
The Infotrieve Outbound Linking feature is described in the following table.
purpose | Provide links that lead to the Infotrieve service from FirstSearch detailed records describing journal articles. The Link Text field allows you to customize the text that appears for the link (if you do not customize the link text, the system uses the link text displayed in the field). The links are provided only if the full text of the articles is not available in FirstSearch. When users click the links, they view screens in the Infotrieve service that let them order copies of documents for delivery later. Full text is not available for online viewing. Payment is by credit card. |
location | Click Outbound Linking in the Linking section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Infotrieve Document Linking. |
default setting | Off. |
Available values
The values that you can set for Infotrieve Outbound Linking are described in the following table.
On (checked) | Links to the Infotrieve service are provided. |
Off (not checked) | Links to the Infotrieve service are not provided. |
CISTI outbound linking
The CISTI Outbound Linking feature is described in the following table.
purpose | Provide links that lead to the CISTI (Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) service from FirstSearch detailed records describing journal articles. The Link Text field allows you to customize the text that appears for the link (if you do not customize the link text, the system uses the link text displayed in the field). The links are provided only if the full text of the articles is not available in FirstSearch. When users click the links, they view screens in the CISTI service that let them order copies of documents for delivery later. Full text is not available for online viewing. Payment is set up through CISTI. |
location | Click Outbound Linking in the Linking section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains CISTI Document Linking. |
default setting | Off. |
Available values
The values that you can set for CISTI Document Linking are described in the following table.
On (checked) | Links to the CISTI service are provided. |
Off (not checked) | Links to the CISTI service are not provided. |
JSTOR outbound linking
The JSTOR Outbound Linking feature is described in the following table.
purpose | Provide links that lead from FirstSearch detailed records describing journal articles to the full text of those articles in JSTOR. The Link Text field allows you to customize the text that appears for the link (if you do not customize the link text, the system uses the link text displayed in the field). You can turn on links to the full text in any of the JSTOR collections to which your library has access. More information about JSTOR is available here. |
location | Click Outbound Linking in the Linking section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains JSTOR Document Linking. |
default setting | Off for each JSTOR collection. |
Available values
The values that you can set for each JSTOR collection are described in the following table.
On (checked) | Links to the full text in the JSTOR collection are provided. CISTI service are provided. |
Off (not checked) | Links to the full text in the JSTOR collection are not provided. |
Your library's custom web links
The Your library's custom web links feature is described in the following table.
purpose | Provide 1, 2 or 3 links that lead from FirstSearch to web pages that you choose. For example, the links might lead to your library's home page, Ask a Librarian page, or preferred search engine page. When a user clicks a link, the linked page appears. FirstSearch adds a heading and Return button above the page so the user can easily return to FirstSearch. Note: Any links that you specify appear throughout each FirstSearch session at the bottom of the menu in the left panel of all FirstSearch screens. If you also add your library's logo to FirstSearch, the links appear directly above the logo. For more information about the logo, see Logo image file. |
location | Click Your Library Settings in the Interface Display section of the main menu to go to the screen that contains Your library's custom web links. |
default setting | No custom web links. Blank for URL, Icon URL and Custom Text for each link. |
Available values
The values that you can set for each of Your library's custom web links are described in the following tables. You can provide up to three links.
Blank | No custom web link. |
URL | The URL of the page to which the link leads. The URL must begin with https:// and include the complete address of the page. |
icon url | |
Blank | No icon included in the custom web link. |
Icon URL | The URL of the image file for the icon that appears in the link. For best results, the icon's image should be 20 pixels high and 20-to-100 pixels wide. The URL must begin with https:// and include the complete address of the image file. Note: For each custom web link, you must provide the Icon URL or Custom Text, and you may provide both. |
custom text | |
Blank | No link text included in the custom web link. |
Custom Text | Up-to-25 characters and spaces that appear in the link. Note: For each custom web link, you must provide the Icon URL or Custom Text, and you may provide both. |