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Change 440 tag to be a 490 tag

Learn how to alter the 440 series heading to be 490 headings in Amlib.

Alter the 440 series heading to be 490 headings


 Note: This process is only possible if both your 440 and 490 tags have exactly the same sub- fields and the subfields are authorities. If not you will need to follow the other guide “Searching All SeriesTags_490_440_830” instead - you will not be able to alter the 440 series headings to be 490 headings or delete your 440 Marc tag if this is the case. This stops orphan subfields from being left on the system, ensuring consistency of Marc tag data in catalogue records. Please install the 6.0.1 Amlib patch to protect your Authorities.

Check Marc Tags

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Navigate to Main > Authorities > Marc Tags
  3. Check that the 440 and 490 tags have been set up

Create a AuthQueryOption for a 490 Tag

Set up an Authority search for the 440 and 490 tags

  1. Navigate to Main > Authorities > AuthQueryOptions
  2. Check to see if there is already a Line to Browse for Series 490 Tag. If there is not one there, create one
  3. Select F1 New, and type in a description – for example, Series 490
  4. Stoplist should be Y (Yes)
  5. The Parameter should be set as WHERE A.AUTH_TAG_NO = 490 (Note: You can copy and paste an existing Where content line and copy and then alter it as required – to copy, highlight and right click and Copy or use Main/Base/Copy and to paste, use the right click on the empty space where it is to go, and select Paste, or use Main/Base/Paste).
  6. When complete, select F3 Update

Create a AuthQueryOption for a 440 Tag

  1. Navigate to Main > Authorities > AuthQueryOptions
  2. Check to see if there is already a Line to Browse for Series 490 Tag. If there is not one there, create one
  3. Select F1 New, and type in a description – for example, Series 440
  4. Stoplist should be Y (Yes)
  5. The Parameter should be set as WHERE A.AUTH_TAG_NO = 440 (You can copy and paste an existing Where content line and copy and then alter it as required – to copy, highlight and right click and Copy or use Main/Base/Copy and to paste, use the right click on the empty space where it is to go, and select Paste, or use Main/Base/Paste
  6. When complete, select F3 Update
  7. Log out of Authority using Ctrl L.

Search for all existing Series 440 Tags

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Authorities > Authorities – the Authorities screen will display
  2. Then go to Authority > Authority Query
  3. Select Series 440
  4. Type a percentage symbol (%)
  5. From the File Menu select Query into File
  6. The Authority Saved Query Results window will appear where you can create a New File.
  7. Select F1 New and Type a description , for example Series Tag 440
  8. Select F3 Save
  9. Ensure the File is highlighted and click F9 Select
  10. A message will display the Number of Authorities found
  11. Click OK

Change Tag in File

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Navigate to Main > Authorities > Authorities – the Authorities screen will display
  3. Then select File > Display File
  4. A table of the 440 Series will display for the first Search set
  5. Close out of the Table using the X in the top right hand corner
  6. Then select the Authority Menu, select AuthorityChangeTaginFile
  7. The message below will display.
  8. If you want to proceed and change the Tag numbers, click Yes
  9. Double click the 490 Series Tag
  10. An hour glass will display as the change is taking place. (If you had time for a Coffee/Tea break at the end of Step 2, you may have time for another break!)
  11. A confirmation message will display at the end of the process
  12. Click OK
  13. The process is now complete and the Series will all be using 490 Tag
  14. You can now go back to the Authority>AuthQueryOptions and delete the Query Option for the 440 Tag as this will no longer be needed
  15. You may merge any series that are duplicates using Authority Replace (one by one) or using Marc Tag Maintenance – Mass Merge Duplicate shared Authorities.