OLIB operates various mechanisms for protecting access to data:
Every User on the system has a Privilege Level that is a number from 0-9. This determines what actions they can perform in OLIB. e.g. Create, delete, modify data; use the save searches and create folders features. These activities are restricted according to your Privilege Level. Most OLIB Web and WorldView Users have a Privilege level of 6 - Library Staff. A User's Privilege Level defaults from User Categories.
Users also have Permissions. These determine whereabouts in the system, a User can apply their Privileges.
e.g. A Circulation Desk User needs to create and modify records, however they only require permission in the Circulation system and not in the Acquisitions system. User Permissions are applied via User Groups and a default set are provided for this purpose.
Permissions can be set on various 'objects' in OLIB:
There are 4 different options for permissions management:
Every attribute - 'field' in OLIB, has an attribute privilege level that can restrict access by various Users at field level.
In a new implementation the following steps are taken: