Permissions groups

Learn how permissions are applied to Domains in OLIB.

►User Management> User Groups

About permission groups and domains

Permissions can be applied to Annotations, Folders, Records, Saved Searches, Workspaces, Domains, Methods.

This information relates to how permissions are applied to Domains.

In OLIB users can be restricted by the domains they can access.

OLIB is supplied with pre-set User Groups with bundles of permissions ready to enable access to different parts of the system for different types of users:

Group Name Function
ALL USERS GROUP Default group to which all new users belong
Acquisitions Group for Acquisitions functions (larger libraries)
Cataloguers Group for Cataloguing functions (larger libraries)
Circulation Desk Group for Issue Counter staff
Enquiry Management Group for the Enquiry Management System
Funds Group for set up and management of Accounts, Account Instances, Account Transactions, Financial Periods
Librarians This group covers all functions in Acquisitions, Cataloguers, Circulation Desk & Serials groups (smaller libraries)
Serials Group for Serials functions
System Administrators Group for the System Administrator

 Note: you cannot remove the pre-set User Groups. As well as the pre set groups you can add extra groups for your implementation.

Domain permissions groupings

When Users are assigned to a particular User Group OLIB applies default permissions groupings that determine what domains members of the User Groups can access. The pre-defined groups and their Domain permissions are set up as shown in the above linked table.

When a User is assigned to a Group, the Menu will still contain some of the branches relevant to other Groups. For example, when you log in as an Acquisitions Group member, the Cataloguing, Serials, Circulation, etc. branches of the Menu are displayed because there are domains under those branches that the Acquisitions Group is allowed to see. If you open out the branches, you will normally see a much shorter number of domains underneath those branches than you are used to seeing - but the ones that you do see should be ones that relate to Acquisitions work. For instance the Cataloguing branch will include the Suppliers/Publishers domain because Acquisitions staff need to be able to search for, add, edit and delete supplier records.

Apply the permissions structure: overview

Add users to groups

  1. In User Groups, search for the group.
  2. In modify mode go to the Members sheet .
  3. In Users click Search to find the users to be added to the group.
  4. Select and Insert those users to be included in the Group record.
  5. Save the Group record. These users will pick up their new set of permissions when they next log in to OLIB.

Change the default domain permissions

The default domain permission groupings can be fine tuned as and when required using OLIB's Advanced permissions management.