Control and attribute privileges

Discover how to use privilege levels to restrict user access at 'field' level in OLIB.

►Admin Client Config> Domains

Each attribute ('field') in OLIB has a privilege level set against it on the scale of 0 to 11. A privilege level of 0 means that there are no restrictions on access; a level of 9 or above means that the attribute may only be seen by a Bureau (9) or System Administrator (11). By changing the default privilege level, you can determine which fields Users can edit.

For example here is a selection of the default attribute levels for the Users domain:

Attribute name (Size) Description Access privilege Mandatory
ATTRPRIVILEGE (3) Control Privilege 6 Y
BALDATE (11) Balance Date 2  
BAN (1) Banned 2  
BARCODE (20) Barcode 6  
BORCAT (5) User Category 2 Y
BORROWER (10) User Key 9 Y
BORTP (5) User Type 6 Y
COURSE (20) Course 6  
CURBAL (10) Charges 6  

In a normal installation most attributes have a privilege level of 6 or lower, which means that any User with a Control Privilege level of (6) Library Staff or higher can see most controls.

Control privileges

Each User on the system has a Control (or 'attribute') Privilege. See Users> OLIB Web Settings. This determines what a user can see and edit in OLIB.

Search privilege

Each user on the system also has a Search privilege. Your Search privilege in the user record has to be the same or higher than the Search's privilege level, in order to use the search.

Change the Control or Search privilege for an attribute

  1. Go to Admin Client Config> Domains.
  2. Search for the domain, e.g. Users.
  3. Click on Layout at the top of the screen and change it to Domain Full.
  4. Click the Attributes tab.
  5. For Control privileges: in Attribute/ Edit Lists click the link for whichever attribute you want to edit, e.g. Courses. In the Attribute record switch to modify and change the Privilege field or the Write Privilege field to e.g. a higher level.
  6. For Search privileges: in Search Attributes, click the link for whichever search you want to edit e.g. Course Users Secondary Search. In the Attribute record switch to modify and change the Privilege field to e.g. a higher level.
  7. After saving the changes you will need to rebuild the config data.

 Note: if the values for Privilege and Write Privilege and (Search) Privilege are not set, this means they are equal to level 0.

 Settings: delay rebuilding the config data until you have made all the intended changes.