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Stockitem settings

Learn how to set Stockitem form settings and ILL default settings for Amlib VDX ILL Email.

Stockitem Form Settings

Typically, users will create ILL-specific Form and Stats Codes for use with inter-library loan items. This is particularly true with VDX/ILL Email client generated ILL requests, as the Form and/or Stats Code used for lending must have its loan rules altered to allow holds.

Form Codes

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > StockItems > StockitemForms – the Form Codes screen will display:
  3. If there is no ILL-specific Form Code, then:
    1. Click the F1 New or F2 Insert button
    2. Enter the following:
      • Form code – for example: ILL
      • Description – for example: Inter Library Loan
      • Allow Loan: Y
      • Floating: N
    3. Click the F3 Save button – a prompt with the following message may display: Remember to check Loan and Validation Parameters for new or changed Form Types.
    4. Click the OK button

Loan Parameters

 Caution: The Loan Parameters must be adjusted for ALL Borrower Types eligible for ILL requests.

  1. Highlight the ILL-related Form code and click the F7 Loan button
    Please Note: If a prompt with the following message displays: This installation CURRENTLY uses the Stockitem Stats Code and Borrower Type as loan combinations. then the user should apply these instructions to the ILL-related Stockitem Stats Code (see following section).
  2. The Loan Parameters and Borrower Types screen will display:
  3. Check/enter the following settings:
    1. (H)ourly (O)vernight (D)aily: this is usually set to D (for Day)
    2. Can Loan (Y/N): Y
    3. Loan Qty: set the minimum number of allowable interlibrary loans – for example: 5
    4. Loan Days: set the default number of loan days for ILL items – for example: 7
    5. Grace Period Days – for example: 0
    6. Can Renew (Y/N) – for example: N
    7. Qty Renew – for example: 0
    8. Can Rsve (Y/N): MUST be set to Y
    9. Rsve Qty: should match the Loan Qty – for example: 5
  4. Click the F3 Save button when complete

Stats Codes

  1. Go to Main > StockItems > StockitemStatsCodes – the Form Codes screen will display:
  2. If there is no ILL-specific Stats Code, then:
    1. Click the F1 New or F2 Insert button
    2. Enter the following:
      • Stats Code – for example: ILL
      • Allow Loan: Y
      • Floating: N
      • Stats / Collection Description – for example: Inter Library Loan
      • Price Group Code – this must match a corresponding code on the Stats Group Codes screen (Application > StockStatsGroup)
    3. Click the F3 Save button – a prompt with the following message may display: Remember to check Loan and Validation Parameters for new or changed Form Types.
    4. Click the OK button

ILL Default Settings

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > StockItems > Stockitem – the Stockitem screen will display
  3. From the menu, select Item > ILLS – the Interlibrary Loans screen will display:
  4. Ensure that the following Item Create Defaults are set:
    • Form: set the default Form code to be used for all ILL items (including VDX) – for example: Form = ILL
    • Stats: set the default Stats code to be used for all ILL items (including VDX) – for example: Stats = ILL
  5. Click the F6 UpdDef button when complete

The Amlib client setup is now complete.