Learner guide: WorldShare ILL - Lending
Course objectives
This learner guide is part of the WorldShare ILL Lending course. The objectives of the OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Lending course are to guide you through the available functionalities in the service for lending libraries and provide options that speed the fulfillment of interlibrary loan requests to save time for your staff and users when answering ILL requests. We recommend that you take the Introduction to WorldShare ILL course first to learn about the basic concepts of the service and the configuration options.
Set up for lending
OCLC Policies Directory
Add or update your library’s information in the OCLC Policies Directory. Some key areas to review include Collections and Policies for copy, loan, and deflections. See Prepare and Plan to find documentation and short video tutorials on this topic.
Once logged in to WorldShare Interlibrary loan, click the link from the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan Home screen to go to the OCLC Policies Directory.
Deflection is a feature that allows lending libraries to set up for the system to automatically say “no” to requests for those items that don’t circulate outside the library for any reason. Lending libraries can set up deflections under their OCLC Policies Directory page for individual items or collections. See how to set up Deflections policies.
Automation allows you to pre-define rules for the system to automatically check your library's ILL policies and only send to your Can you Supply? queue those requests that your library is ready to answer, according to your criteria. Automation can be configured in the OCLC Service Configuration under Automated Request Manager to help your library staff to speed up the processing of answering ILL requests.
Try a self-paced training
Manage requests
Your requests appear in the left navigation menu, and under Quick Links on the WorldShare ILL home screen. The main categories are listed first, followed by sub-categories for easier organization. Click a category to see all requests in that category. Learn about the Categories and queues descriptions.
Note: Categories with no current requests will not appear in the list.
Respond to requests (Can You Supply? queue)
Find details on types of responses on Respond to requests where you can find instructions and short video tutorials on how to:
- Respond yes to a loan or copy request
- Respond no to a request
- Respond conditionally to a request
- Respond to a renewal request
For details on how to batch respond to requests, see Batch processing for lenders. For details on how to Complete/Close requests, see Complete requests.
OCLC Article Exchange
OCLC Article Exchange provides a single secure location where lending libraries can place requested articles for interlibrary loan when answering to copy requests. It allows users to upload files for pickup anywhere in the world. Only authorized users will be able to download the file.
You can find further information about Article Exchange.
Printing options
Add and customize book straps, stickers, and shipping labels for printing. Refer to Printing for Lenders for instructions and short tutorial videos.
Statistics reports
Learn more about how you can generate statistics reports to support your ILL activities.
Test your knowledge
Try this quiz: WSILL Lending quiz
Supplemental information
The OCLC Support site connects you to our highly skilled support staff and valuable self-serve resources. These include extensive documentation for OCLC’s products and services, helpful troubleshooting instructions, and other materials to answer your questions.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan documentation
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan training - Find this class and additional training content here.
- What’s new with WorldShare Interlibrary Loan? Check the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan release notes.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan FAQ & Troubleshooting articles
You’ve made it to the end of the Learner Guide! Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for attending the WorldShare ILL - Lending class!
We look forward to seeing you in the next class!