Files of records and file names
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Files from all collection types
File directory on OCLC's server
The first part of a file name expresses the directory the files are in on OCLC's server.
Example: metacoll
Your library symbol
File names include your OCLC symbol. In the examples below, your OCLC symbol is represented as [XXX] in the examples.
Example: metacoll.[XXX].updates.D20160318.T210512.1.mrc
The collection's delivery frequency
The frequency of output is included in the file name. By default, records are output daily which is represented with a D before the date stamp.
Records for cataloging partner collections are output one time and file names include a D for Daily. For more details specific to files from cataloging partner collections, see files of records from cataloging partner collections.
Knowledge base collections, query collections, WorldCat holdings, and data sync collections have customizable delivery frequencies. Collections that have customizable delivery frequencies have options for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly record output. The frequency comes before the date stamp and is a letter: D, W, M, or Q.
The format, including the date stamp, is: DYYYYMMDD, WYYYYMMDD, MYYYYMMDD, QYYYYMMDD
Example: metacoll.[XXX].datasync.[provider].D20160318.T092700.bibdetailexcpt.1.mrc.txt
Date stamp
The date stamp expresses the date the file was output and includes the year, month, and date.
The date format is: YYYYMMDD
Example: metacoll.[XXX].datasync.[provider].D20160318.T092700.bibdetailexcpt.1.mrc.txt (The date stamp is 2016 March 18)
Time stamp
The time stamp expresses the time the system collected the data. The time stamp is Eastern Time and follows a 24-hour clock, including hour, minutes, and seconds. The letter "T" represents "Time."
The time format is: HHMMSS
Example: metacoll.[XXX].datasync.[provider].D20160318.T092700.bibdetailexcpt.1.mrc.txt (The time stamp is 9:27)
Example: metacoll.[XXX].datasync.[provider].D20160318.T000515.bibdetailexcpt.1.mrc.txt (The time stamp shows 5 minutes, 15 seconds after midnight, or 12:05.15)
File extensions .mrc and .xml
The file extension will be .mrc or .xml depending on the record format you chose.
- Record formats MARC 21 with MARC-8 and MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode will be output as .mrc files
- Other record format choices will be output as .xml files
Note: Collection Manager output files older than 7 days will be compressed (i.e., zipped) in order to improve performance. Compressed files are given the .zip extension but retain their original file name (e.g., becomes
See record format settings in Record delivery.
Successive files in file sets
Files are output in chunks of no more than 100,000 records each. A numeric digit (.1, .2, and so forth) designates a file as one of multiple files output as a set.
Successive files will share the same date and time stamp. The extension keeps file names unique while allowing you to keep your set of records together.
Example of a set of records:
metacoll.[XXX].updates.D20160318.T210512.1.mrc (up to 100,000 records)
metacoll.[XXX].updates.D20160318.T210512.2.mrc (up to 100,000 records)
metacoll.[XXX].updates.D20160318.T210512.3.mrc (up to 100,000 records)
Records output in separate files
All WorldCat holdings and all serials in a separate file
If you choose (in your institutional-level settings) to have WorldCat Update records or records for all of your serial titles output in separate files, the file names will include text between the time stamp and the file extension.
Example of all WorldCat Update records in a separate file:
Example of all records for serials in a separate file:
Records from a collection in a separate file with user-defined characters
How to have a file of records output in a separate file
- Navigate to the collection and expand the MARC Records or Holdings and MARC Records accordion.
- Click on the Record Delivery tab.
- Select Deliver records for this collection in a separate file.
- Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters. The name you enter in the field will be included in the file name.
Example from a cataloging partner collection where YourFileName is the name entered in the collection-level settings:
Example from a knowledge base collection where RoyalCollegeofPsy is the name entered in the collection-level settings:
Records from two collections in a separate file
It is possible to have more than one collection output to the same file by entering the same file name for more than one collection.
Collection name | Collection-level setting selected | File name entered | Result | |
Collection 1 | Provider DDA | Deliver records for this collection in a separate file | DDA-and-purchased | You will get a file that contains records from both collections. For example: metacoll.[XXX].new.D20160214.T210512.DDA-and-purchased.1.mrc** |
Collection 2 | Provider purchased | Deliver records for this collection in a separate file | DDA-and-purchased |
**Records will be distinguishable by collection name (automatically included in the 590$b), collection ID, and by collection notes if you enter collection-specific notes within each collection and map notes to your records in Customize Records.
Records that meet more than one qualification
If a record meets the qualifications to be output in more than one separate file, you could see more than one demarcation.
Example of a file with a serial title where:
- The institution-level setting to have all serials output in a separate file is enabled.
- The option is selected to Delivery records for this collection in a separate file with the name RoyalCollegeofPsy:
Files that designate a transaction type (new, updates, or deletes)
Transaction types are relevant to knowledge base collections, query collections, and updated records for your holdings in WorldCat.
Having the transaction type designated in the file name helps you maintain your records. Files are output in new, updates, or deletes folders on the server. Therefore, file names include new, updates, or deletes. See Criteria for records in new, update, and delete records.
Files of merged records
When two records are merged in WorldCat, Collection Manager will deliver an updated record if you have enabled MARC record delivery (regardless of whether or not you have enabled WorldCat updates).
Files of merged records will be delivered in a separate file that includes the word "merges" in the file name. If you enable the option for separate file delivery within a collection's record delivery settings, the file name will include both "merges" and the file name you defined.
All files of merged records will be delivered in Metadata > My Files. If you use file exchange, merged records will be in the Updates folder.
Example file of merged records (default):
Example file of merged records for a file with separate file delivery:
Files of records for WorldCat updates
Files of updated records will include the word updates in the file name:
If you enabled the option to have all WorldCat updates in a separate file, the file name will include wcholdings:
Files of records from cataloging partner collections
Files of records from cataloging partner collections have wcp in the file name after your library symbol. Other variations in the file name are determined by the choices you have within each collection to customize the file name. If you enable book spine label output and choose to have your file of labels delivered to you rather than to your provider, you will get a file with lbl after your library symbol.
Records in files by provider (default)
Firm and approval records in separate files by provider
Records for a collection in a separate file
See the section above on this page for instructions and more examples.
File of labels
If you chose to have labels output for titles in a cataloging partner collection, you will receive a file of labels if you also chose to have the files come to you rather than to your provider.
Example: metacoll.wcp.[XXX].lbl.[provider].D20160214.T210512
Files of records from data sync collections
Files of records from data sync collections have datasync in the file name after your library symbol.
Example: metacoll.[XXX].datasync.D20160214.T210512.WorldCatRecords1.mrc
Files of records from Contract Cataloging services
Files of records from Contract Cataloging services have contrsvc in the file name after your library symbol. The file name also includes the provider name, a date and time stamp, a format, and a file extension.
Some files might include the word Redeliveries in the file name. Files that include Redeliveries in the file name are files of full-level items, though depending on your settings, the items might or might not have been delivered previously:
- If you’ve opted to receive less-than-full records, you will receive an initial file of records for those items and then subsequent redelivery of some of the items once they have been upgraded to full-level. The file will include the word Redeliveries in the file name. The items are actual re-deliveries.
- If you’ve opted to receive full-level records, then a file marked Redeliveries is the first delivery of some items that were recently upgraded to full-level. The items were not previously delivered and are therefore not actual re-deliveries.
Note: If you are unsure of your settings or need to change your settings, please contact