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Criteria for new, update, delete and merged records

Transaction types are relevant to knowledge base, query collections, and WorldCat updates. They help automate maintenance of your records.


Files can be output in new, updates, or deletes folders on the server and therefore file names can have one of the following designations: New, updates, or deletes.

It is recommended that you process record files in date order.  When processing the files for a specific date, it is recommended that they are processed in the following order: Deletes, New, Merges, and Updates. See Download files in My Files and Download files with SFTP for more information.

Records in "New" files

The file of new records includes records for titles added to collections that have not previously been delivered via WorldShare Collection Manager (based on OCLC number).

You will receive a new record if an OCLC number is added to a title that did not previously have an OCLC number, and you will receive new records if a provider adds titles to a collection. Likewise, you will receive a new record for a title that is added to WorldCat that meets your selection criteria for a WorldCat query collection.

Please note that not every title in WorldCat knowledge base has a corresponding WorldCat record or OCLC number. Therefore, you might receive fewer records than are represented in the knowledge base collection's title list.

Records in "Updates" files

Profile options define what types of changes trigger an updated record. Files of updated records can include records for titles in collections where there has been a change to knowledge base data, URL or proxy server data, or a change in a variable field in the WorldCat record. Records for titles with OCLC numbers that have previously been delivered will appear in an Update file.

When an OCLC control number changes, you will automatically receive an updated record. By default, the reason a record is updated will be included in your Updated Records record reports. See Reasons for updated records.

Including the reasons in your records is optional. If you would like the reasons in a field in your records, map in Customize Records, Add Fields the value "Reason for Updated Record."

Local holdings records (LHRs)

When enabling LHRs, you have the option to have a file of LHRs delivered, a file of LHRs and bibliographic records delivered, or a file of LHRs interleaved with bibliographic records delivered.

Updated records will be output if any associated LHR is deleted, added, or updated. You will receive an updated record and all associated LHRs, including those that have not been changed. This allows you to replace all LHRs for a record, without the need to figure out what has been changed.

Local bibliographic data (LBD)

When enabling LBD, you have the option to have local data embedded in or interleaved with your records. Changes to your LBD will trigger an updated bibliographic record.

Enhancements to WorldCat record

Depending on your profile settings, changes to the WorldCat record data could trigger an updated record for any title in your collections or WorldCat holdings. You could receive an updated record for any change in the WorldCat record including:

  • When a specific MARC tag you have chosen is added, updated, or deleted in the WorldCat record
  • When an encoding level changes to a value you have chosen in your profile
  • When the record has been upgraded to RDA cataloging rules ("rda" is denoted in the 040 $e)

Titles in knowledge base collections

If any of the collection-level or title-level metadata in the WorldCat knowledge base changes (such as a collection name, a collection note, coverage dates, and so forth) you will receive an updated record.

WorldCat updates

WorldCat updates are updated records for your holdings in WorldCat that you set via an application or service outside of Collection Manager or that you set through Collection Manager.

For titles in your WorldCat update collection, you will receive exclusively update records. However, if a title overlaps with a title in a knowledge base collection or in a query collection, you could receive a new or delete record.

Find more information about WorldCat updates.

Records in "Merges" files

When two records are merged in WorldCat, Collection Manager will deliver an updated record if you have enabled MARC record delivery (regardless of whether or not you have enabled WorldCat updates).

Files of merged records will be delivered in a separate file that includes the word "merges" in the file name. If you enable the option for separate file delivery within a collection's record delivery settings, the file name will include both "merges" and the file name you defined.

All files of merged records will be delivered in Metadata > My Files. If you use file exchange, merged records will be in the Updates folder.

Example file of merged records (default):


Example file of merged records for a file with separate file delivery:


Records in "Deletes" files

Delete records include your customizations. Records in a file of deletes are complete records like those in the new and updates files and are output in a separate file.

Delete records contain:

  • The record status code "d" in the leader
  • The URL from the last new or updated record that was delivered

Delete records will be triggered:

  • For titles in knowledge base collections to which you no longer have access if you do not have access to the title from any other provider (If you have access from multiple providers and lose access from only one provider, you will receive an updated record so your links in the record stay current)
  • For titles in query collections for titles that no longer fit your WorldCat selection criteria

You have the option to select whether or not you want to receive delete records. The option will appear

  • If you turn off record delivery within the institution-level settings (Collection Manager > Institution Settings > MARC Records)
  • If you turn off record delivery within a collection's settings
  • If you remove a collection that had record delivery enabled