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WorldCat Event

Discover details about WorldCat Event, a subclass of WorldCat Thing.



URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Subclass of A happening that occurs at a defined time and location. OWL Thing

Declared Properties

event chronology indicator

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A statement which specifies the Event's position within a series of Events. literal

geographic coordinates

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A set of fixed points on the Earth or another planetary body which provide a precise location for the Place. literal

type detail

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A concept which specifies the entity's character, nature, and/or function. SKOS Concept

Inherited from Thing

alternative label

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An alternative lexical label for a resource. literal


URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A date associated with the Thing. OWL time instant


URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object Scope note A statement which provides a basic explanation of the Thing. literal Descriptions include, but are not limited to, the characteristics, nature, or purpose of the Thing.

end date

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object Scope note The date on which the Thing ended. OWL time instant End dates may include, but are not limited to, dates on which the Thing was completed, terminated, dissolved, abolished, or expired.

has part

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A super-property for all whole-to-part relationships. OWL thing

iiif manifest

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A IIIF Manifest to which the Thing is related. RDFS Resource


URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A visual representation of the Thing. RDFS Resource

is part of

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A super-property for all part-to-whole relationships. OWL Thing

preceded by

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An earlier Thing which precedes the Thing. WorldCat Transactional Event

preferred label

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language. literal
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An Agent to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to an Agent. WorldCat Agent
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A Concept to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to a Concept. SKOS Concept
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An Edition to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to an Edition. WorldCat Edition
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An Event to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to an Event. WorldCat Event
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A Family to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to a Family. WorldCat Family
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object An Organization to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to an Organization. WorldCat Organization
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A Person to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to a Person. WorldCat Person
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A Place to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to a Place. WorldCat Place
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A Work to which the Thing is related. This property also functions as a generic super-property designed to group all properties which relate a Thing to a Work. WorldCat Work

same as

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object The property that determines that two given individuals are equal. OWL Thing

start date

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object Scope note A date on which the Thing started. OWL time instant Start dates may include, but are not limited to, a date on which the Thing was begun, originated, created, founded, or initiated.

succeeded by

URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object A later Thing which succeeds the Thing. WorldCat Transactional Event


URI (Universal Resource Identifier) Description Expected object The subject is an instance of a class. RDFS Class