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Add a Shared Print commitment to a LHR

Discover how to add a Shared Print commitment to a local holdings record in WorldShare Record Manager.

 Note: This workflow applies only to those libraries participating in the Shared Print Registration Service.

A Shared Print flag and retention statement can be added to a LHR for titles in your collection that you are committing to retain.

  1. Sign in to Record Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Local Holdings Record you would like to add the Shared Print Commitment to or derive a Local Holdings Record if one does not yet exist.
  3. Within the LHR, select Record > Shared Print Commitment > Add. A 583 field with a retention commitment and subfields $c, $d, and $f populated is added to the LHR.
  4. (Optional) Update the 583 field as needed if updating your retention commitment.
    • 583 $c Start date of your retention commitment (required)
    • 583 $d Expiration date of your retention commitment (required)
    • 583 $f Archiving Program Name (required)
    • 583 $j Site of Action (optional)
    • 583 $u URL to Documentation for Archiving Program (optional)
    • 583 $z Public note (optional)
    • 583 $5 Archiving Institution (optional)
  5. (Optional) Remove fields 876 or 852 $h and $i if they are not applicable.
  6. Click Save to complete the addition of the Shared Print flag.


You can view statistics and data on added/edited and removed Shared Print Commitments in WorldShare Reports. For more information, see: