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Collection Type Policy

Use this screen to configure default item status, hold fulfillment availability, reshelving period, and in-processing status for items based on their location and material format.

To access this screen, sign in to OCLC Service Configuration, open the WMS Circulation left navigation, and select Collection Type Policy.

Collection-level settings are arranged into rules that can be assigned to multiple item locations and material formats. Once you have created a rule, you can add all applicable holding locations, shelving locations, and material formats. The shared rule settings can be changed to apply those changes to all items assigned to that rule and move a location from one rule to another.

Rules will sort in alphabetical order by rule name on the Collection Type Policy page. 

Implementing/migrating libraries: Do not edit Collection Type Policy until your Implementation Manager has notified you that your migration is complete.

  • If you change these settings before your migration is complete, all of your items will have these settings.
    • If you change Available to Unavailable, your items will have the status of Unavailable.
    • If you change In Processing Mode to Until Checked In, your items will have the status of In Processing until they are manually checked in.

Filter rules by

Use the Filter rules by drop-down to target a holding location or a combination of holding and shelving locations. The rule list will be filtered immediately to only include the applicable rule(s).

  • Selecting the All option in the Shelving Location filter list will look for rules where the All parameter was intentionally selected in the Locations list; filtering for All will not return rules where any shelving location has been selected.
  • The list of possible holding and shelving locations will only include currently configured locations. To find any rules that include item locations that are no longer valid for your library, click the Invalid Locations option. 

Processing order

When determining which rule to apply to an item, the system evaluates your library's Collection Type Policy and selects the best match as follows:

  • Match to a specific Holding Location, Shelving Location, and Material Format
  • Match to a specific Holding Location and Shelving Location where Material Format is set to All
  • Match to a specific Holding Location and Material Format where Shelving Location is set to All
  • Match to a specific Holding Location where Shelving Location and Material Format are set to All

Collection Type Policy does not allow duplicate locations.

It is strongly recommended to have a row for each Holding Location where Shelving Location and Material Format are set to All to cover items in newly-created shelving locations or when new material formats are added to WorldCat.

Create or edit Collection Type Policies

  1. On the Collection Type Policy screen, click Create Rule.
  2. Fill in the Collection Type Policy fields.
  3. Click Save.

To edit a collection type policy, click the EDIT button. Alter the fields above as needed.


  • A collection type policy cannot be deleted while locations are assigned to the rule.
  • If a collection type policy affects item availability, in some situations you may need to check the item in for the policy to apply.

Collection Type Policy fields

Rule Name

Enter a name for the Rule.

Default Item Status

Select if items at this location show as Available or Unavailable in WorldCat Discovery.

  • Items marked Unavailable are not available for circulation and cannot fulfill holds.
  • Changing item availability on this screen does not automatically change the item status. Item status will only change after the item is checked in.
  • For more information on how statuses appear to patrons and staff, see Check item status or location.

Fulfill Holds for

Select patrons for which staff (without an override) can place holds for items at this location. Settings vary, depending on whether your library has multiple branches or is part of a WMS group. See Can Override Holds? below for more information on override settings.

  • Library with a single location: You have two options.
    • All patrons: Hold requests are allowed.
    • No patrons: Hold requests are not allowed.
  • Library with branch locations: You have four options.
    • All patrons: Items from this location can fulfill hold requests for any patron.
    • Branch patrons only: Only patrons whose Home Branch (in their patron record) matches the Location Policy of the item can place a hold on the title.
      • For titles where this is the only branch that holds a qualifying item:
        • The item may only be requested by patrons whose Home Branch matches the Holding Location of the item.
        • Patrons from other branches cannot request these items.
      • For titles where there are qualifying items across multiple branches:
        • Items at the selected Holding Location may only be requested by patrons whose Home Branch matches the Holding Location of the item.
        • Patrons from other branches cannot request the items from this Holding Location.
        • However, there may be other location policies in place that allow the items at other Holding Locations to be requested by any patron, regardless of the patron's Home Branch.
    • Other branch patrons only: Items from this location can only fulfill hold requests for patrons of other branches.
    • No patrons: Items from this location cannot be used to fulfill hold requests.
  • Circulation groups have three additional options:
    • Other branch patrons from my institution only
    • Institution patrons only
    • Other institution patrons only

In Processing Mode

In the In Processing Mode field, select if newly added items should display the status of In Processing in WMS.

  • For Period: A specified period of time, as set in the In Processing Period field.
  • None: Never
  • Until Checked In: Until the item is checked in at the item's Holding Location

For more information on how statuses appear to patrons and staff, see Check item status or location.

In Processing Period

If you selected For Period in the In Processing Mode field, enter the amount of time that the item will display the status of In Processing in WMS after the item is created in the In Processing Period field.

For more information on how statuses appear to patrons and staff, see Check item status or location.

Can Override Holds?

Select if holds on items at this location can be overridden.

  • Can Override Holds: Hold requests that are blocked based on the setting you selected under Fulfil Holds for. Fulfill Holds for can be overridden by staff.
  • Cannot Override Holds: Hold requests can never be overridden by staff. Select if hold requests should never be allowed based on the location policy 
  • Example: You do not allow holds to be placed on items in your reference collection. (Shelving Location = Reference)
    • Select the following settings:
      • FulFill Holds For = No patrons
      • Can Override Holds? = Cannot Override Holds
  • Example: You do not allow holds to be placed on items in your Main Branch, New Books location. However, a title was specifically requested by a faculty member (Home Branch = Law Library) for preview, and you want to place a hold for them. (Shelving Location = New Books)
    • Select the following settings:
      • Fulfill Holds For = Branch patrons only
      • Can Override Holds? = Can Override Holds
  • See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.  

Fulfil Holds by Item Status

Control when items can be requested and when available items may appear on the pull list.

Items will only appear on the pull list at your branch if Collection Type Policy allows fulfillment according to the following Fulfil Holds by Item Status options:

  • Any Item Status (Default)
  • Available Items Only
  • Available Item Cannot Be Picked Up At Its Home Branch when your location is not the pickup location

Check the Pull List if your library allows special requests or processes item-level requests for unbarcoded materials.


  • Special requests and requests for specific, unbarcoded items will not use the Fulfil Holds by Item Status setting. A special request may be fulfilled with any item in the collection; the system cannot determine if an item is currently available or not. Similarly, unbarcoded items do not have a status in WMS to check against your policies. Instead, the item's holding and shelving location, material format, the requesting patron's borrower category will be used to determine if the hold can be created based on the existing Fulfil Holds For setting in Collection Type Policy and your library's Hold Pickup Locations Map.
  • Item status restrictions will not apply when checking in an item. Use check in to bypass your Fulfil Holds By Item Status policies, when needed. Checking in an item will fulfill a pending hold even if the item's policy fulfills holds for Available Items Only and another, available copy has not been pulled yet. Likewise, an available item will not appear on the pull list if your policy fulfills holds for Not Available Items Only but, if you choose to pull the material, checking it in will trigger the system to check for any pending holds.

Options include:

Setting Description
Any Item Status (Default)

Items in any status may fulfill requests.

  • Patrons can request any materials otherwise allowed by your policies. Any eligible item at this location may appear on the pull list to fulfill pending requests.
Available Items Only

Only Available items can fulfill requests.

  • Patrons can only request a specific copy shelved at this location if that copy is currently Available and is otherwise requestable.
Not Available Items Only

Only items that are not Available can fulfill requests. 

  • Patrons can only request a specific copy shelved at this location if that copy is currently not available on the shelf and is otherwise requestable.
Available Item Cannot Be Picked Up At Its Home Branch

Select this option if your library wants patrons to retrieve available items without assistance from library staff while still supporting hold requests if the patron wants to pick up the item at a different branch or if the item is currently on loan to a different patron.

If an item is currently Available, then the item's holding location will not be a valid pickup option. If using the Hold Pickup Locations Map, pickup options will otherwise be limited to other location(s) that you have configured. 

  • Patrons can only request a specific copy shelved in this collection if:
    • The copy is currently not Available
    • The copy is currently Available and the selected pickup location is not the item's holding location.
  • If a patron has requested any copy of a title, then available items will not appear on the pull list if the hold's pickup location is the same as the item's holding location.

Reshelving Period

Enter the reshelving period.

  • For the amount of time you enter, the item will have the status of Recently Returned (Available) in WMS.
  • If you do not want to set a reshelving period, enter 0.
  • For more information on how statuses appear to patrons and staff, see Check item status or location.


Use the ADD LOCATION button and enter the following information:

  • Holding Location: Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen. You must select a holding location in order to select a shelving location.
  • Shelving Location: Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen. If an item has a temporary and permanent location in WMS, the circulation policy will use the temporary location.
  • Material Format: Material format is defined in an item's WorldCat record. For more information, see Material Type Names and Codes to determine how the WorldCat record provides material format.

Use the Move Selected Locations option to reorganize your collection type policies by moving your selected rows of locations to an existing rule or to create a new rule.

  • The Move Selected Locations button will only move locations selected within a single rule. If you want to move locations out of multiple rules, you will need to repeat the move procedure for each of the original/source rules.

Related policies

Location Policy depends upon:

Location Policy is related to: