Search WorldCat knowledge base
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Use Discover Collections to search for e-products in the WorldCat knowledge base. The WorldCat knowledge base is a database of electronic resources compiled by OCLC and member libraries.
In the WorldCat knowledge base, you can search for collections, providers, or titles. Depending on what you search for (collections, providers, or titles), your search results will differ. For an explanation on each of the search results screens, see:
Search for collections, providers, or titles
The WorldCat knowledge base is a database of electronic resources compiled by OCLC and member libraries. You can search the knowledge base for specific collections, providers, or titles to order or add to your holdings.
When you search using Discover Collections, it searches through the same content as the Collection Manager search (in the Metadata module). Use the search box to search all items that are available in the global WorldCat knowledge base, including collections you have created and those shared with your institution. You can search for query collections you have created, cataloging partner collections, and batchload collections you have created. Collections are added to the WorldCat knowledge base monthly. For details, see the monthly data updates.
- On the left navigation, click Discover Collections.
- From the list, limit your search to one of the following.
- Collection - A collection is a large group of content that is packaged by a content provider or vendor for libraries to purchase (e.g. e-book collection, aggregated database, e-journal collection). Search for collections by the collection's name and/or name of the provider (e.g., CINAHL, ebrary Academic).
- Title - A title is a resource contained within a collection (e.g., e-journal, e-books). Search for titles by title, ISSN, ISBN, or OCLC number (e.g., Freakonomics, 2380-3630).
- Provider - A provider is the vendor or content provider who supplies the collection. Search for providers by their name (e.g., EBSCOhost, Elsevier).
- The My Selected Collections check box is automatically selected. If you want to search all of the WorldCat knowledge base, deselect the My Selected Collections check box.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
For tips on searching, see Search for collections in Collection Manager.
Collection search results
After you search for a collection collections, providers, or titles, any search results matching the terms you entered will display. From the collection search results screen, you can perform different actions using the sections described below.
Search tabs
The tabs on the side of the screen show any searches you have performed.
- Click on a search to return to it.
- To remove a search, click the x next to the search. All searches are saved until you remove them or sign out of WorldShare.
- To close all searches, click Close All Tabs.
Collection Actions
If the collection is a WorldCat cataloging partner collection you created, you can select the check box next to the collection and perform an action on it.
- After selecting one or more collections, click Collection Actions > Cataloging Partner Collection Activation > Make Selected Active or Make Selected Inactive. For more details, see Filter for cataloging partner collections and perform a bulk collection action.
Filter by
Use the options in the Filter by list to filter your results.
- To filter your results, select a value from the list. Your results will filter automatically.
- To remove a filter, click Reset or select Select from the list.
- For more information on filtering, see Filter your search results.
The number of results you receive and your place in the results list appears at the top and bottom of the results list.
- To refresh the results list, click the Refresh button (
The Collection column displays the collection's name and whether the collection is Customizable or Non-Customizable.
- Click the collection's name to view and edit the collection.
- If the collection is Customizable, you have the option to add individual titles to your holdings from the collection.
- You are unable to add title holdings from Non-Customizable collections. You must select the collection as a whole. See Selections below for more details on selecting collections.
- For information on editing a collection, see Collection-level options and fields.
- Hover over the Question icon to view more information about the collection.
The number of rows per page and page navigation buttons appear at the top and bottom of the results list.
- Select a number from the Rows list to change the number of rows you see per page.
- If there is more than one page of results, use the navigation buttons to move between pages.
The Selections column indicates if the collection has been added to your holdings (and how many titles from the collection are in your holdings).
- To add a collection to your holdings, click Select Collection. This adds all of the titles in the collection to your holdings. If the collection is Non-Customizable, this is the only way to add it to your holdings.
- To remove a collection from your holdings, click Deselect Collection.
- If the collection is Customizable and you want to add individual titles to your holdings, you must click the collection's name and select the titles from inside the collection.
The Sharing column indicates whether you have shared the collection with another institution. If you have shared the collection, the shared icon () is displayed in the column.
- To view the libraries you shared the collection with, click the collection's name. Once you are in the collection, click the Sharing accordion.
Provider search results
After you search for a provider (see Search for collections, providers, or titles), any search results matching the terms you entered will display. From the provider search results screen, you can perform different actions using the sections described below.
Search tabs
The tabs on the side of the screen show any searches you have performed.
- Click on a search to return to it.
- To remove a search, click the x next to the search. All searches are saved until you remove them or sign out of WorldShare.
- To close all searches, click Close All Tabs.
The number of results you receive and your place in the results list appears at the top and bottom of the results list.
- To refresh the results list, click the Refresh button (
The provider column contains the name of the provider and a link to their website.
- Click the URL to go to the provider's website.
The number of rows per page and page navigation buttons appear at the top and bottom of the results list.
- Select a number from the Rows list to change the number of rows you see per page.
- If there is more than one page of results, use the navigation buttons to move between pages.
The Selections column indicates how many of the provider's collections are in your holdings.
- Click the first number, the amount of collections in your holdings, to view all the collections in your holdings.
- Click the second number, the amount of the provider's collections in the knowledge base, to view all of the provider's collections.
Title search results
After you search for a title (see Search for collections, providers, or titles), any search results matching the terms you entered will display. From the title search results screen, you can perform different actions using the sections described below.
Search tabs
The tabs on the side of the screen show any searches you have performed.
- Click on a search to return to it.
- To remove a search, click the x next to the search. All searches are saved until you remove them or sign out of WorldShare.
- To close all searches, click Close All Tabs.
Use the values at the top of the screen to filter your results.
- Select a check box next to a value to apply it to your results. Results are filtered automatically.
- Click Reset to remove all filters, or deselect the check box next to the value to remove it.
The number of results you receive and your place in the results list appears at the top and bottom of the results list.
- To refresh the results list, click the Refresh button (
The Title column displays the item's title.
- Click the Title to view information about the title.
- If the pencil button (
) is shown, you can edit the title. Click the pencil button or the Title to edit the title.
- Hover over the Question icon to view more information about the title.
The Collection column displays the collection's name and whether the collection is Customizable or Non-Customizable.
- Click the collection's name to view and edit it.
- For more information on editing collections, see Collection-level options and fields.
The number of rows per page and page navigation buttons appear at the top and bottom of the results list.
- Select a number from the Rows list to change the number of rows you see per page.
- If there is more than one page of results, use the navigation buttons to move between pages.
The Identifiers column displays the OCLC Number, ISBN, and/or website of the title, if available.
- Click the title's OCLC number to view it in WorldCat.
- Click the pencil button (
) to edit the title in WorldShare Record Manager.
- Click Website to view the title on the provider's website.
The Selections column indicates if the title has been added to your holdings.
- Click Select Title to add the title to your holdings. You can only select titles that are included in a Customizable collection. If the collection the title is in is Non-Customizable, then you must select the whole collection.
- Click Deselect Title to remove the title from your holdings.
Click Add to... in the Action column to:
- Add the item to an order or plan
- Create a purchase request