Creating new usernames
It is possible to create to create user-specific logins for the Amlib client which can then be configured to allow access to only certain modules, screens, menu items and buttons.
View existing usernames
- Launch the Amlib client
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- A list of existing User Names will be visible with the following settings:
field explanation User Name This is the User Name used when logging onto the Amlib client
Locatie The default location that displays when the User logs into the Amlib client (the user may select a different location
Circ at this Location Only
(Y/N)Y This is the User Name used when logging onto the Amlib client
N The default location that displays when the User logs into the Amlib client (the user may select a different location
An indication of the user’s permissions levels setup. Some of the tasks on the system can also be limited using User Level (for example: Attachment security level, default Authority security level , etc), although it is rarely used.
An indication of the user’s permissions levels setup. In older versions some of the tasks on the system could also be limited using User Level (for example: Attachment security level, default Authority security level , etc), although it is rarely used. Thus is no longer an indication in versions 5.3 onwards.
Enter a New User
- Click the F1 New or F2 Insert button – a new entry will appear in the table
- Type in the following:
- User Name – use one word only (for example: CHRIS or CHRISW)
- Location – the default login location of the user
- Circ at this Location Only – Y or N
- Level – the level against a User is used only as a guide
- Click the F3 Save button – the Operator Password screen will display:
- Type in a Password and Confirm Password
- Click the OK button when complete
- Close and restart the Amlib client to allow the new User Name to come into effect
Resetting User Passwords
- Launch the Amlib client
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display
- Highlight the User Name in the table
- Click the F9 Passwd* button – the Operator Password screen will display:
- Type in the new Password and Confirm Password
- Click the OK button when complete
- Click the F3 Save button
- Close and restart the Amlib client to allow the new Password to come into effect
*Please Note: If the F9 Passwd button is not visible – the button will have to be activated for the User who is resetting the password (see below).
User permissions
Amlib client User Names can be configured to allow access to only certain modules, screens, menu items and buttons. Only Users with full Supervisor permissions can edit the permissions for other Users.
View existing user permissions
- Launch the Amlib client
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display
- Highlight a User Name in the table – for example: JOHN
- Click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display:
Menu options
- ViewingMenu: is used to show/hide the buttons that appear on any given screen for the selected User
- ActualMainMenu: lists the modules/screens/options available which could possibly be assigned to the selected User
- CurrentUserMenu: lists the modules/screens/options actually assigned to the selected User (bold for active, grey for inactive)
When a screen/option is selected from the ActualMainMenu, the Give button is used to ENABLE the selection – for example: MassBorrowerChange |
When a screen/option is selected from the ActualMainMenu, the Take button is used to DISABLE the selection – for example: MassBorrowerChange |
When a screen/option is selected from the ActualMainMenu, the green Title button is used to ENABLE access to the module as a whole – for example: Borrower module |
When a screen/option is selected from the ActualMainMenu, the red Title button is used to DISABLE access to the module as a whole – for example: Borrower module |
- If access to certain Titles (modules) is DISABLED, the selected User will see fewer icons on the Top Bar once they log in (the module names will also be greyed out):
Enabling a single username permission
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display
- Navigate to the CurrentUserMenu to see the permissions that the user currently has ENABLED (any options that appear in grey in the menu are permissions that the user does not currently have):
- To enable a permission, navigate to the ActualMainMenu and then to the menu option you wish to grant- this example uses Stockitem > Mass Change
- The chosen menu item will then display in the Menu Chosen box – for example: Stockitems.MassChange
- Click the green Give button
- You can then recheck the setting in the CurrentUserMenu to see if it has been ENABLED (it will be bolded)
- Then close out of the window and restart the Amlib client for the change to have effect
Disabling a single username permission
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display
- Navigate to the CurrentUserMenu to see the permissions that the user currently has ENABLED (any options that appear in bold in the menu are permissions that are enabled):
- To disable a permission, navigate to the ActualMainMenu and then to the menu option you wish to grant- this example uses Stockitem > Mass Change
- The chosen menu item will then display in the Menu Chosen box – for example: Stockitems.MassChange
- Click the red Take button
- You can then recheck the setting in the CurrentUserMenu to see if it has been DISABLED (it will be greyed out)
- Then close out of the window and restart the Amlib client for the change to have effect
Enabling access to an entire module
It is possible to control a user’s access to entire module.
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display
- Navigate to the CurrentUserMenu to see the permissions that the user currently has – any module names that appear in grey in the menu are permissions that the user does not currently have – for example: Authorities, Borrowers and Periodicals amongst others are not permitted for the CIRC Username login example below:
- To enable a module, navigate to the ActualMainMenu and then to the menu option you wish to grant – for example: Borrowers > Borrower
- The chosen menu item will then display in the Menu Chosen box – for example: Borrowers.Borrower
- Select the green Give button and then the green Title button
- Selecting the Current User Menu at this stage will show that you have granted access to the Borrower screen only – you still need to add individual menu screen permissions – for example: History and Memos using the steps outlined above
- Then close out of the window and restart the Amlib client for the change to have effect
Disabling access to an entire module
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display
- Navigate to the CurrentUserMenu to see the permissions that the user currently has – any module names that appear in grey in the menu are permissions that the user does not currently have – for example: Authorities, Borrowers and Finance amongst others are not permitted for the CIRC Username login example below:
- To disable a module, navigate to the ActualMainMenu and then to the menu option you wish to remove – for example: Borrowers > Borrower
- The chosen menu item will then display in the Menu Chosen box – for example: Borrowers.Borrower
- Select the red Take button and then the red Title button
- Selecting the Current User Menu at this stage will show that you have disabled access to the Borrower module
- Then close out of the window and restart the Amlib client for the change to have effect
Enabling/Disabling Buttons
It is possible to show/hide the buttons the user sees on any given screen – this can be used to restrict the user’s ability to perform certain tasks – for example: perform updates or delete records
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display:
- Navigate to the ViewingMenu and then to the menu option you wish to enable/disable buttons for – for example: Borrowers > Borrower – the Borrower buttons menu will display:
The enabled (and therefore visible) buttons will be displayed in green, the disabled (and therefore hidden) buttons are in red.
- To enable (show) a button, simply click a red button with your mouse – the button will then turn green – in the following example, the DELETE button has been enabled:
- Similarly, to disable (hide) a button, simply click a green button with your mouse – the button will then turn red
- Then close out of the button menu, the User Security window and restart the Amlib client for the changes to take effect
Enabling the F9 passwd button on the User Names screen
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to grant a permission to (this will be the operator who is ALLOWED to reset User passwords) and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display:
- From the menu, select ViewingMenu > Supervisor > UserNames – the Sup_UserNames button menu will display:
The enabled (and therefore visible) buttons will be displayed in green, the disabled (and therefore hidden) buttons are in red.
- Click the red PASSWD button with your mouse – the button will turn green:
- Then close out of the button menu, User Security window and restart the Amlib client for the changes to take effect
- The button will now be visible on the User Names screen when the selected User is logged in
Copying permissions from one user to another
It is possible to copy the permissions from another User – for example: copy JOHN’s permissions to CHRIS.
- Go to Main > Supervisor > UserNames – the User Names table will display:
- Highlight the User Name you would like to copy the permissions to (for example: CHRIS) and click the F8 Choose button – the User Security screen will display:
- Click the Copy From… button – a Copy From list will display with all the other Users listed:
- Highlight the Operator whose permissions you would like to copy – for example: JOHN
- Then click the Copy button – a prompt with the following message will display: XXXXX now has the same Menu and Button Security as XXXXX.