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In house statistics

Learn about the In-House process in Amlib which allows libraries to keep statistics and create reports on items used within the Library but not borrowed.

In-House Circulation Option

The In-House process allows libraries to keep statistics and create reports on items used within the Library but not borrowed.

Some libraries collect any items left on tables at the end of each shift change and want to be able to identify materials that are being used but not borrowed.


  1. Access the Statistics Code screen from Main > Supervisor > StatsParams.
  2. Stats Type: 25 is for InHouse Circ (in-house circulation).

In-House Use

  1. Access the In House screen from any Main > Circulation module (Issues, Chute Returns, Reservations, Returns and Transfers).
  2. From the Application Menu select Process In House.
  3. Wand a stockitem/s into the In House Processing screen. This updates the Last Modified date for that stock item and puts an INHOUSE entry in the Item > History, and is counted in Amlib statistics
  4. Scan as many items as required and close the window when finished. The Item history has been updated.

Reporting In-House Use

For example: to see a list of items used in-house in the last 7 days.

  1. From Main > Reports > RepStockitem, choose a Stock item history report. This example uses &stkhis2.qrp.
  2. Select the report and click on F7 Where to edit the Where search parameters
  3. The Where parameter needs to include History Type = INHOUSE and History Date = <specify date> (for example: > (greater than) Current Date – 7 days)
  4. Click on F3 Save when done
  5. F6 Print or F7 View the report.