Set up the 008 tag
Setting up and using the 008 Fixed Length data elements
The 008 – Fixed Length Data Elements consists of coded information that relates to the rest of the Marc Record. This field contains 40 character positions (00-39) that provides coded information. In Amlib the 40 characters range from 1-40 but will contain the same number of characters and should still be accepted by Libraries Australia and other cataloguing agencies. The coding is different for differing Material Types (All Materials and 7 specific groups of Material Types:
- All Materials
- Books
- Computer Files
- Maps
- Music
- Continuing resources
- Visual materials
- Mixed materials
There are areas within the 008 tag to indicate the format, language, publication date and many other details.
There are standard setups for the Material Types. Ensure the standard is followed when setting the Subfields for the various formats using an appropriate reference.
The 008 tag should be included in all Marc records but in particular, it is mandatory when dealing with other libraries or catalogues – for example, when uploading your own library’s records to the Libraries Australia database or WorldCat.
To set up the 008 Tag:
- Go to Authority > Application > Marc Tags
- Select the 008 tag and press F7 SubF
- Select the format from the drop-down list
- Once your template/format has been selected, the details will automatically display.
If you are setting the tag up for the first time (or for the first time for this template/format) you will need to press the ‘generate’ button.
WARNING: After the initial setup, do not use the ‘generate’ button as it will clear any changes you have made. - Insert details as required. See Appendix for example codes for Books and All Materials. Seek standards for other Formats e.g. Library of Congress, National Library of Australia etc.
- Then press update.
- Continue inserting lines as/if required.
- When using the 008 tag in the catalogue record, make sure you select the 008 tag and then click the edit 008 button.
- Select the format.
- Click the ‘Build Mat. Lists’ button.
- The options you have added should be available in the list.
- Select options as required and then click the ‘OK’ button.
All Materials
Start Position |
Length |
1-6 |
6 |
Generated date in yymmdd format – indicates Date of creation of Marc record |
No entry needed |
7 |
1 |
Type of Date. For most records data is derived from information in field 260 |
Enter codes as required |
8-11 |
4 |
Date 1 |
Enter Year From |
12-15 |
4 |
Date 2 |
Enter Year To |
16 - 18 |
3 |
Place of Publication |
Enter Standard code |
Type of Date of Publication Date
7 - Type of date/Publication status
A one-character code that indicates the type of dates given in Fields 7-10 and 11-14.
For continuing resources, also indicates the publication status e.g. Ceased For most records data is derived from information in Tag 260 or Tag 362
- b - No dates given; B.C. date involved (Each character 07-10 and 11-14 contains a blank (#))
- c - Continuing resource currently published (7-10 contains the beginning date of publication, 11-14 contain 9999)
- d - Continuing resource ceased publication (7-10 contain the beginning date of publication; 11-14 contain the ending date of publication)
- e - Detailed date (07-10 contains the year and 11-14 contain the month & day, mmdd)
- i - Inclusive dates of collection
- k - Range of years of bulk of collection
- m - Multiple dates (07-10 usually contain the beginning date and 11-14 the ending date).
- n - Dates unknown Indicates that the dates for 7-10 and 11-14 are unknown (e.g., when no dates are given in Tag 260).
- p - Date of distribution/release/issue and production/recording session when different
- q - Questionable date (07-10 contain the earliest possible date; 11-14 contain the latest possible date)
- r - Reprint/reissue date and original date (07-10 date of reproduction,11-14 contain the date of the original), 11-14 contain code u ("uuuu"), if unknown.
- s - Single known date/probable date (7-10 contain the date,11-14 contain blanks (####).
- t - Publication date and copyright date
- u - Continuing resource status unknown (07-10 contain the beginning date of publication; 11-14 contain code u ("uuuu").
- | - No attempt to code
8-11 - Date 1 – Usually From
- 1-9 - Date digits e.g. Year
- # - Date element is not applicable
- u - Date element is totally or partially unknown
- | - No attempt to code
12-15 - Date 2 – Usually To
1-9 - Date digit e.g. Year
- 1-9 - Date digit
- # - Date element is not applicable
- u - Date element is totally or partially unknown
- | - No attempt to code
16-18 - Place of publication, production, or execution
A 2 or 3 character Standard Marc code that indicates the place of publication, production, or execution. Generally related to information in Tag 260
- Australia at
- Sweden sw
- United Kingdom xxk
- United States xxu
- New York nyu
Specific to Books – lines in BOLD from ALL Materials
Start Position |
Length |
0-6 |
6 |
Generated date in yymmdd format – indicates Date of creation of Marc record |
No entry needed |
7 |
1 |
Type of Date. For most records data is derived from information in field 260 |
Enter codes as required |
8-11 |
4 |
Date 1 |
Enter Year From |
12-15 |
4 |
Date 2 |
Enter Year To |
16 - 18 |
3 |
Place of Publication |
Enter Standard code |
19 - 22 |
3 |
Illustrations |
Enter Standard code |
23 |
1 |
Audience |
Enter Standard code |
24 |
1 |
Form |
Enter Standard code |
25-28 |
4 |
Nature of contents |
Enter up to 4 codes |
29 |
1 |
Government Publication |
Enter single character code |
30 |
1 |
Conference Publication |
Enter single character code |
31 |
1 |
Festschrift |
Enter single character code |
32 |
1 |
Index |
Enter single character code |
33 |
1 |
Undefined |
Blank or Fill character |
34 |
1 |
Literary Form |
Enter single character code |
35 |
1 |
Biography |
Enter single character code |
36 |
3 |
Language e.g. eng |
Enter 3 digit code |
39 |
1 |
Modified record |
Indicate any modification |
40 |
1 |
Cataloguing Source |
Enter single character code |
19-22 – Illustrations
Up to four 1 character codes (alphabetical) that indicate the types of illustrations.
- # - No illustrations
- a - Illustrations
- b - Maps
- c - Portraits
- d - Charts
- e - Plans
- f - Plates
- g - Music
- h - Facsimiles
- i - Coats of arms
- j - Genealogical tables
- k - Forms
- l - Samples
- m - Phonodisc, phonowire, etc.
- o - Photographs
- p - Illuminations
- | - No attempt to code
23- Target audience
A one-character code that indicates the audience for which the item is intended.
- # - Unknown or not specified
- a - Preschool
- b - Primary
- c - Pre-adolescent
- d - Adolescent
- e - Adult
- f - Specialized
- g - General
- j - Juvenile
- | - No attempt to code
24 - Form of item
A one-character code that indicates the form of material for the item.
- # - None of the following
- a - Microfilm
- b - Microfiche
- c - Microopaque
- d - Large print
- f - Braille
- r - Regular print reproduction - Eye-readable print.
- s - Electronic
- | - No attempt to code
25-28 - Nature of contents
Up to 4 one-character codes (alphabetical order) that indicate whether a significant part contains certain types of material. If fewer than four codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and each unused position contains a blank (#).
- # - No specified nature of contents
- a - Abstracts/summaries
The item is or contains abstracts or summaries of other publications. - b - Bibliographies
- c - Catalogs
- d - Dictionaries
This code is also used for a glossary or a gazetteer. - e - Encyclopedias
- f - Handbooks
- g - Legal articles
- i - Indexes
The item is or contains an index to bibliographical material other than itself. - j - Patent document
- k - Discographies
- l - Legislation
The item is or contains full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies or texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies. - m - Theses
Indicates that the item is a thesis, dissertation, or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree. - n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
The item is or contains authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject. - - Reviews
The item is or contains critical reviews of published or performed works. - p - Programmed texts
- q - Filmographies
- r - Directories
- s - Statistics
- t - Technical reports
- u - Standards/specifications
- v - Legal cases and case notes
- w - Law reports and digests
- z - Treaties
Indicates that the item is a treaty or accord negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc. - | - No attempt to code
29- Government publication
A 1 character code that indicating whether the item is published or produced by or for a government agency. If it is, then also indicates the jurisdictional level of the agency.
- # - Not a government publication
- a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
- c - Multilocal
- f - Federal/national
- i - International intergovernmental
- l - Local
- m - Multistate
- o - Government publication--level undetermined
- s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
- u - Unknown if item is government publication
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
30- Conference publication
A 1 character code that indicates whether the item consists of reports, notes of a conference.
- 0 - Not a conference publication
- 1 - Conference publication
- | - No attempt to code
31- Festschrift
A 1 character code that indicates whether the item is a festschrift.
- 0 - Not a festschrift
- 1 - Festschrift
- | - No attempt to code
32- Index
A 1 character code that indicates whether the item includes an index to its own contents.
- 0 - No index
- 1 - Index present
- | - No attempt to code
33- Undefined
Contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)
34- Literary form
Indicates the literary form of an item. Numeric codes 0 and 1 provide a generic identification of whether or not the item is a work of fiction. Alphabetic codes may be used to identify specific literary forms.
- 0 - Not fiction (not further specified)
- 1 - Fiction (not further specified)
- c - Comic strips
- d - Dramas
- e - Essays
- f - Novels
- h - Humor, satires, etc.
Indicates that the item is a humorous work, satire, or of a similar literary form. - i - Letters
Indicates that the item is a single letter or collection of correspondence. - j - Short stories
Indicates that the item is a short story or collection of short stories. - m - Mixed forms
Indicates that the items represents a variety of literary forms (e.g., poetry and short stories). - p - Poetry
- s - Speeches
- u - Unknown
- | - No attempt to code
35- Biography
A one-character code that indicates whether the item contains biographical material, and, if so, what the biographical characteristics are.
- # - No biographical material
- a - Autobiography
- b - Individual biography
- c - Collective biography
- d - Contains biographical information
- | - No attempt to code
36-38 - Language
A 3 character MARC code that indicates the language of the item. The source of the code is MARC Code List for Languages . Choice of a code is based on the predominant language of the item. Three fill characters (|||) may also be used if no attempt is made to code
39- Modified record
A 1 character code that indicates whether any data in a bibliographic record is a modification of information that appeared on the item being cataloged or that was intended to be included in the MARC record. Codes are assigned a priority (recorded in the order of the following list) that determines which code is input when more than one code applies to the item.
- # - Not modified
- s - Shortened.
- d - Dashed-on information omitted
- x - Missing characters
Characters that could not be converted into machine-readable form due to character set limitations are missing from the record. - r - Completely romanized/printed cards in script
- o - Completely romanized/printed cards romanized
- | - No attempt to code
40- Cataloging source - 1
Indicates the creator of the original cataloging record. If the cataloging source is known, it is identified in Tag 040 / subfield a (Cataloging Source).
- # - National bibliographic agency
- c - Cooperative cataloging program
The creator of the bibliographic data is a participant (other than a national bibliographic agency) in a cooperative cataloging program. - d - Other
- u - Unknown
- | - No attempt to code