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OCLC Support

Knowledge base link in WorldCat Discovery goes to a different item or different edition


  • There is a knowledge base link appearing on a record in WorldCat Discovery, but the link goes to a completely different item or wrong edition of the record it is displaying on.

Applies to

  • WorldCat Discovery
  • WorldShare Collection Manager
  • WorldCat knowledge base 


If the link is resolving to a different item or edition, determine if the link is surfacing due to a grouped OCN match, exact title match, or ISSN/ISBN match. Review the following information. You may either do the following steps yourself, or contact OCLC Support for assistance.

  1. First, search Collection Manager for the OCLC number (OCN) of the Discovery record that is displaying the incorrect link. Use the following options:
    Data Type: Title
    Scope: My Selected Collections
    Title Index: Keyword
    Search Term(s): [enter the OCN of the Discovery record that is displaying the incorrect link]
  2. The search results will return titles you have selected in your knowledge base. If no results appear, skip to step 4.
  3. If selected titles do appear, click into the titles in the Collection Manager search results and check to see if the Discovery record's OCN erroneously appears in the Grouped OCNs of any of your selected knowledge base titles. If so, delete the OCN from the grouped OCNs by clicking the red minus icon, wait a few minutes, then check in a private/incognito window to see if the link disappears from Discovery.
  4. If the above doesn't apply, the link may be surfacing due to an exact title match. See: Knowledge base "dummy" collections for steps to add the Discovery record's OCN to a dummy collection.
  5. If adding the Discovery record's OCN to the dummy collection does not remove the link, then the link is likely surfacing due to an ISSN or ISBN match. Sometimes you will also see numerous ISBNs in the grouped ISBN section of a selected knowledge base title. If you locate any incorrect ISBNs, select the red minus icon next to the ISBN you wish to remove, wait a few minutes, then check in a private/incognito window to see if the link disappears from Discovery.

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact OCLC Support with a link to the Discovery record.

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