There are requests in the New for Review queue but I am unable to display them.
- Although there are requests in the New for Review queue, they are not displayed when clicking on the queue.
Applies to
- Tipasa
- WorldShare ILL
Requests which have originated in Discovery and placed by users via My Account may include diacritics which cannot be displayed in Tipasa. These diacritics become symbols in the request. To find these records and correct the diacritics:
1. In Tipasa/Interlibrary Loan Home Screen, go to Search for requests.
2. Select Borrower Symbol from pull-down list and enter
3. Make sure that active requests box is ticked and click on Go.
4. In the results table, click on Record Status to order
5. Look at each title with status Not reviewed to identify requests
6. Remove these symbols
7. Save request.
8. Return to New for Review and select Not reviewed queue to view requests