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OCLC Support

Known issues for My Account

This page lists known issues for My Account. Availability dates are subject to change.

See also Known issues for Tipasa, WorldShare Circulation, or WorldCat Discovery.

Please see the OCLC System Status Dashboard for active issues.

Current issues 

Issue Details
The date format does not reflect my browser preference. To correct this issue, please ensure that your preferred language is correct in your browser and refresh your browser. 

In Chrome, your preferred language will need to be at the top of your list. If you have changed your language and if your currently set language on top of your language list is not reflecting the date formats, then try clearing browser history/cache and restarting your browser.

Please contact OCLC Support if you continue to have this issue.


Fixed issues

Fix date Issue Details
June 12, 2022 For libraries with Tipasa: Off-system copy requests do not include a link to the requested item.    

This was fixed with the June release for Tipasa. See Tipasa Release notes, June 2022.


December 8, 2021 The custom notification color is different in My Account than in WorldCat Discovery.

The color has now been changed to dark gray with white text to match WorldCat Discovery and improve accessibility.

For information on color selections, see Branding & Customization.

December 8, 2021 For libraries with Tipasa: In View Profile, library users can opt out of email notifications, but we do not want them to.

Tipasa email notifications are now all treated as transactional because they are associated with a specific ILL request. Even when a library user opts out of email notifications on the Profile tab, email notifications will still be sent.

For more information, see Notifications.

August 2021 For libraries using IE 11:
  • New ILL requests and status updates do not appear as quickly as expected.
  • The "Need by date" field in the ILL request form does not offer a date picker and does not indicate the required format.
  • Other issues

Support for IE 11 was discontinued in August 2021.

April 28, 2021 For libraries with WorldCat Discovery: Features within My Account take library users to WorldCat Discovery pages that we do not want them to use and/or are not yet configured.

Examples: Search box, saved searches/items/links

All WorldCat Discovery features are accessible to users if your library has a subscription for WorldCat Discovery or FirstSearch.  

You now have the option to hide these features in My Account. See the release notes or Hide WorldCat Discovery features.

March 10, 2021 Chat widget is not displaying in My Account.

When the new My Account was released in June 2020, it did not include the chat option that was available in the former user portal. With the March 10 release, a new floating chat button is now available.

For information about configuring the chat option, see Custom Links.

January 14, 2021 For libraries that do not have Tipasa: Library users see the Request Details link or the Duplicate Request button. These functions are only for Tipasa libraries, so they no longer display.
November 11, 2020 For libraries with WorldShare Circulation: Library users receive an error when loading the Requested tab: “We cannot retrieve your requests at this time.” This error occurred when an item-level Circulation hold contained unexpected enumeration or chronology information.


November 11, 2020 For libraries with WorldCat Discovery: The search box at the top of the page doesn't appear to have a border. A light color that reflects your institution's main brand color is recommended for your secondary (banner and footer) color. However, when a light color or white was selected, the border around the search box wasn't apparent.


October 7, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa: In Safari, the "Need by date" field in the ILL request form does not offer a date picker and does not indicate the required format. Although Chrome and Firefox users are provided with a date picker for selecting a "Need by date", Safari does not support the date picker. The required format is yyyy-mm-dd (including the hyphens) regardless of the browser language or locale.

Safari users now see the hint text "yyyy-mm-dd" within the date field.

Because entry of dates varies by browser, we recommend that you remove any hints about date format from the Field Label. For example:

If the Field Label is... Change it to...
Needed before (yyyy/mm/dd) Needed before
August 26, 2020 For libraries with WorldCat Discovery, searches initiated in My Account that include diacritics currently fail. A fix was installed with the August 2020 release of WorldCat Discovery.
August 5, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa: In View Profile, library users see text options even though our institution has disabled texting.     If your institution has texting enabled in Service Configuration, users see text options in View Profile, but when texting is disabled for your institution, users no longer see text options.
August 5, 2020

For libraries with WorldShare Circulation, the list of pickup locations provided when placing a hold in WorldCat Discovery is different than the list displayed when editing a hold in My Account.

These lists now match.

July 8, 2020 For libraries with WorldShare Circulation or WorldCat Discovery, but without Tipasa: Library users see email and text options that were not present in the past. Although library users can change these options in My Account, changes do not have any effect on notifications.

After the release, these email and text options will no longer be displayed for users at libraries that do not have Tipasa.

July 8, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa only: Article and book titles appear as hyperlinks. If your library does not have WorldCat Discovery, titles should not be hyperlinked.

After the release, these links will no longer display for users at libraries that do not have WorldCat Discovery

July 8, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa: For some ILL requests, no status is displayed on the Requested tab. This occurs for some "Complete" (closed) requests. 

After the release, the status will display for all ILL requests.

July 8, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa: Patron status or department field defaults to incorrect value in patron form. When the patron status or department field is required and it includes a blank default value, the request form does not default to the blank value as expected.

After the release, the blank default will display as expected.

In the meantime, you may want to make one or more of these changes:

  • Edit the Field Label to include a note that alerts users to check that the correct value is selected.
  • Edit the first/blank line to include a note that alerts users to select the correct value.
  • Make the field not required - this will allow the blank line to display, but it will also allow the form to be submitted with a blank value.
July 8, 2020 For libraries with Tipasa: When the Create Request button is clicked, disabled request forms display. Disabled forms should not be accessible in My Account.

After the release, disabled forms will not display.

In the meantime:

  • If your library has disabled all three request forms (e.g., because you currently do not want to receive borrowing requests), the Article form displays. As a workaround, you can edit the Article form to include a note that you are not currently taking requests. Consider using first section header, patron notes field, or copyright declaration field, depending on where you'd like the note to appear.
  • If your library has disabled the Article form, article fields display on the Book form. Consider updating your Article form to serve as your Book form.

Please contact OCLC Support for assistance with making these updates.

July 8, 2020 For libraries with WorldShare Circulation: Users can edit hold-related dates, although these are disabled in Service Configuration. The ability to edit dates should not be provided when this has been disabled in Service Configuration.

After the release, disabled hold date fields will not display.

July 8, 2020 For libraries with WorldCat Discovery: "Import My Lists" is missing from the navigation menu After the release, "Import My Lists" will display as expected.
July 8, 2020 The word "Profile" is overused and confusing. After the release, the navigation menu will be updated to use the terms "My Account" and "Profile" more appropriately. My Account refers to the user interface, and Profile is specific to the Profile page/tab.
July 8, 2020 Errors occur when displaying tabs and lists (e.g., Saved Searches). This issue occurs for some browser languages. 

After the release, tabs and lists will display as expected.

July 8, 2020 NVDA screen reader does not read the Resources or Profile menu. After the release, the Resources and Profile menu will be readable.

In the meantime, please use the Resources or Profile links in the footer.