OCLC profiled groups
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What are profiled groups?
Available with ILLiad, Tipasa, or WorldShare ILL, OCLC's profiled groups are curated lists of libraries that use the OCLC resource sharing network and share common attributes, such as geographic location, membership in an organization, subject matter, or other characteristics. Profiled groups enable more efficient and targeted resource sharing among libraries.
Which libraries are in a profiled group?
Most libraries are members of multiple profiled groups. To view the profiled groups for your library, check the Policies tab within OCLC Policies Directory for Group Affiliations.
For a full list of libraries in a profiled group, search in the OCLC Policies Directory by Group Name or Group Symbol. To view all symbols for the profiled group, click the Display Symbols button at the top of the list.
To add or remove your library from a profiled group, contact the member organization or email oclcresourcesharing@oclc.org.
What are the benefits of using profiled groups?
Profiled groups help you to identify resource sharing partners. Consider which libraries make your best borrowing and lending partners based on geography, group membership, subject matter, or another attribute.
For borrowing
Profiled groups allow you take full advantage of Smart fulfillment, ensuring requests are sent to lenders that are most likely to fill them. The following tips will help you make the most of profiled groups:
- Include profiled groups along with your custom holdings groups in your Custom Holdings Paths for building lender strings. These paths specify which potential lenders receive your requests.
- Use the Automated Request Manager to build smart lender strings and send requests directly to lenders.
- To save costs, include profiled groups that include reciprocal libraries at or near the top of your custom holdings path. Examples include regional groups with reciprocal agreements and Libraries Very Interested in Sharing (LVIS).
- For loan automations, placing profiled groups with libraries geographically close to yours at or near the top of your custom holdings path may make sense.
- For copy automations, place profiled groups with libraries located around the world, e.g., LVIS, at or near the top of your custom holdings path - to make the most of intelligent timing.
For more information, see Smart fulfillment.
For lending
Profiled groups can be used as match criteria for identifying borrowing partners for lending automations. For example, for reciprocal groups that lend to for free, the system can automatically apply constant data with a charge of $0. For more information, see Automated Request Manager for Lending.
Tipasa users can take advantage of profiled groups to automatically place requests from specified groups in special queues for priority borrowers. Examples include groups for which you promise faster turnaround times or charge a specific amount. For more information, see Lending Priorities.
Which profiled groups should my library use?
Consider which libraries make the best borrowing and lending partners based on geography, group or organization membership, subject matter, or other attributes that enable efficient resource sharing.
Recommended profiled groups
Consider these groups for reciprocal borrowing, long loan periods, or e-books, which are managed and regularly updated by OCLC. To join one or more of these groups, email oclcresourcesharing@oclc.org.
Group Symbol | Group Name | Benefits |
EBOK | Whole Ebook Lending |
FILM | Libraries supplying AV materials free of charge |
Libraries with loan periods of 12+ weeks LVIS libraries with loan periods of 12+ weeks |
LVIS | Libraries Very Interested in Sharing |
Full list of profiled groups
Some profiled groups were established many years ago, and OCLC no longer has current contact information for the managing organization. To claim ownership, update the membership list, add a link from this list to your group's website, or suggest removal of a group, please email oclcresourcesharing@oclc.org.
Group Symbol | Group Name |
A$IL | Reaching Across Illinois Lib Sys Group/East Peoria |
A@CS | Associated College of the South |
AACL | Ames Area Cooperative Library |
ABUL | Abilene Library Consortium |
AFSO | Air Force Special Operations Command |
AGCU | Affinity Group of Colleges & University |
AL@N | Arkansas Library Online Network |
ALPU | Aclcp Union List of Serials |
AMBC | Amigos Western Resource Sharing Agreement |
AMGS | Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement Signers |
AMIL | Amical Inter Lending |
ARCH | Atlanta Region Council for Higher Educational |
ARKL | Arkansas Libraries |
ASRL | ASRL (ASN of Southeastern Research Libr) |
ASVU | Arkansas Union List of Serials |
ATUG | American Theological Users Group |
AUNZ | Libraries in Australia/New Zealand |
AZ@N | Aznet, Arizona Library Online Network |
BCIG | PBUQ (Partenariat des bibliothèques universitaires du Québec) & BaNQ |
BCRC | BCR Interlibrary Loan Code Signers |
BGCS | Black Gold Cooperative Library System |
BH#L | Botanical & Horticultural Resource Sharing |
BNGG | Binghamton University Library Group |
BNUL | Bloomington & Normal Cooperative Union List of Serials |
BRDR | Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Group |
BSEC | Blue Sky Express |
BWRI | Broward County Region Interlibrary Loan |
BWUL | Waco Union List of Serials |
CAOS | Washington Research Library Consortium, WRLC |
CAQU | Cooperative Library System, Central Association of Library |
CAYU | Chicago Area Theological Library Association, CATLA |
CDGA | BCR Group Access Project |
CDKU | Capital District Library Council, CDLC, Union List of Serials |
CDNG | Canadian libraries-Bibliothèques canadiennes |
CG@H | Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton Group Access |
CGSA | California Group for Series Access |
CH#P | Chicago Public School |
CI#C | Big Ten Academic Alliance |
CIUL | Chicago Area Theological School Union List |
CKMO | Cokamo |
CL$A | California State Library |
CL@N | Christian Library Association Network |
CLUL | Chile Public Library Union List Group |
CMKC | Chemeketa Cooperative WorldShare ILL Referral Group |
CNRL | The Combined Regions (CONARLS) |
CNYG | Central New York Library Research Council |
CNZL | Connecticut Union List of Serials |
COSL | Cosell |
CRIU | Center for Research Library Union List of Serials |
CRLG | Center for Research Library Group/Linda Hall Library |
CSUC | Consorci CSUC |
CTYU | City University of New York Union List of Serials |
CVGL | Central Virginia Union List of Serials |
D#SG | Danish Serials Group |
D@PL | Reaching Across Illinois Lib Sys/Geneva |
DCCC | Pennsylvania District CTRS Union List |
DELB | Delaware County Library System Borrowing Management Center |
DLNT | Dalnet |
EAST | Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust Shared Print Program |
EBOK | Whole Ebook Lending |
ECAU | Capital Area Network Union List of Serials |
EFTS | EFTS Users |
EP$C | Epscor States Information Network |
EQ$Y | Detroit Cooperative Catalog Group Access |
EURO | Academic Libraries in Europe |
EWMU | Michigan Library Consortium Union List of Serials |
EZ@Z | Mid-Michigan Library League Union Catalog |
FANZ | Free Exchange in Australia/New Zealand |
FEDL | Federal Library & Information Center Group Access |
FILM | Libraries supplying AV materials free of charge |
FLIN | Florida Library Information Network |
FR$B | Federal Reserve Banks Network |
FS@W | FirstSearch In Wisconsin & Minnesota |
FTAB | Tampa Bay Library Consortium Group Access |
GC@N | Canadian Library In OCLC |
GL$D | Georgia Online Database |
GM#L | Greater Midwest Regional Medical Library Network |
GNYS | New York Statewide Group Access |
GS#P | Global Sharing Program |
GWLA | Greater Western Library Alliance |
HCLG | Houghton College Library Union List Group |
HR#L | Hampton Roads Union List of Serials |
HT@L | Reaching Across Illinois Lib Sys/Shorewood |
HTSP | HathiTrust Retention Libraries |
HWSU | Hobart & William Smith Union List / Catalog Agnt Group |
IALI | Academic Library of Indiana |
IC@N | International Coalition on Newspapers |
IDAH | ShareIdaho |
IDSZ | IDS Project |
IHLS | Illinois Heartland Library System |
IL#O | International Labor Organization |
ILLD | OCLC Training & ILLiad Participant |
ILSU | Indiana Libraries |
IM@G | Iowa Multi-Type Access Group, Image |
IP@L | Inland Pacific Ballet Academy Library |
IPBA | Jenner & Block |
IWIR | Iowa Regents Library |
KBIL | OCLC Knowledge Base |
KBWC | OCLC Research Sharing / Knowledge Base Part |
KL#N | Kentucky Library Network |
KTBA | Kentucky Community & Technical College System, KCTCS |
KULU | Kansas Union List of Serials |
L#WA | Illinois Heartland Lib Sys/Carterville |
L@SM | South Metropolitan Regional Higher Education Consortium |
L@TL | Illinois Heartland Lib Sys/Champaign Union List |
LA#G | Louisiana Group Access Project |
LAIL | Libraries Australia ILL |
LAND | NY3Rs Association, Inc |
LAUL | Louisiana Union List |
LB@S | Libras |
LEGL | Legend Legal Electronic Network Database |
LIAU | Libraries in Australia |
LINK | Linkuk Group |
LINZ | Libraries in New Zealand |
LLLL | LVIS libraries with loan periods of 12+ weeks |
LONG | Libraries with loan periods of 12+ weeks |
LPAU | Pennsylvania Law Library Cooperative |
LQCA | Illinois Heartland Lib Sys/Edwardsville |
LQRS | Reaching Across Illinois Libraries/Rails |
LSTR | Library Sharing Transportation Research |
LTBA | Libraries Together and by Association |
LTQR | Latin American Research Research Project |
LVIS | Libraries Very Interested in Sharing |
LVUL | Lehigh Valley Association of Independent College |
LYAC | Lynchburg Area Library Cooperative Union List of Serials |
LYRA | Lyrasys (https://lyrasis.org/) |
M#RA | Massachusetts Library System |
MAGO | MALAmigos |
MALA | Mid-America Library Alliance |
MCLN | Mountain College Library Network |
MDIC | Maryland Independent College & University Association Libraries |
MERL | Mobius Merlin Cluster |
MIGC | Michigan Libraries Statewide |
MIGI | Missouri Interlibrary Loan Group |
MLNB | Massachusetts Library System Borrowing Management Center |
MM#C | Mississippi Library Commission |
MO#L | Mid-Ohio Health Science Library Association |
MOBI | Mobius Missouri |
MRDG | Massachusetts Regional Delivery Group |
N@VY | Consortium of Navy Library |
N8IA | Reaching Across Illinois Lib Sys/Rockford |
NAAL | Network of Alabama Academic Libraries (NAAL) |
NAUL | Alabama Union List of Serials |
NC$A | North Carolina Online Union Catalog |
NC@N | North Carolina & Nebraska Group Access |
NCAL | Norcal |
NE#N | Northeast Florida Library Information Network |
NE$A | Nebraska State Database |
NE@R | Northeast Group Access |
NEAU | Neomarl, NE Ohio Major Academy & Research Library |
NEUL | New England Union List & Group Access Center |
NGAG | NextGen Analytics Group |
NJ@S | New Jersey Sharepac Group |
NLCO | New England Law Libraries |
NLEX | New England Law Libraries Expanded |
NLNP | Dutch Libraries Non-Profit |
NLTP | Dutch Libraries |
NM@X | Newmexus / New Mexico Group Access |
NO$$ | NELINET Online Code $igner$ |
NRFG | Northern New York Library Network |
NS#L | Reaching Across Illinois Lib Sys/Wheeling |
NTBC | North Bay Cooperative Library |
NTWK | Minitex Group Access |
NWGA | Northwest Group Access Program |
NWLI | North West Libraries Inter-lending Partnership (NWLIP) |
NYME | New York City Region Union List of Serials |
NYRN | New York State Region Newspaper Repositories |
NYTG | New York Institute of Technology Group |
NYUL | New York Consolidated Uls |
NYWU | Western New York Union List of Serials |
OBRL | Oberlin Group |
OCAC | Orbis Cascade Alliance Collection Manager |
OCUG | OCUL (Ontario Council of University Libraries) |
OCUL | Oakland County Union List of Serials |
OGLU | Serials In Ohio Union List |
OHIO | Ohio |
OIU# | OCLC ISO Interlibrary Loan Protocol Users |
OLNK | Ohiolink Consortium |
OSUS | Libraries outside of the U.S. |
OTIS | Group Access In Oklahoma |
PAOS | Paisano Consortium of Library Union List of Serials |
PAPL | Pennsylvania Public Library Non District Center |
PASU | Pennsylvania Union List of Serials |
PG@A | Pasadena Group |
PINE | Public Information Network for Electric Services, Pines |
PL@A | Panhandle Library Access Network |
PLCL | Pinnacle Library Cooperative |
RBDA | Reaching Across Illinois Lib System/Coal Valley Group |
RCHW | Mobius Archway Cluster |
RFBP | Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program |
RHLN | Rhode Island Library Network |
RMET | Metro Region Group Access |
RNYG | Rochester Region Research Library Council |
ROHN | Rural Ohio Valley Health Science Library Network |
ROLL | Illinois Heartland Lib Sys/Decatur UL |
RRGC | Capital District Library Council |
RSUN | SUNY Union List of Serials & Interlibrary Loan Group |
S#RE | Share Capcon Group Access Project Group Access |
S6WL | Southwest Florida Library Network |
SABI | Sabinet GAC |
SAIL | San Antonio Colleges Group |
SC$D | South Carolina Library Database |
SC@M | South Central Academy Medical Library Consortium |
SCAT | Southern California Theological Library Association |
SCKB | South Central Kansas Library System Borrowing Management Center |
SCLC | SCELC RILL Participants (Only SCELC institutions may participate in this group.) |
SE@L | Southeast Florida Library Information Network |
SECU | SEC Libraries |
SEOB | SEO Borrowing Management Center |
SHNC | North Carolina Health & Science Library |
SHRP | Shared Print Archiving GAC |
SHRS | Shares Program Group |
SHSI | State Historical Society of Iowa |
SILO | Serials of Illinois Library Online |
SIXX | So6 Group Access / Union List (SOLINET, the Southeastern Library Network) |
SL#N | Soline (SOLINET, the Southeastern Library Network) |
SLXG | Independent School Library Exchange, Group Access |
SMLD | PPL Region 1 |
SMTW | Show ME the World |
SNWL | Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal Library Group |
SNYC | Southeastern New York Library Council Union List of Serials |
SOAR | Serials Online In Arizona |
SP#T | Southeastern Pennsylvania Theological Library Union List of Serials |
SS#V | Southside Virginia Union List of Serials |
SSPG | SCELC Shared Print Participants (Only SCELC institutions may participate in this group.) |
SV#L | Shenandoah Valley Union List of Serials |
SV@L | South-Eastern Virginia Union List |
SW#G | Southwest Virginia Information Network Group |
SW@P | Aminet |
SYGC | Southeastern New York Group Access |
TA#R | Alsa Shared Catalog |
TAEX | Transamigos Express Courier Group |
TAKE | TAE-Kansas |
TNLS | Tennessee Union List of Serials |
TNSH | Tenn-Share GAC |
TPIL | Te Puna ILL |
TRLN | Triangle Research Library |
TUGA | Tulsa Area Library Coop-Talc |
TX@G | Texas Group |
TXAM | Amarillo Public School Libraries |
U4GS | United States Geological Survey Group |
UASM | Mississippi Academy Union List of Serials |
UBUF | SUNY Buffalo Library Group |
UISL | Iowa Union List of Serials |
UKIL | UK Inter Lending |
ULSD | Utah State Library Division |
ULWU | Worcester Area Cooperating Library, WACL |
UTXL | Texas Statewide Union List of Serials |
VA#P | Virginia Private College Union List of Serials |
VA$L | Va$l |
VE$T | Valnet, Va Library Network |
VIVA | Viva |
VRSU | Rochester 3R's Union List of Serials |
W#9N | OCLC Western Union List Group |
WCCB | Washington County Cooperative Library Services Borrowing Management Center |
WCRU | WCIRU Outbound 2 |
WCSU | Wisconsin Union List of Serials |
WSCF | Washington State Correctional Facilities |
WSDC | Eastern Shores Library System Group |
WXEU | West Texas Union List of Serials |
WYZL | Wyoming State Library |
XPRS | California Research Sharing Network |
YGAC | South Central Group Access Group |
YSUU | South Central Region Library Council Union List of Serials |
ZAGA | Municipal Library Consortium St Louis |
ZERO | Nylink Interlibrary Code Group |