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OCLC Support

How do member libraries set holdings?

Applies to
  • Z39.50 Cataloging

OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging users have the following options for returning holdings:

  • Set holdings directly online via Z39.50. This requires that the library’s local Z39.50 client is capable of implementing the OCLC Extended Services Definition of Version 3 (Z39.50-1995). Libraries should consult with their local system vendor and/or system administrator regarding the functionality and configuration of individual Z39.50 clients. Z39.50 clients can currently be programmed to return holdings information by returning the OCLC control number to the OCLC server. This will attach the library's  institutional symbol to the WorldCat record. OCLC will also archive a copy of the WorldCat record for the library issuing the holdings request.
  • Return holdings information via batchload or EDX (FTP). Libraries choosing this option must have the ability to export OCLC-derived Z39.50 records from their local systems and deliver these to OCLC via tape or FTP. OCLC Z39.50 records will be identified by the presence of the “Z0” identifier in the MARC 994 field. The 994 field is generated on export from OCLC and OCLC requests that this field be retained when returning holdings information to OCLC. The presence of the 994 field will insure that OCLC Z39.50 derived holdings will be processed correctly. Each record will then be matched using the OCLC record control number during unique key matching.
  • Libraries that do not currently batchload or deliver holdings information to OCLC via EDX will be required to submit a Batchload Holdings Form through their OCLC regional service provider, along with a sample tape or EDX file for evaluation purposes. Tape and file submittal specifications are included with the batchloading documentation for this service on this Web site. There is an additional fee for the establishment of all new OCLC batchload profiles. Holdings information for OCLC-derived Z39.50 records must always retain the MARC 994 identifier. This will insure optimal sorting and processing of Z39.50 records if these records are combined with records from other sources. Libraries that do not retain the 994 identifier will be required to deliver OCLC Z39.50-derived records as a separate tape or file. Libraries with existing batchload definitions will need to update their profiles and will be required to submit a Batchload Holdings Form to their Regional Networks the first time they submit OCLC-derived Z39.50 holdings. No fee will be assessed if the library is just switching from OCLC Cataloging to OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging as a source of bibliographic records. However, if a library changes its existing automation system or purchases a new one, it will change the way records are exported and this will require a new batchload definition with applicable fees. Consult the batchloading documentation for this service on this web site for specific details on tape and file submittal specifications.
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