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Saved - In Progress bibliographic records

Discover how to save the work that you have done before adding or updating a bibliographic record from the MARC 21 editor in WorldShare Record Manager.

When creating a new MARC 21 bibliographic record or editing an existing one, you can now save the work that you have done before adding or updating the record in WorldCat. After you have saved the record, another user at your institution can search for the saved record and update it using either Record Manager or Connexion.

In Record Manager, the maximum number of records in an online save file is 10,000. The system prevents you from saving a record that would exceed the limit. Records in an online save file do not expire.

Save work in progress

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, update the bibliographic record.
  2. Select Save In-Progress Record from the Save drop-down menu. When a record is successfully saved, the record displays a system-assigned sequential Save File Number.

Save and lock a WorldCat record

You can save a WorldCat record as in progress and lock it at the same time. The lock will expire in 14 days unless you reset it. To reset the lock, resave the record.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, select Save and Lock Bibliographic Record from the Save drop-down menu.
  2. Select a status from the Workflow Status drop-down list.
  3. (Optional). Enter a value in the My Status field.
  4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears which states that the record has been saved and locked. The record then displays a system-assigned sequential Save File Number, the number of days until the lock expires, and a status of locked.

Release a lock on a WorldCat record

When you release a lock on a WorldCat record, the record remains in the save file, and other users can edit it again. Release a lock if you do not want to replace the record with the changes you have made.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, select Release Lock from the Record drop-down menu. The lock on the record is removed; however, the record remains in the save file.

Update a Saved In-Progress record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, update the bibliographic record.
  2. (Optional). Update the Workflow Status or My Status to indicate at what stage of the workflow the record exists.
  3. Save the record.
    • If you want to continue to save the record as in progress, select Save Bib Record - In Progress from the Save drop-down menu.
    • If you want to add the new record to WorldCat, select one of the following from the Save drop-down menu:
      • Add Record to WorldCat - Adds the record to WorldCat
      • Add Record and Set WorldCat Holding (non-WMS libraries option) - Adds the record to WorldCat and sets a WorldCat holding by adding your library's OCLC institution symbol to the record
      • Add Record and Set Holding Audience Level (WMS libraries option) - Adds the record to WorldCat and allows the user to set an audience holding level. Only audience levels that are enabled in the Institution Settings will be displayed in the drop-down.

         Note: An audience level can only be set or changed for a bibliographic record if no LHRs are linked to that bibliographic record.

    • If you want to replace an existing record, select Replace Bibliographic Record from the Save drop-down menu.

Set WorldCat holdings on a Saved - In Progress record

You can set a WorldCat holding for a Saved - In Progress record that has an OCLC number and is not yet held by your library.

 Note: This option is only available if your library has not enabled the WorldCat Holdings Audience Levels functionality. 

  1. From the Record drop-down menu, select Set WorldCat Holding.
  2. The corresponding WorldCat record will display as held by your library.

Delete a Saved In - Progress record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, select Delete Bib Record - In Progress from the Record drop-down menu. A confirmation message appears which states that the record was deleted.