Insert a WorldCat Entity identifier in a bibliographic record
Every WorldCat Entity has a unique identifier known as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For bibliographic records without an identifier in a 100, 110, 600, 610, 647, 651, 700, or 710 field, you can search for a WorldCat entity of an applicable type and insert a $1 link with an appropriate identifier referencing that entity. Identifiers display in the $1 field as a clickable link, which will open in a new browser tab and take you directly to the reference in WorldCat Entities. Inserting an identifier in a 758 field will populate additional subfields.
Insert a WorldCat Entity identifier in a bibliographic record
- Click anywhere in a 100, 110, 600, 610, 647, 651, 700, 710 or 758 field to select it.
Note: For 610, 700, and 710 fields, identifiers should only be inserted for name headings, not titles.
- From the Edit drop-down menu, select Insert WorldCat Entity.
Right-click the selected field and select Insert WorldCat Entity from the right-click menu. - The text of the field you selected (e.g. author name in the 100 field) is automatically carried into the search term box and the search is completed in WorldCat Entities.
- The Insert WorldCat Entity pop-up displays with a list of search results.
- Click the Select Entity button next to a result to insert the identifier for that entity into the bibliographic record.
- (Optional) If no search results are found, you can click Create WorldCat Entity. See Create WorldCat entity for more information.
Note: To use this functionality you must have an OCLC Meridian subscription and the appropriate role assigned to your WorldShare account.
Insert WorldCat Entity identifier to a controlled field
The system will automatically attempt to add WorldCat Entities uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to WorldCat records when a candidate heading or headings are controlled. Candidate headings include those in the following fields: 100, 700 (name only), and FAST headings tagged 600, 647, and 651. If no $1 link is added for a candidate heading, please search for the entity and manually add the identifier if found. If a $1 link you believe to be incorrect has been automatically inserted into a candidate heading, please contact with details.
- Expand a controlled field by clicking on the arrow (
) directly to the left of the field.
- Open the Subfield drop-down menu and select Real World Object URI ($1).
- In the Value field, copy or type in the WorldCat Entity identifier (URI).
- Click Done.