Export MARC 21 records
You can export a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record using a TCP/IP connection or by downloading the file through your browser.
You can export a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record:
- Using a TCP/IP connection (export immediately from the Edit WorldCat record page or export records in a list)
- Downloading the file through your browser (export records in a list)
Your export lists are viewable by other users in your institution unless the My List feature has been enabled. Any export lists that have not been modified in the last 30 days are automatically deleted to clean up expired lists.
Note: All exported bibliographic records will include embedded local bibliographic data fields.
- Add a bibliographic record to an export list
- Discover how to add a bibliographic record to a new or existing export list in WorldShare Record Manager.
- Create an export list
- Discover how to create an export list in WorldShare Record Manager.
- Delete bibliographic records from the export list
- Discover how to delete an individual record, multiple records, or all records from an export list in WorldShare Record Manager.
- Export bibliographic records from an export list
- Discover how to export individual or multiple bibliographic records using TCP/IP as well as how to export multiple bibliographic records to your local machine in WorldShare Record Manager.
- Export preferences
- Discover how to set preferences for general, international, TCP/IP, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) export in WorldShare Record Manager.
- View export lists
- Discover how to view bibliographic record export lists in WorldShare Record Manager.