Why are links not displaying in WorldCat Discovery for a selected collection in WorldShare Collection Manager?
- You have selected a collection in WorldShare Collection Manager, but links from that collection are not showing in WorldCat Discovery
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
- WorldShare Collection Manager
The links may not appear if the record format in WorldCat Discovery doesn't match the format in WorldShare Collection Manager. For example, an eBook in Discovery won't display a journal's Knowledge Base link, even if it shares an OCLC number. If this is the case, contact OCLC Support to have the format corrected.
Additionally, if multiple titles across different collections have identical URLs and coverage information, then the knowledge base will de-duplicate these links and will randomly choose one of the links to display in WorldCat Discovery, causing a link from a selected collection to not appear.
Additional information
Display full-text links and elevate links from a specific provider